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Your search for "*" yielded 531682 hits

Canavanine content of sword beans (Canavalia gladiata) – analysis and effect of processing

The amino acid canavanine is a potentially toxic constituent of leguminous seeds. The aim of the present study was to determine the ability of different processing methods to reduce canavanine in sword beans (Canavalia gladiata). For this purpose a method for the detection and quantification of canavanine was developed using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of the dabsylated d

Glucose and insulin responses to porridge and gruel meals intended for infants

Objective: The objective was to determine the glycaemic index (GI) and insulinaemic index (II) of some common products intended for infants; that is, three commercial porridges and one gruel. Also, the influence of added fruit components to porridge on postprandial metabolic responses was studied by comparing corresponding data with a matched model product without fruit. Design: The volunteers wer

Desiring Agency

In this paper we explore the relation between agency and the (pathological) inclinations that lurk beneath the agent’s acts. We draw on the work of Jacques Lacan to argue that an adequate understanding of agency demands attentiveness to desires, the unconscious and the intimate relation between the subject and the Other. Based on some of the key features of the Lacanian subject we suggest agency t

Semiconductor nanowires for 0D and 1D physics and applications

During the last 5 years the potential for applications of semiconductor nanowires has grown rapidly via the development of methods for catalytically induced nanowire growth using the, so-called vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mode. The VLS method offers a high degree of control of parameters such as position, diameter, length and composition, including the realization of atomically abrupt heterost

Presentation of laboratory and sonoclot variables using principal component analysis: identification of hypo- and hypercoagulation in the HELLP syndrome

The HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzyme, and Low Platelet) syndrome requires close monitoring of rapid changes in hemostasis. A bedside viscoelastic test--Sonoclot--was used together with coagulation, liver and hemolysis laboratory analyses in three parturients with the HELLP syndrome up to 10 days postpartum. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the dimensionality of this mul

On the role of mast cells in chemokine-induced leukocyte recruitment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inflammation är vävnadens svar på yttre störning och syftar till att eliminera främmade ämnen såsom bakterier men under vissa omständigheter initieras den inflammatoriska reaktionen av ofarliga substanser eller för starkt mot patogener och kan därmed orsaka vävnadsskada och är en underliggande mekanism vid många vanliga sjukdomar inkluderande allergier, blodförgiftning Leukocyte recruitment is considered to playa key role in numerous inflammatory diseases. Tissue accumulation of Jeukocytes is a multi-steps process comprising rolling, adhesion and transmigration. This process depends on the function of several different cells, including leukocytes, endothelial cells, mast cells and macrophages as well as a wide spectrum of inflammatory mediators, such as TNF-alph

Deciding on sourcing option for hosting of software applications in organisations

Software applications are of great importance in organisations, and performance of an organisation depends on how hosting of software applications are organised. This thesis deals with the question: Why and how organisations decide on specific sourcing options for software applications hosting. The thesis describes and explains sourcing decision-making processes made in the Swedish Post (MeLo) and

Selecting antonyms for dictionary entries: methodological aspects

This paper investigates the treatment of antonymy in Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary (2003) in order to find out what kinds of headwords are provided with antonyms as part of their definitions and also discusses the principles for antonym inclusion in the entries. CCALED includes canonical antonyms such as good/bad and dead/alive, as well as more contextually restricted pairi

WWTP dynamic disturbance modelling - an essential module for long-term benchmarking development

Intensive use of the benchmark simulation model No. 1 (BSM1), a protocol for objective comparison of the effectiveness of control strategies in biological nitrogen removal activated sludge plants, has also revealed a number of limitations. Preliminary definitions of the long-term benchmark simulation model No. 1 (BSM1_LT) and the benchmark simulation model No. 2 (BSM2) have been made to extend BSM

Essays on: Application of Cross Sectional Efficiency Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av tre olika uppsatser. Den första uppsatsen, Technical Efficiency and Ownership: The Case of Booking Centres on the Swedish Taxi Market” behandlar problemet med konkurrens på lika villkor. Upprinnelsen till uppsatsen var diskussioner mellan privata och offentliga aktörer på den svenska taximarknaden. De privata aktörerna hävdade att de offentligThis thesis consists of three different essays, all of which have arisen from a practical problem. In the first essay, “Technical efficiency and ownership: The case of booking centers in the Swedish Taxi Market” the purpose is to examine the question of competition on an equal basis between privately and publicly owned booking centers in the Swedish taxi market. One way to answer this question is

Continental-scale patterns of nutrient and fish effects on shallow lakes: synthesis of a pan-European mesocosm experiment

1. Results are analysed from 11 experiments in which effects of fish addition and nutrient loading on shallow lakes were studied in mesocosms. The experiments, five in 1998, six in 1999, were carried out in six lakes, distributed from Finland to southern Spain, according to a standard protocol. 2. Effects of the treatments on 29 standard chemical, phytoplankton and zooplankton variables are examin

Lokal forskningspolitik : Institutionell dynamik och organisatorisk omvandling vid Lunds universitet 1980-2005

Popular Abstract in Swedish Universitet och högskolor har i kölvattnet av ett framväxande kunskapssamhället hamnat under kraftig institutionell press från en förändrad nationell forskningspolitik, de forskningsfinansierande aktörernas förändrade strategier och en snabb och omvälvande vetenskaplig dynamik. Avhandlingen handlar om hur Lunds universitet har reagerat på och hanterat dessa förändringspIn the wake of an emerging knowledge society, universities around the world have come under severe institutional pressure from changing national research policies, financing organizations´ new strategies and turbulent research dynamics. This study examines how Lund University in Sweden manages these institutional pressures. The study explores how the university leadership ? rector and the governin

Both apoptosis and necrosis occur early after intracerebral grafting of ventral mesencephalic tissue: a role for protease activation.

Neural transplantation is an experimental treatment for Parkinson's disease. Widespread clinical application of the grafting technique is hampered by a relatively poor survival (around 10%) of implanted embryonic dopamine neurones. Earlier animal studies have indicated that a large proportion of the grafted cells die during graft tissue preparation and within the first few days after intracerebral