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The power of slurs in reported speech: A survey-based study of native speaker intuitions

When slurs are used in indirect reports (e.g., ‘Lisa said that Tom is a [slur]’), there is a disagreement between theories of language about which speaker is responsible for the derogatory content and offensive potential of the slur — the original speaker or the reporting speaker. This debate is specific to slurs and does not typically extend to non-slur pejoratives. To examine this issue, this th

The struggle of staying young: How heritage brands can utilize cobranding as a way to rejuvenate.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how co-branding can be utilized by heritage brands to rejuvenate. The aim is to develop the current understanding of how heritage brands engage in co-branding and the motives for rejuvenating the brand. Design/Methodology/Approach: This conceptual paper adopts a theory about the five elements to identify heritage brands as first introduced by Ur

Simultaneous Bayesian parameter estimation and particle-tracking including calculation of mis-linking probabilities

Since 1994 super-resolution microscopes enable us to visualize processes in the nanome- ter regime where bio-molecules work. Consequently, there is a great need for methods analyzing the generated data to transfer the motion of molecules, seen as white dots, into trajectories. Important steps in understanding bio-molecular behavior are first the detection of those and then generating trajectories

Nyhet, information eller reklam? En interdiskursiv analys av kommuners pressmeddelanden

The study aims to clarify and examine signs of interdiscursivity between Swedish municipal press releases and three other types of texts that relate to the press releases: informative texts, marketing texts and journalistic texts. Based on results from text analysis, emerging linguistic patterns are investigated. I discuss whether these patterns can be interpreted as discourse conventions, and whe

Managing brand crisis caused by unfounded rumors on social media: effective corporate communication strategies and time frame applications

Purpose: To examine which communication strategy is effective and should be adopted when organizations face brand crises generated by the spread of unfounded rumors on social media. Methodology: This study was based on secondary data, based on the comparison of different case studies. Findings: Since the spread of unfounded rumors through social media represents a new threat and can lead to brand

Esports brand shortcomings and opportunities

Purpose: Esports is a young industry that is experiencing an enormous boom in popularity. However, negative public perceptions are abundant, and there is a distinct lack of literature discussing esports from the branding perspective. This paper examines the shortcomings of esports brands and discusses opportunities to improve the public opinion on the industry. Methodology: Literature review, qual

Genetic resistance against the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)

Rusta sockerbetor för strid Sockerbetans främsta användning är för produktion av socker. De senaste 100 åren har man genom förädling ökat sockerhalten. Idag fortsätter optimeringen av sockerhalten, men förädlingen fokuserar även på andra områden såsom resistens mot skadeinsekter och virus. Persikbladlusen är en bladlus som kan angripa bland annat sockerbetan och sprida virus med stora ekonomiska Myzus persicae Sulzer is viewed as a pest since it feeds on crops and spreads viruses which affect yield if not dealt with in time. M. persicae is a vector for over 100 viruses. One such virus is called Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV) which affects the leaves of sugar beet. Symptoms start with chlorosis at the tip of the leaf and spread until the whole leaf is yellow, brittle and thick. This resu

Rödslam i svenska kraftverk - Problematik och potentiella lösningar

Många vattenkraftverk i Sverige är uppbyggda med dammar som är designade för att läcka en viss mängd vatten baserat på materialet de är byggda med. Flödet av läckagevattnet mäts för att säkerställa dammens funktion, men vid många kraftverksdammar är mätbrunnarna och dräneringsrör fyllda med en rödbrun sörja som kallas rödslam. Rödslammet gör det omöjligt att mäta flödet korrekt, och kan i värsta fMany hydroelectric plants in Sweden are built using dams that are designed to leak a certain amount of water based on the material they are built with. The flow of the leakage water is measured to ensure proper function of the dams, but at several dams the measuring wells and drainage pipes are clogged with a red-brown sludge called Iron Ochre. The build-up of iron ochre is caused by specific bact

Accurate Simulation of a Collaborative Robot Arm with Cartesian Impedance Control

Simulation of systems is used in several fields of science as a tool for safe and resource-efficient testing, as well as a tool for prediction. In this thesis, the goal is to produce an accurate simulation of a collaborative robot arm, together with a controller solution. The robot is supposed to learn and perform contact-rich tasks. Impedance control is often the suggested control strategy for su

