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The evolution of photosynthesis and its environmental impact

Photosynthesis in plants is a very complicated process, utilizing two photosystems in series to carry out the very energy-demanding process of oxidizing water to molecular oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide to organic compounds. The first photosynthetic organisms, living more than 3.4, perhaps even 3.8 Ga, i.e. American billion (109) years ago, carried out a simpler process, without oxygen product

Changes in the quantities of violaxanthin de-epoxidase, xanthophylls and ascorbate in spinach upon shift from low to high light

Zeaxanthin, a carotenoid in the xanthophyll cycle, has been suggested to play a role in the protection against photodestruction. We have studied the importance of the parameters involved in zeaxanthin formation by comparing spinach plants grown in low light (100 to 250 mol m-2 s-1) to plants transferred to high light (950 mol m-2 s-1). Different parameters were followed for a total of 11 days. Our

Extreme hemodilution: Effects of inhalation anesthetics, hypoxia, and blood loss. An Experimental study in pigs.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Effekter av narkosgas, låg syrgashalt och blodförlust under blodspädning (hemodilution) på sövda grisar. Blodspädning (hemodilution) används under operation för att minska behovet av blodtransfusion med dess inneboende risker. Hemodilution innebär att blod tappas före operationsstart och ersätts med en blodkroppsfri lösning. Om en blödning uppstår under operationen blirHemodilution reduces the need for blood transfusion and hereby the risk for transmission of infectious agents. The present study investigated effects on systemic and myocardial circulation and oxygenation, and blood lactate concentrations; induced by nitrous oxide, isoflurane, hypoxia, and uncompensated blood loss, in pigs hemodiluted to a hematocrit of 11%. In addition, indicators of hypovolemia

Trick or treatment. Brokering biotech.

This chapter focuses on technology-brokers and inventors who operate in a medical context. It aims to discuss how relationships between the actors involved affect the possibility of transforming innovations into consumables, and to describe the kind of social work needed to successfully make this transformation. The chapter explores some of those tricks by using the concept 'net work' when discuss

Ålderdom som samhällsproblem

I den här boken undersöks ålderdomen som samhällsproblem. Ålderdomen är något som studerats, debatterats och åtgärdats inom många samhälleliga sammanhang – av statsmakter, politiska partier, forskare, experter, massmedier och inte minst av de äldres egna intresseorganisationer. I boken fokuseras teman som varit centrala inom samhälleliga diskussioner om ålderdom och äldre. Vilka rättigheter och sk

Time resolved three-dimensional automated segmentation of the left ventricle

This paper describes a robust approach for multimodality segmentation of the cardiac left ventricle. The method is based on the concept of deformable models, but extended with an enhanced and fast edge detection scheme that includes temporal information, and anatomical a priori information. The algorithm is implemented with a fast numeric scheme for solving energy minimization, and efficient filte

Electron beam profile measurements and emittance manipulation at the MAX-laboratory

The emittances of the electron beams at the MAX-laboratory accelerator system have been studied. Apart from the build-up of the diagnostic tools for precise determination of the beam spatial profiles, the objectives have been: a) to verify the accelerator design emittances at low currents and to try to determine the emittances also at high currents; b) to investigate possibilities to manipulate th

Value of RFID tracking: A case study from the paper product supply chain

The purpose is to explain the value of utilising tracking data for material flow control purposes in different supply chain areas. The research methodology is based on a literature review and a case study of a distribution system originating from an international paper manufacturer. The distribution system in the analysis started RFID technology adoption more than ten years ago and has developed

Functional Models for Non-heme Mononuclear Iron Oxygenases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling beskriver vissa funktionella syntetiska modeller av non-hem mononukleära järn oxygenas-enzymer. Sådana enzymer katalyserar ett brett spektrum av oxidationsreaktioner av biologisk relevans, som utnyttjar molekylärt syre. Dessa reaktioner utförs i regio- och stereoselektivt sätt och med hög verkningsgrad. Föreslås oxidationsreaktionerna ske via mellan högNon-heme mononuclear iron oxygenases catalyze a large number of oxidation reactions in biological systems. The reactions are often proposed to proceed via the intermediacy of high valent Fe(IV) oxo (ferryl) or, Fe(V) oxo (perferryl) intermediates. Therefore, in order to mimic the high valent Fe(IV) oxo chemistry as well as the catalytic processes exhibited by those enzymes, new functional model co