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Prime time trauma - historia och television

A full century ago, H. G. Wells said that a hand seemed to have descended from the sky and turned man’s face towards the future. Wells wrote in an era which saw a new world appear through the progress of technology. Today we may be just as attracted to new technology, but that great hand seems to have come down again and turned man’s head back towards the past. Our own time is characterized by an

Reliability-driven dynamic binding via feedback control

We are concerned with software that can self-adapt to satisfy certain reliability requirements, in spite of adverse changes affecting the environment in which it is embedded. Self-adapting software architectures are heavily based on dynamic binding. The bindings among components are dynamically set as the conditions that require a self-adaptation are discovered during the system's lifetime. By ado

Analysis of Water Condensation and Two-phase Flow in a Channel Relevant for Plate Heat Exchangers

Water vapor condensation and two-phase flow appear in plate heat exchangers being used as condensers. Analysis of water phase change and flow dynamics is an important but complicated task due to large change in water physical/transport properties across the water liquid-vapor interface boundary. In particular, a singular-link behaviour in Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations is present due to the large s

Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: Landscape and Scale-Dependent Effects of Organic Farming

Popular Abstract in Swedish Brukandet av jordbrukslandskapet har förändrats dramatisk under det senaste århundradet. Det tidigare mosaikartade landskapet, med en blandning av små åkrar, ängar, hagar och våtmarker, har idag i många områden ersatts av ett likformigt landskap som domineras av vidsträckta åkrar. Samtidigt har användandet av konstgödsel och kemiska bekämpningsmedel ökat. Tillsammans meDeclines in the distribution and abundance of many farmland species during recent decades have been attributed to agricultural intensification. Agri-environment schemes are commonly used in Europe to reduce this loss of farmland biodiversity, but their effectiveness may depend on several external factors. In this thesis, I have used one such scheme, organic faming, as a landscape scale experiment

Large Eddy Simulation of a turbulent flow past a pair of symmetric backward-facing steps: A sensitivity analysis

Large Eddy Simulation is used to study the flow behind a pair of symmetric backward facing steps. As reported in the literature, the flow exhibits an asymmetric pattern characterized by the deflection of the jet toward of the walls. The LES results are compared to LDA measurements showing the ability of the present numerical tool to capture the complex features of the flow. Furthermore, a sensitiv