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Barnuppfostran och kulturell pluralism: om att vara förälder i Ingemansland

The purpose for this composition was to discover the issues faced by parents who are bringing up children, having two very different cultures in which their children are being raised. The impact of having inherit traits that are part of the subconscious process of educating children can not be overlooked. Difference in values within cultures impacts how parents raise children. When two cultures me

Pensioner i utveckling

The purpose of this essay is to summarize the on going debate concerning pension systems in the world. The questions asked were A) Can we identify any major trends in pension schemes regarding private/public components? B) How can we describe the underlying causes of their occurrence? The method used was to study, parts of, the written literature on the subject. What the writers of the essay found

Missbrukarnas boendesituation i Höganäs kommun

The purpose of our paper was to look at a group of drug addicts living arrangements in a small community in the south of Sweden, Höganäs. The addicts all had a contact with the social services and they all had a permanent living arrangement during the time we were doing our paper. The paper was done accordingly to the quality method and we interviewed six clients and three social workers. Our conc

Ringar på vattnet - en kvalitativ undersökning av åtta anhörigas erfarenheter och upplevelser av vården på psykiatriska avdelningar på Landspitalinn - Universitetssjukhus på Island

“Ripples in the water” is a qualitative research of eight family members´ experiences of the service they received from the psychiatric departments in the University Hospital in Iceland when one of the family became mentally ill. The eight participants in the research came from families, who had the total of six mentally ill patients. I conducted a total of six interviews with these participants,

Samhällets stöd till föräldrar : synen på föräldraskap och föräldrastöd i statliga utredningar 1972-1997

The purpose of this study was to describe and investigate the system of support to parents as it is motivated in Swedish officials’ reports 1972-1997. The main research questions of the study where: Which conceptions about parenthood appear in the officials reports? Which conceptions are expressed about the responsibility between the individual and the state referring to the support system to pare

Att ifrågasätta det självklara : en feministisk granskning av samverkansorganet Operation Kvinnofrid

Men´s violence against women is a wide social problem with its origin in the unequal balance of power in society, where men dominate and women are oppressed because of their sex. On the basis of feminist theory, our purpose has been to analyse whether it is possible for a "feministic organization’’ (according to themselves), supported by the male dominated state, to carry out feministic polit

Man eller mes? : om sju unga killars syn på manlighet

The purpose of this assignment was to illuminate what some young boys consider as manliness, which male role models they have and how they look upon their future as men. Central questions were how they look upon manliness, how a man should be, how they want to be as young boys and grown men and which male role models they have. I have used a qualitative method; I have been interviewing seven boys

Flytten från behandlingshemmet : en studie av det förberedande arbetet och insatser efter utflyttningen

The purpose of this essay was to describe how it is possible for a treatment centre to create favourable conditions for a successful moving out, and what support is required after moving out to maintain a positive way of life. My central questions were: what does a person need to be able to develop/change and how can you work with this at the treatment centre? What are the required conditions for

Kompetensutveckling i socialt arbete : en komparativ studie av kompetensutveckling inom den sociala barnavården i Köpenhamn respektive Malmö

The purpose of our essay was to conduct a comparative study of development of competence within child welfare in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen and Kirseberg in the city of Malmö. The purpose was also to describe and analyse the social workers individual experiences of needs and possibilities to take part of recent knowledge within child welfare. Central questions were; is the development of competence

Det finns flyktingar i Sjöbo: vägen från ett nej till ett ja

Sjöbo - countryside in Sweden, became famous for something that isn´t flattering. They made a vote against refugees with residence permit and didn´t change their minds for more than 12 years. Since the year 2000 they have recieved refugees. This is an explorative study where we have chosen to interview four local politicians and two clerks from Sjöbo community. We looked at the change from a no to

Kommuners arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor : en studie av hur fyra skånska kommuner har organiserat sitt stöd och hjälp utifrån SoL 5:11

The purpose of this essay was to study how four municipalities have arranged their support to women who are exposed to violence. The purpose was also to study if the legislator's intentions and the National board of health and welfare's recommendations about Socialtjänstlagen 5:11 were fulfilled. The legislator and the National board of health and welfare recommended the welfare offices to

"Jag tycker det går framåt med min framtid": om unga Romers självbild och framtidstro

The purpose of this paper was to get a picture of how young Roma/Gypsies look upon themselves, their culture and their future. We were also interested in knowing how they felt about the way society look upon them. The main questions of issue were in what ways are young Roma/Gypsies affected by the culture they were brought up in, if they had felt discriminated by the society and how they look upon