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Distriktssköterskans upplevelse av faktorer som kan påverka kommunikationen i telefonrådgivningen

Förutom kunskaper inom medicin och omvårdnad krävs det att distriktssköterskan i telefonrådgivningen har god förmåga till kommunikation. Studiens syfte var att undersöka distriktssköterskans upplevelse av faktorer som kan påverka kommunikationen i telefonrådgivningen. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod i form av nio halvstrukturerade intervjuer i en stad i södra Sverige. Att göra bedömningar

Nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess - Domstolens bedömning vid dödligt respektive livsfarligt nödvärnsvåld

Nödvärnsrätten stadgas i 24 kap. 1 § BrB. En handling som företagits i en nödvärnssituation är tillåten så länge den inte är uppenbart oförsvarlig. Om den angripne handlar uppenbart oförsvarligt, det vill säga nödvärnsexcess, går personen ändå fri från ansvar om denne svårligen kunde besinna sig. Detta fastställs i 24 kap. 6 § BrB. I denna uppsats undersöks vilka principer som styr domstolens föThe right of self-defense is stated in Chapter 24 section 1 in BrB (the Swedish penal code). An action taken in self-defense is allowed as long as it is not obviously unjustifiable. If the act is obviously unjustifiable, i.e. excessive self-defense, the attacked person can still avoid responsibility if the circumstances were such that he could hardly control himself. This provision is stated in Ch

EKMR som (o)befintligt verkställighetshinder - EKMR som grund för att neka överlämning enligt en europeisk arresteringsorder

Inom den Europeiska unionen har ett samarbete instiftats avseende överlämning av individer som är misstänka för brott eller för verkställighet av ett frihetsberövande straff. Institutet benämns som en europeisk arresteringsorder och har införts för att individer inte ska undgå straff och för att effektivisera överlämningsprocessen. Framställningen granskar kritiskt om svenska domstolar beaktar dThe European Arrest Warrant, EAW, is an instrument for cooperation between the member states of the European Union, regulating the surrender of individuals from one member state to another for criminal prosecution or enforcement of a penal sentence. It’s purposes are to prevent individuals from evading penal sentences or prosecution by using the free movement and to offer a high level of security

Den nya regeringens betydelse för Rohingyas i Myanmar

Syfte med uppsatsen är att få ökad insyn i och förståelse för varför Rohingyas situation inte förbättrats när landet genomgår en demokratiseringsprocess och har en demokratiskt vald regering vars de facto ledare i det närmaste har framstått som en ikon för mänskliga rättigheter. Studiens fokus kommer ligga på militärens agerande mot Rohingyas, samt hur de legitimerar de ingrepp som skett sedan okt

Ubiquitination of pro-IL-1β in response to GAS infection of macrophages

Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification process that has a very important role in the homeostasis of eukaryotic cells. Linkage-specific ubiquitination determines the final destination of modified protein. Ubiquitination has also been reported to regulate inflammasome function and IL-1β degradation. Secretion of IL-1β by macrophages in response to inflammasome activation is a key proces

Wishing for better jobs: Understanding the mismatch between education and youth employment in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the second most populated country on the continent of Africa, with a high density of young people. Its economy remains largely based on agriculture, however, in recent years, slow structural change can be seen. Concurrently, youth education has been on the rise. Due to this phenomenon, the educated youth are now trying to match their skills with current employment opportunities. As a c


Mikrokosmos. En underlig plats styrd av kvantmekanikens märkliga lagar, och där all vår vardagliga intuition raskt kastas ut genom fönstret. Under 1900-talet har vår förståelse av denna främmande värld ökat något enormt, vilket mot senare halvan av århundradet kulminerade i formuleringen av den så kallade standardmodellen. Standardmodellen är den vetenskapliga teori som utgör grunden för vår förstWe consider a two Higgs doublet model with a U(1) Froggatt Nielsen mechanism. The Froggatt Nielsen charges of the fermions are chosen such that the correct mass structure and quark mixing matrix is obtained, and such that Flavor Changing Neutral Currents are within experimental limits. We do not assume any discrete symmetry of the lagrangian, and let Charge Parity be violated, both in the Higgs se

Analytic and Non-Analytic Decision Making in Novice & Expert Entrepreneurs. A comparison across entrepreneurial scenarios

This study explores entrepreneurial decision-making with respect to non-analytic and analytic behaviour among novice and expert entrepreneurs. In order to understand and categorise subcomponents, or strategies, of these two styles of decision-making think-aloud protocols were used. By exploring and comparing behaviour within various entrepreneurial scenarios, and segmenting it using precise catego

Counting Your Chickens Before They Hatch - How to Manage Rapid Venture Growth Ensuing from “Blockbuster” Crowdfunding Campaigns

Research Problem:​ While research on rapid venture growth has mostly focused on high-growth firms in later stages of development, the topic has become increasingly important to understand for new ventures as well. With the establishment of crowdfunding as an alternative source of financing, companies have access to tools that enable quick expansion of their marketing, funding and distribution capa

