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Your search for "*" yielded 530144 hits

Nutrient limitation of autotrophic and mixotrophic phytoplankton in a temperate and tropical humic lake gradient

Nutrient enrichment experiments were carried out in three tropical (once) and three temperate (twice) lakes differing in humic content in order to examine whether there was a relationship between the limiting nutrient for algal growth [nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P)] and humic content, and whether the prevailing limitation was connected to the relative abundance of autotrophic and phagotrophic phy

Event reconstruction in the PHENIX central arm spectrometers

The central arm spectrometers for the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have been designed for the optimization of particle identification in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The spectrometers present a challenging environment for event reconstruction due to a very high track multiplicity in a complicated, focusing, magnetic field. In order to meet this challenge, nine dis

Evaluation of image quality of lumbar spine images: a comparison between FFE and VGA.

Purpose: The aim of the present study is to compare two different methods for evaluation of the quality of clinical X-ray images. Methods: Based on fifteen lumbar spine radiographs, two new sets of images were created. A hybrid image set was created by adding two distributions of artificial lesions to each original image. The image quality parameters spatial resolution and noise were manipulated a

Unga vuxna med en historia av uppförandestörning : En långtidsuppföljning med ett salutogent och ekologiskt perspektiv

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling innehåller en huvudstudie och en delstudie. Syftet med huvudstudien var att följa upp en grupp ungdomar som hade blivit diagnostiserade med uppförandestörning (n=351) i det unga vuxenlivet. Delstudiens syfte var att ifrågasätta och klargöra frågeformuläret KASAM-29 och dess förhållande till den salutogena teorin. I avhandlingen användes olika utfallsvarThis dissertation consists of a primary and a secondary study. The aim of the primary study is to follow-up a group of juveniles diagnosed with conduct disorder (n=351) into adulthood. The secondary study's aim is to question, clarify and attach the questionnaire SOC-29 to the salutogenic theory.In the dissertation different outcomes and outcome measurements are fomulated and discussed. Two perspe

The significance of importance: an evaluation of ferrans and powers' quality of life index.

Ferrans and Powers’ Quality of Life Index (QLI) defines and assesses quality of life (QoL) in terms of importance-weighted life satisfaction. This study assessed the value of such weights and explored the relationship between weighted and unweighted (satisfaction only) scores and single-item rated overall life satisfaction (LS) and QoL. Data were collected by a postal survey to 81 Parkinson’s dise

Pulsed electric field treatment for solid-liquid extraction of red beetroot pigment: mathematical modelling of mass transfer

The extraction of red pigment and conductive matters from individual red beet tissue slices following pulsed electric field pretreatment of different durations was compared with a two dimensional bimodal Fickian diffusion model. The process appeared to be governed by two apparent diffusion coefficients, one slow and one fast. The values of these coefficients were independent of the duration of tre

Towards a Stable Peace in the Baltic Sea Region?

In this article, some of the possibilities and obstacles involved in attaining stable peace in the Baltic Sea region are analysed. By stable peace is understood a relationship in which military conflict resolution has become unthinkable regardless of how serious a prospective conflict may become. It is argued that stable peace does not presently exist in the region as a whole, but that instead the

Mitogenomic analyses of deep gnathostome divergences: a fish is a fish

It is commonly accepted that among recent fishes the lungfishes are the closest relatives of the tetrapods. According to this hypothesis, the tetrapods, lungfishes and coelacanths constitute a group of specialized fishes (Sarcopterygii) to the exclusion of other bony fishes. Here, we describe basal relationships among gnathostome (jawed) vertebrates as reconstructed by analysis of complete mitocho

Late Ordovician-Early Silurian facies development and stratigraphy of Jämtland, central Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling behandlar de 450-440 miljoner år gamla marina sediment som idag påträffas i form av deformerade och uppveckade sedimentära bergarter vid randen av den svenska fjällkedjan i Jämtland. Målet med studien har varit att kartlägga och tolka hur, och i vilken utsträckning, lokala och globala händelser påverkat de depositionsmiljöer som sedimenten avlagrThis thesis is based on studies of Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary successions within the central Scandinavian Caledonides. These deposits have been transported by considerable nappe displacement (several kilometres), and are today relatively isolated from the nearest coeval outcrops (Dalarna 250 km, Oslo Region 350 km). As a consequence, and due to the previously limited biostratigraphical control t

Cis/trans isomers of PtX2L2 (X = halogen, L = neutral ligand); the crystal structure of trans-dichlorobis(dimethyl sulfide) platinum(II) and the pressure dependence of its unit-cell dimensions

trans-PtCl2(dms)(2) (dms is dimethyl sulfide) crystallizes in the space group P2(1)/n and adopts the molecular point group C-i, which is the most frequently occurring point group for trans-PtX2L2 complexes (78%), as observed in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD; 2005 release), followed by C-1 (16%). Density functional theory calculations show that the observed geometry for trans- PtCl2(dms)(2

Effects of bioturbation on recruitment of algal cells from the "seed bank" of lake sediments

Effects of different bioturbators on recruitment of several nuisance algae, Anaboena spp. (Cyanophyta), Microcystis spp. (Cyanophyta), and Gonvostomum semen (Raphidophyta), from sediment to water were studied in a long-term laboratory experiment. Natural sediment, where macrofauna larger than 1 mm had been removed, was added to 18 aquaria. To each of six aquaria, individuals of Asellus aquaticus (

Schizophrenia - progressive and massive decline in response readiness by episodes

Objective: To relate the pattern of neuropsychological impairments among schizophrenic patients to case history data and disease characteristics in a cross-sectional study of unselected patients, and to integrate these data with two previous longitudinal studies of neuropsychological impairments among schizophrenic patients. Method: One hundred consecutive schizophrenic patients were studied with

Mollisianitrile, a new antibiotic from Mollisia sp A59-96

Mollisianitrile (1), a new antibiotic was isolated from the fermentation broth of Mollisa sp. A59-96 together with the two known isocoumarins 2 and 3. 1 exhibited antimicrobial, cytotoxic, and phytotoxic activities. 1 contains a reactive propiolonitrile moiety which is believed to be responsible for its antibiotic activities. Upon incubation with L-cysteine the biological activity was lost.

Reduction of the error floor of MSK by nonlinear frequency discriminator

We consider the error floor of binary frequency-shift keying (FSK) due to intersymbol interference in time-dispersive mobile radio channels, with a limiter-discriminator-integrator detector. The errors are caused by bursts in the instantaneous frequency. We propose and verify that a nonlinear frequency discriminator can achieve zero error floor for pure FSK by clipping off these bursts. For filter