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Aktiva åtgärder för att motverka trakasserier och sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen
Sverige är ett land med hög jämställdhet, men trots det finns det fortfarande brister inom arbetslivet vad gäller oönskade beteenden på arbetsplatsen. Lagen och regleringen är utspridd och inte helt enkel att förstå, vilket gör det svårt för arbetsgivare att aktivt arbeta för att motverka oönskade beteenden. Vidare ser trakasserier och sexuella trakasserier olika ut i olika branscher. Syftet med dSweden is a country with a high level of gender equality, but despite this there are still shortcomings in working life in terms of unwanted behaviour in the workplace. The law and regulation are scattered and not entirely easy to understand, which makes it difficult for employers to actively work to counter unwanted behaviour. Furthermore, it has been shown that harassment and sexual harassment l
Towards sustainable heavy-duty transportation : Combustion and emissions using renewable fuels in a compression ignition engine
Transportation should become sustainable and available to everyone. Currently, transportation accounts for approx. one sixth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally, and heavy-duty trucks are responsible for almost 30% of that. When fossil diesel fuel is burned in a compression ignition engine, known as a diesel engine, it releases large amounts of CO2, a GHG, into the air. GHGs confine heat in
Skatterättslig tolkning i ljuset av BEPS-åtgärderna
Ett av de mest effektiva sätten för stater att samla in intäkter till statskassan är genom beskattning. Detta även om värdeskapandet sker utanför landets gränser. Problemet brukar benämnas för dubbelbeskattning. Som en följd av detta uppstår det från ett mikroperspektiv en osäkerhet för skattskyldiga vid gränsöverskridande transaktioner. Från ett makroperspektiv äventyras även potentiella investerOne of the most effective ways for states to raise revenue for their treasury is through taxation. This is even if the value creation takes place outside the country's borders. The problem is usually referred to as double taxation. As a consequence of this, from a micro perspective, uncertainty arises for taxpayers in cross-border transactions. From a macro perspective, potential investments b
Aging of Self-Assembled Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices : Effects on Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer
Excitonic coupling, electronic coupling, and cooperative interactions in self-assembled lead halide perovskite nanocrystals were reported to give rise to a red-shifted collective emission peak with accelerated dynamics. Here we report that similar spectroscopic features could appear as a result of the nanocrystal reactivity within the self-assembled superlattices. This is demonstrated by study
Superlattices are greener on the other side : How light transforms self-assembled mixed halide perovskite nanocrystals
Perovskite nanocrystal superlattices (NC SLs) are the nearest real-world approximations to monodisperse NC ensembles. NC SLs thus represent ideal model systems for evaluating the optical and structural stability of CsPb(I1−xBrx)3 NCs at a macroscopic level. Here, photoinduced changes to CsPb(I1−xBrx)3 NC SLs (0 < x < 1.0) are probed via in situ photoluminescence, X-ray diffraction, and electron mi
Geometrical influence on Hg determination in wet sediment using K-shell fluorescence analysis
To quickly identify maritime sites polluted by heavy metal contaminants, reductions in the size of instrumentation have made it possible to bring an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer into the field and in direct contact with various samples. The choice of source-sample-detector geometry plays an important role in minimizing the Compton scattering noise and achieving a better signal-to-noise ratio
A Swedish Philhellenic Pamphlet from 1821 : "Will you let that sacred voice that echoes in the tender Swedish heart cry out in vain?”
