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vHIT Testing of Vertical Semicircular Canals With Goggles Yield Different Results Depending on Which Canal Plane Being Tested

Objective: The use of goggles to assess vertical semicircular canal function has become a standard method in vestibular testing, both in clinic and in research, but there are different methods and apparatus in use. The aim of this study was to determine what the cause of the systematic differences is between gain values in testing of the vertical semicircular canals with two different video head i

Challenges Related to Probabilistic Decision Analysis for Bridge Testing and Reclassification

This paper reviews historical developments and recent challenges in full scale bridge testing and introduces results- and hypotheses related to an ongoing bridge testing research project. This research project encompasses full scale bridge testing in conjunction with bearing capacity analysis as well as related contact- and non-contact monitoring procedures combined with a decision analytical appr

Impact of valve fenestrations and structural changes in homografts on the long-term outcome in the recipient

Homografts have long been used for right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) reconstruction. Tissue banks struggle to meet the clinical demand of tissue, with insufficient donor availability and strict recommendations on tissue quality with high proportions of discards. This study analyzes the long-term outcome of patients receiving a homograft with small fenestrations of the cusps or other structura

Eva Hansen-Melander and the circulation of knowledge within the cancer chromosome network

In 1953 Eva Hansen-Melander was appointed as a scientific assistant at the newly founded Cancer chromosome laboratory at Lund University, Sweden. The lab was set up by the cytologist Albert Levan, who started his career as a botanist studying Allium chromosomes but in the early 1950s changed his research focus to the studies of chromosomes in cancer cells. Levan developed close collaborations with

‘We didn’t want to leave our island’ : stories of involuntary resettlement from Gaadhoo Island, Maldives

With development displacing more people and planned relocation being espoused as an adaptation strategy in response to climate change, research that explores the experiences of those who have been resettled is needed. The Maldives has a history of resettlement based on an ongoing policy of consolidation of dispersed populations to ensure access to services. The paper explores the history, politics

Semi-analytical analysis of high-brightness microbunched beam dynamics with collective and intrabeam scattering effects

The studies of incoherent single-particle and collective multi-particle effects are, in general, separated in accelerator beam dynamics in that the two dynamical phenomena involve quite different time scales. Recent experimental measurements indicate that in some parameter regime, the small-angle, multiple scattering effects within a high-brightness electron beam can have a strong influence on mic

The Meanings of the People in Turkish Politics: A Genealogy

This thesis is intended to make a contribution to ongoing efforts to enhance our understanding of the “popular” in the study of politics through a critical examination of the uses and constructions of the people in Turkish politics since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, to the present in order to distinguish between different modalities of appeals to the “people” and their implic

Kan man lita på en trust?

I boken klargörs den anglosaxiska trusten struktur, funktion och rättsverkningar. I boken utreds om det finns behov av en svensk trust.

Novel insights into peptide amidation and amidating activity in the human circulation

C-terminal α-amidation is the final and essential step in the biosynthesis of several peptide hormones. Peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) is the only known enzyme to catalyse this reaction. PAM amidating activity (AMA) is known to be present in human circulation, but its physiological role and significance as a clinical biomarker remains unclear. We developed a PAM-specific amidation

Data-driven control of infinite dimensional systems : Application to a continuous crystallizer

Controlling infinite dimensional models remains a challenging task for many practitioners since they are not suitable for traditional control design techniques or will result in a high-order controller too complex for implementation. Therefore, the model or the controller need to be reduced to an acceptable dimension, which is time-consuming, requires some expertise and may introduce numerical err

Heparin-binding protein is significantly increased in acute pancreatitis

BACKGROUND: Most patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) experience mild, self-limiting disease with little or no need for hospital care. However, 20-25% of patients develop a more severe and potentially life-threatening condition with progressive systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and multiorgan failure, resulting in high morbidity and mortality rates. Predicting disease severity at an

Prurigo Simplex or "Itchy Red Bump" Disease : Review and Case Series

Prurigo simplex or "itchy red bump" disease is a pruritic papular eruption. The objective of this study was to delineate the diagnostic criteria for this disease. A PubMed search was performed for: "prurigo simplex", "prurigo simplex subacuta", "subacute prurigo", "chronic papular dermatitis in adults" and "itchy red bump disease". Medical charts of patients with prurigo diagnoses in a university