Utan tvekan är det så … En studie av modala adverb i spanskan och deras svenska översättningsmotsvarigheter

Syftet med detta masterarbete är att kartlägga de svenska översättningsmotsvarigheterna till de spanska modala adverben SIN DUDA (’utan tvivel’), med varianterna SIN DUDA ALGUNA, SIN NINGUNA DUDA och SIN DUDA NINGUNA (’utan något tvivel’), och DESDE LUEGO (’naturligtvis’). Materialet som undersöks är Europarl Corpus, en parallellkorpus med förhandlingsreferat från Europaparlamentet. Deskriptiva an

Mainstreaming the Sweden Democrats - mapping changes and continuities in party ideology 1989-2019 through discourse analysis

Much academic literature has explained the success of radical right parties across Europe in the last few decades through the increased importance of the sociocultural, conceptualised as the GAL-TAN, or libertarian-authoritarian, scale. The late rise of the Sweden Democrats, long considered an exception to the rule, as a successful radical right party, has attracted some academic interest and

To Change or not to Change: A Qualitative Analysis of the Executive Search Industry’s Strategic Responses to Artificial Intelligence

The usage of Artificial Intelligence is gaining popularity in many industries nowadays, triggering professionals to communicate about these disruptive changes in their industries. One industry has been looked at more profoundly: the executive search industry. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain more insight into the exploration of communicated strategies by professionals

Testing the potential to evaluate vegetation optical depth with ecosystem water dynamics in a temperate forest

Warming trends have been associated with drought which induces and heightens agents and factors that cause tree mortality. Remotely sensed observations are increasingly being used in vegetation studies and are obtained from Earth observation satellites. Vegetation optical depth (VOD) is one such product and is obtained from the microwave domain, both passive and active. It measures the degree of a

Solidarity in Conflict - Organised non-EEA workers, trade unions and labour rights within the Swedish wild berry industry

Every year, around 3000-6000 mainly low-income farmers, travel from Northeastern Thailand in search for wild berries in the rural parts of Northern Sweden. There has been a process of inclusion of these seasonal migrant workers into the Swedish labour market structure, since around the turn of the millennium. The aim of this study is to explore alternative answers as to why the formal inclusion pr

Dialling up women farmers’ empowerment vis-à-vis agriculture: Exploring the effects of mobile phones in rural India

Despite women being the backbone of the agricultural sector in India, the patriarchal agrarian system poses major obstacles and challenges specific to women farmers with consequences well beyond the individual. This research aims to explore how mobile phones can empower rural women vis-à-vis agriculture. Taking the lens of Feminist Theory, the ambition of this research is to study real-life expe

Arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen Malmö stad, IFO insats - öppenvård vuxna missbruk, - En studie om öppenvårdens omorganisation

Denna uppsats avhandlar IFO insats - öppenvård vuxna missbruk, som är en organisation tillhörande Arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen Malmö stad. IFO står för Individ och Familjeomsorg, och är en insats klienter kan bli beviljade under missbruksproblematik. Vi kommer i denna uppsats beteckna denna organisation med “IFO insats”. Under 2019 påbörjades en diskussion kring öppenvården i Malmö. En

Climate change adaptation and urban development: a genealogy of flood risk management in Glasgow

As cities increasingly implement climate change adaptation (CCA) projects, it is important to assess the potential long-term consequences of urban climate adaptation on socio-economic inequalities. As CCA is still in its infancy, observing long-term impact can be challenging. In this context, the historical study of past flood risk management (FRM) measures provides a useful proxy. This study uses

The Capability Approach through the lenses of German development NGOs - A case study of NGOs in the German development cooperation sector

The Capability Approach (CA) has been increasingly gaining popularity amongst scholars and policy-makers, offering an alternative to the so far predominant position of the GDP as the primary measure of human development. The CA is a normative framework which can be used as a basis to conceptualize and evaluate socio-economic and political phenomena such as inequality and human well-being. One of t

Vocational Training and Employment: A literature review

This paper analyzes the relationship between vocational training and subsequent employment. This is done through a review of the published literature on the subject. Various studies are reviewed in order to present a picture of what the current understanding is of the effects vocational training has on employment. The results indicate that there is evidence to suggest an easier transition from sch