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Protection against cold in prehospital care — thermal insulation properties of blankets and rescue bags in different wind conditions

Introduction: In a cold,wet, or windy environment, cold exposure can be considerable for an injured or ill person. The subsequent autonomous stress response initially will increase circulatory and respiratory demands, and as body core temperature declines, the patient’s condition might deteriorate. Therefore, the application of adequate insulation to reduce cold exposure and prevent body core cool

The positive impact of negative role models

The attitude of teachers towards students can vary substantially in relation to different factors, such as educational background, pedagogical training, teaching methods, etc. In this paper, we explore the impact of negative role-models on future teaching. In particular, past experiences of teachers as students as well as the contextual influence of other teachers on their future teaching has been

When birth turns to loss and grief - experiences, views and care in neonatal end-of-life practice.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens syfte var att kartlägga den vård vårdpersonalen i Sverige praktiserar när nyfödda barn är döende och dör; samt belysa hur svenska kvinnor upplevt hot om och förlust av sitt nyfödda barn och vården de erhållit; ett ytterligare syfte var att utforska muslimska kvinnors uppfattning om den i Sverige praktiserade neonatala vården i livets slut. De professionelThe aim was to describe the neonatal end-of-life practice and illuminate Swedish women's lived experiences of the threat and the reality of their neonate's dying and death as well as the care received. A further aim was to explore Muslim women's view of current Swedish neonatal-end-of-life care. In a questionnaire with close-ended questions 144 registered nurses described their experiences, behavi

60 GHz System-On-Package Antenna Array with Parasitic Microstrip Antenna Single Element

In this paper microstrip antenna for 60 GHz on LTCC is presented. Special techniques are used to satisfy the antenna specification in wide bandwidth (7 GHz, from 57 GHz to 64 GHz) and high gain (15 dBi). An increase in bandwidth is achieved by using aperture the coupling and the multilayer structure. Gain is increased by using parasitic patches which increase the total antenna aperture. In paper w

A toolbox for administrative law cooperation beyond the state

The purpose of the article is to identify and look into the function of a number of means of legal international cooperation in administrative law. In this discussion on function, the roles and the interplay of the different tools are highlighted as striking a balance between international cooperation, national self-determination and individual rights. Within this theoretical framework, two main t

Inbindningen av stadsbibliotekets böcker :bokbanden i Stiftsbibliotekets referenssamling och Östgötasamling

This chapter deals with the binding of the books in reconstructing the public library at Linköping after the fire that took place 1996. The book collections in the library were bound in different types of bindings depending on their function, frequency of use, type and year of print. This text describes how the requirements for several types of bindings were worked out and the binding process that

Social Competence in Swedish Primary School Pupils. The validity of the RCP-scale.

In this report we present a study on the reliability and validity of the Revised Class Play scale in which children living in Sweden have participated. The scale measure a variety of aspects of social competence, such as leadership, aggressiveness and sensitivity. The main purpose of the study is to investigate whether or not the Revised Class Play scale (Masten, Morison & Pellegrini, 1985) is

Våp eller nucka? Kvinnors högre studier och genusdiskursen 1930-1970

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det har varit långt ifrån självklart att kvinnor ska få ägna sig åt högre studier. För hundra år sedan kom t ex medicinska undersökningar som ”visade” att kvinnor som studerade riskerade att bli sterila. I denna bok undersöker Lina Carls hur kvinnors högre studier 1930-1970 beskrivits i samhällsdebatten och i de lokala diskussionerna vid universiteten i Lund och UppsalaThis dissertation’s overall purpose has been to achieve an increased understanding of why women’s integration into universities has progressed so slowly. Through the analysis of the debates on women in higher education I have wanted to see if the main figures reproduce or contradict the discourse. I have had the aim of not only to show how the genus discourse was possibly repeated but also how in

Cities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation

Worldwide, disasters and climate change pose a serious risk to sustainable urban development, resulting in escalating human and economic costs. Consequently, city authorities and other urban actors face the challenge of integrating risk reduction and adaptation strategies into their work, although related knowledge and expertise are still scarce. Cities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation explores ways

OMAC: An Opportunistic Medium Access Control Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks

The ambitious goal of the upcoming IEEE 802.11ax (HEW) standard for wireless LANs (WLANs) to enhance throughput by four times (and beyond), compared with IEEE 802.11ac, demands a radical improvement of present medium access control (MAC) functionality. To this end, a promising paradigm would be a graceful migration towards new MAC protocols which incorporate higher certainty in their decisions. Ho