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An intervention model with self-assessment and subsequent multi-professional review might be effective and feasible to improve drug safety in primary healthcare. A survey-based evaluation of SÄKLÄK2.

Rationale, aims, and objectivesDrug‐related morbidity is common, which results in suffering for the patients and a high cost to society. SÄKLÄK2 is a multi‐professional intervention model aiming at improving drug safety in primary health care. The objective of this study was to elucidate the perceptions of the participants' regarding the efficiency of the intervention and the feasibility to introd

The role of OCT-A in retinal disease management

Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) is a non-invasive, non-dye-based imaging modality that has the potential to enhance our understanding of retinal diseases. While this rapidly advancing imaging modality offers great potential, there is a need for community-wide understanding of the range of technologies and methods for interpreting the images, as well as a need to enhance understand


Vård och underhåll av eternittak

Detection of hepatic metastases in colorectal cancer : A prospective study of laboratory and imaging methods

Objective: To assess and compare the accuracy of imaging methods (ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), angiography, arterially enhanced CT with computed tomographic arterial portography (CTA)), biochemical analyses, and surgical assessment during the operation, in detecting the presence or absence of hepatic metastases in patients with colorectal cancer. Design: Open study. Setting: Uni

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This article examines the schemes of informal payment of wages by individual employers with the aim to avoid taxation. It will also analyze the causes and consequences of this phenomenon and the effect of the “colour” of income on the well-being of an employee, an employer and the state as a whole. It also discusses legal consequences that employers and employee face when engaging in hidden scheme

Novel oligodendroglial alpha synuclein viral vector models of multiple system atrophy : studies in rodents and nonhuman primates

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a horrible and unrelenting neurodegenerative disorder with an uncertain etiology and pathophysiology. MSA is a unique proteinopathy in which alpha-synuclein (α-syn) accumulates preferentially in oligodendroglia rather than neurons. Glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) of α-syn are thought to elicit changes in oligodendrocyte function, such as reduced neurotrophic su

Measurement of charm and bottom production from semileptonic hadron decays in p+p collisions at s =200 GeV

Measurements of the differential production of electrons from open-heavy-flavor hadrons with charm- and bottom-quark content in p+p collisions at s=200 GeV are presented. The measurements proceed through displaced-vertex analyses of electron tracks from the semileptonic decay of charm and bottom hadrons using the PHENIX silicon-vertex detector. The relative contribution of electrons from bottom de

Search for Higgs boson pair production in the WW(*)WW(*) decay channel using ATLAS data recorded at √s = 13 TeV

A search for a pair of neutral, scalar bosons with each decaying into two W bosons is presented using 36.1 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. This search uses three production models: non-resonant and resonant Higgs boson pair production and resonant production of a pair of heavy scalar particles.

PVL-positiva Staph aureus gav nekrotiserande pneumoni : Beskrivning av tre svära fall hos tidigare friska unga

We describe three cases of community-acquired pneumonia, in which the causative agent was methicillin sensitive S. Aureus positive for Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). The patients were previously healthy children (2 weeks, 12 years and 15 years old). No epidemiologic connection existed, confirmed by spa-typing. Two cases were primary pneumonias with signs of necrosis, and the third case was a p

Monitoring of railway track with light high efficiency systems

Rail Track performance is highly dependent upon the magnitude and variation of differential track geometry. Consequently, there is an increasing interest in obtaining a consistent measure of trackbed stiffness and track geometry in the physical and time restrictions applicable on live track for assessing potential maintenance requirement and subsequent design of remedial measures. Furthermore, a l

Family caregiving in dementia : Prediction of caregiver burden 12 months after relocation to group-living care

The strain of caregiving associated with the care of demented persons living at home often continues after relocation, and group-living-care units (GL), designed for a small number of subjects, have been developed. The aim was to prospectively describe caregiver burden in relationship to symptoms of patients with dementia after relocation to GL. Sixty-four caregivers and 64 demented patients were

Sensitivity of interglacial Greenland temperature and δ 18O : Ice core data, orbital and increased CO 2 climate simulations

The sensitivity of interglacial Greenland temperature to orbital and CO 2 forcing is investigated using the NorthGRIP ice core data and coupled ocean-atmosphere IPSL-CM4 model simulations. These simulations were conducted in response to different interglacial orbital configurations, and to increased CO 2 concentrations. These different forcings cause very distinct simulated seasonal and latitudina

A simple multilevel approach for analysing geographical inequalities in public health reports: : The case of municipality differences in obesity

The epidemiological analysis of geographical inequalities in individual outcomes is a fundamental theme in public health research. However, many traditional studies focus on analysing area differences in averages outcomes, disregarding individual variation around such averages. In doing so, these studies may produce misleading information and lead researchers to draw incorrect conclusions. Analysi

A doctor's dilemma

Deniz Kirik was drawn to medicine by his desire to better understand the human brain, but he found that doctors in his native Turkey have little opportunity for research. Nonetheless, he has turned what first felt like a failed career choice into an advantage. Now a neuroscience professor at Lund University in Sweden and co-founder of a spinoff company, Kirik uses his medical background to develop

Ambient temperature effects on stress-induced hyperthermia in Svalbard ptarmigan

Stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) is commonly observed during handling in homeotherms. However, in birds, handling in cold environments typically elicits hypothermia. It is unclear whether this indicates that SIH is differently regulated in this taxon or if it is due to size, because body temperatures changes during handling in low temperature have only been measured in small birds ≤0.03 kg (that Stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) is commonly observed during handling in homeotherms. However, in birds, handling in cold environments typically elicits hypothermia. It is unclear whether this indicates that SIH is differently regulated in this taxon or if it is due to size, because body temperatures changes during handling in low temperature have only been measured in small birds ≤0.03 kg (that