The first volume of Grifos is a publication of a rare, anonymously published philhellenic pamphlet from the year 1821. It was printed in Stockholm, yet it has hitherto remained uncollected by the scholarly community. The pamphlet is published here for the first time with an English translation and a commentary by George Kalpadakis and Vassilios Sabatakakis. In their introduction the authors plac
Vedanatomisk analys för C14analys av tre brunnar i Härslöv, Skåne
Vedanatomisk analys av en panelmålning
Vedanatomisk analys samt uttag för C14-analys av drivtimmer från norra Grönland
Dendrokronologisk analys av material från arkeologisk undersökning av stadsmuren och en medeltida hamn i Kalmar stadspark
Vedanatomisk analys för C14 analys inom projektet fjärrvärme Eslövv-Lund, Odarslöv RAÄ 15 med flera
Fornborgar i Halland - Morfologi, klassificering, kulturlandskap och regionalitet
This thesis studies hallandic hillforts through both field research and computer analysis. The research questions concern morphology, classification, cultural landscape, and regional variation. The purpose of this thesis is to create a more developed and nuanced image of the hill forts, starting by mentioning them as enclosures (hägnadsanläggning) instead of hill fort (fornborg). By dividing the e
From Hospitium to Hybridisation: The acquisition, adoption, and transformation of Roman zoomorphic forms in Barbaricum
This text is an attempt to re-evaluate the significance of Roman imports in Scandinavian contexts as well as to answer overarching questions concerning frontier zones, and the building of core-periphery relationships. This is achieved by applying the Roman concepts of hospitium and dona militaria as well as theoretical frameworks such as provincial ritual practices and cultural hybridisation to a
Justifying or Excusing Humanitarian Intervention? - An Examination of Whether the Law of State Responsibility Can Accommodate the Domestic Justification-Excuse Distinction
Till försvar för humanitär intervention har det hävdats att dessa är ’olagliga men rättfärdigade’ och ’olagliga men ursäktade’. Ett sätt att förstå yttrandena är att humanitär intervention är olagligt eftersom det är förbjudet enligt folkrättens primära regler. Trots att folkrätten förbjuder humanitär intervention är agerandet inte ’rättsligt felaktigt’, det är rättfärdigat. Motsvarande, trots attIn defense of humanitarian intervention, it has been claimed to be ‘illegal but justified’ and ‘illegal but excused’. One way of understanding such claims is that humanitarian intervention is illegal since existing primary rules of international law prohibit such intervention. While international law prohibits humanitarian intervention, the act is not ‘legally wrongful’; it is justified. Correspon
Adherence to the EAT-Lancet diet, genetic susceptibility, and risk of type 2 diabetes in Swedish adults
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In 2019, the EAT-Lancet Commission proposed a mainly plant-based diet that nurtures human health and supports environmental sustainability. However, its association with type 2 diabetes (T2D) has not been widely studied, and it remains unclear whether genetic susceptibility for T2D can modify this association. The aim was therefore to investigate the association between the EA
Coupling of dual channel waveform als and sonar for investigation of lake bottoms and shore zones
In this work, we proposed to include remote sensing techniques as a part of the methodology for natural lake bottom mapping, with a focus on the littoral zone. Due to the inaccessibility of this zone caused by dense vegetation, measurements of the lake bottom and the coastline are also difficult to perform using traditional methods. The authors of this paper present, discuss and verify the applica
Fienden : Sveriges relation till Ryssland från vikingatiden till idag
En kronologisk genomgång av Sveriges förhållande till Ryssland från vikingatiden till nutiden.
Begränsning av skadeståndsansvar i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden - med särskilt fokus på en parts underlägsna ställning
Kommersiella avtalsvillkor kan på grund av oskälighet jämkas eller lämnas utan avseende mot bakgrund av 36 § AvtL. Enligt AVLN kan sådana avtalsvillkor även förbjudas på marknadsrättslig grund. Vid tillämpningen av 36 § AvtL samt AVLN ska särskild hänsyn tas till om en part intar en underlägsen ställning i avtalsförhållandet. De aktuella lagrummen kan tillämpas på flera olika typer av avtalsvillkoAgreement clauses used in commercial contracts can be considered unreasonable in accordance with section 36 in the Contracts Act. In accordance with the paragraphs in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, the further use of such unreasonable clauses can also be forbidden. The application of section 36 in the Contracts Act, and the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, sha