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The epidemiology of total hip replacement in the Netherlands and Sweden - Present status and future needs
By combining data from the Discharge registers and the census bureaus in The Netherlands and Sweden, we calculated the age-specific incidences of primary total hip replacement (THR), studied the demographic profile of the population receiving THR and predicted demands. In the period 1986-1997, the number of THRs increased by 20% in Sweden to 10,000 operations (1131100,000 inhabitants) and by 68% t
Binding of extracellular matrix molecules by probiotic bacteria.
Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate extracellular matrix (ECM) and mucin binding of selected bacterial isolates with probiotic features in comparison with commercially used probiotic bacteria. Methods and Results: ECM molecules were immobilized in microtitre plates ( mucin and fetuin) or on the surface of latex beads. Porcine mucin was bound by all 13 probiotic strains tested with impo
Interpolation classes and matrix monotone functions
An interpolation function of order n is a positive function -/+ on (0, infinity) such that vertical bar vertical bar -/+ (A)(1/2) T -/+ (A)-(1/2) vertical bar vertical bar
Effect of osmotis pretratment and pulsed electric field on the viscoelastic properties of potato tissue.
Compression stress relaxation of potato tissue exposed to pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment, with or without osmotic pretreatment, was measured and modelled with five parameter generalised Maxwell model. The changes in viscoelastic model coefficients were quantified as a response to applied field strength, pulse length, and pulse number and were correlated with conductivity changes. Using the
The benefits and obstacles of implementing ICTs strategies for development from a bottom-up approach
The compatibility between the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) strategies and the bottom-up approach in the developmental process is assessed. In order to put the theoretical arguments into practice, the existing benefits and obstacles of implementing such strategies in reality are presented. Deriving from the analysis of the bottom-up approach is the identificat
Några företag som arbetar med reglerteknik
Block adaptive filters with deterministic reference inputs for event-related signals: BLMS and BRLS
Adaptive estimation of the linear coefficient vector in truncated expansions is considered for the purpose of modeling noisy, recurrent signals. Two different criteria are studied for block-wise processing of the signal: the mean square error (MSE) and the least squares (LS) error. The block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, being the solution of the steepest descent strategy for minimizing the MSE, is shown
Scaling and Mapping Regional Calculations of Soil Chemical Weathering Rates in Sweden
Weathering rates of base cations are crucial in critical load calculations and assessments of sustainable forestry. The weathering rate on a single site with detailed geological data can be modelled using the PROFILE model. For environmental assessments on a regional scale, the weathering rates for sites are scaled into regional maps. The step from sites to regional level requires focus on the spa
Refinements of the Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Formula for PID Auto-Tuners
Proceedings of the Baltic-Nordic Workshop - Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics - Tallinn, Estonia, October, 2005
Identification of a group of nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from the South Indian BCG trial area by HPLC
Twenty-five isolates of nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from the South Indian BCG trial area were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for mycolic acid pattern. The chromatograms differentiated the isolates into four species, namely M. terrae complex, M. intracellulare, M. parafortuitum and M. fortuitum. Three strains were unidentified, one of which did not show any mycol
In the wake of the Green Revolution : Environmental and socioeconomic consequences of intensive rice agriculture - The Problems of weeds in Muda, Malaysia
The agricultural intensification strategies represented by the Green Revolution have since the mid-1960s had a very positive impact on food-grain production in Asia. Presently, however, a post-Green Revolution phase of declining growth in output and productivity is experienced in many of the areas where intensification took place. Partly, this can be explained by a number of environmental problems
A critical appraisal of the rediagonalization method for construction of diabatic levels
The possibilities and limitations of the rediagonalization method for detection and removal of virtual interactions at bandcrossings are explored in the framework of the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky shell model. Improvements of the method are suggested.
Introducing intellectual potential
Intellectual capital has gained increasing attention concerning both research and more practically oriented applications during the past five years. Intellectual Capital and other knowledge management tools are topics that have emerged in the light of a broader trend of redirecting the foundation of competitive advantage from the company’s tangible assets to its intangibles such as knowledge base,
A coupled cluster response study of the electric dipole polarizability, first and second hyperpolarizabilities of HCl
The electric dipole polarizability and first and second hyperpolarizabilities of HCl are computed within coupled cluster response theory. A systematic basis set convergence study with Dunning's correlation consistent basis sets is first performed. Correlation effects are studied using the coupled cluster singles and doubles and CC3 models. The latter takes iteratively into account the effect of co
Biologically active metabolites from the basidiomycete Limacella illinita (Fr.) Murr.
In the course of our search for new bioactive compounds from basidiomycetes, four new compounds were isolated from fermentations of Limacella illinita. Illinitone A (1) exhibited weak phytotoxic and moderate nematicidal activities against Caenorhabditis elegans, illinitone B (2) was moderately cytotoxic, while limacellone (3) exhibited weak cytotoxic and phytotoxic activities. The muurolane sesqui