Grönyta och biologisk mångfald i urbana trädgårdar - En studie av privatägda trädgårdar i Lunds tätort

I svenska städer besår cirka 50 % av städernas grönytor av parker, kyrkogårdar, parkleder, men även av trädgårdar. Den här studien visar att äldre trädgårdar är större och grönare. Varför är då privata trädgårdar i urbana miljöer av intresse? Privatägda trädgårdar bidrar i stor utsträckning till den totala andelen grönyta i urbana miljöer. Grönytor bidrar till infiltration av dagvatten, vilket min

Vietnamese Mumpreneurs? Middle-class Mothers Negotiating Motherhood and Work in Northern Vietnam

This thesis explores the construction of motherhood in Northern Vietnam and how motherhood influences engagement with digital entrepreneurship. The study relies on 10 in-depth interviews with middle-class mothers of young children in urban areas in Northern Vietnam, who are currently running online businesses through Facebook. Existing literature on motherhood in Vietnam has placed motherhood with

Retinal transcriptome analysis of four owl species: Longeared owl (Asio otus), Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus), Tawny owl (Strix aluco) and Boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)

Owls (Strigiformes) are birds that typically have crepuscular or nocturnal activity patterns. Even though birds are known to have an exceptional visual system, less is known about specific adaptations to vision in dim conditions. Here, by using retinal transcriptome sequencing, the visual gene pathway has been analyzed in four owl species: Long-eared owl (Asio otus), Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus

Deep mining of a complex antibody pool binding Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia cells

Monoclonal antibodies represent an attractive approach for treatment of cancer. Phage display is a very powerful technique to display large antibody libraries, which can be used to isolate therapeutic antibodies. Panning of phage display libraries against cells generates complex antibody pools, and direct screening of such pools typically identifies high-frequent antibodies against highly expresse

The Transcription of Foreign Personal Names into Kanji

This study relates to the transcription of foreign personal names into kanji in Japanese. The study is based upon a paper where Tokimoto & d’Arcais (2000) confirmed three working principles when natives transcribe place names written in hiragana: that jukugo reading will be preferred over juubako reading, that as few kanji segmentations as possible will be used, and that the names will be segm

Evolution of sex chromosomes and sex-biased gene expression

Sex chromosomes are chromosomes that carry vital sex-determining genes. Different sex determination systems and sex chromosomes have evolved from autosomes independently in different taxa; nevertheless, they share strikingly similar characteristics. Sex chromosomes undergo somewhat unique evolutionary processes due to paucity in recombination and transmission through only one of the sexes. As a re

Tilting - Hur ilska påverkar prestation i tävlingsinriktade multiplayerspel

Tilting är en vanlig term inom världen av tävlingsinriktade tvspel, dock har det inte forskats mycket om ämnet. Syftet med den här studien är att klargöra om folk känner att deras prestation i ett tävlingsinriktat multiplayerspel negativt påverkas av ilska, och vice versa. En onlineenkät publicerades på forum dedikerade till specifika tävlingsinriktade spel, där deltagarna fick svara på frågor om Tilting is a common term in competitive video gaming, although not much research has been conducted on the subject. The aim of this study is to ascertain whether people feel that their performance in a competitive video game is negatively affected by anger, and vice versa. An online survey was published on forums dedicated to certain competitive video games, within which the subjects answered ques

On Distributed Maximization of Influence in Social Networks

This thesis studies the problem of finding the optimal placement of a directed link in a graph representation of a social network in order to maximize the induced gain of the opinion equilibrium. The model assumes the presence of a set of stubborn nodes and applies a standard DeGroot opinion dynamics model. First we show that an added directed link should point to a stubborn node in order to maxim

RT-Bench, Improved Understanding of Application Performance with Memory Storage

By implementing efficient and smart schedulers in our software systems with multiple threads we can make applications run faster and much more efficiently. There is however a lot of caution when adopting and implementing scheduling algorithms, like limited preemptive scheduling or PD2, due to the uncertainty they may cause on advanced and complex systems. In fact, most algorithms are tested to pro

Earnings Management under IFRS

Title: Earnings Management under IFRS Date of seminar: 2017-05-29 Authors: David Backaliden & Ragnar Nilhag Supervisor: Peter W. Jönsson Keywords: Earnings Management, Discretionary Accruals, Jones Cash Flow Model, IFRS, Conservatism. Purpose: To investigate how the introduction of IFRS for listed companies in Sweden has affected Swedish listed companies' use of earnings management.

Att stå vid sidan av - Personers upplevelser av att vara närstående vid palliativ vård – en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: av de som dog i Sverige 2010 var åttio procent i behov av palliativ vård. De flesta hade närstående vid sin sida. Tidigare forskning har visat att närstående upplever höga krav utifrån att bli vårdare och tvingas således in i en vårdande roll, med bristande stöd från vårdpersonal. Syfte: att beskriva personers upplevelser av att vara närstående vid palliativ vård. Metod: en litteraturstu