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Korttidspsykoterapi med kvinnor och män i samband med graviditet och nyföddhetsperiod

Korttidspsykoterapi med sex kvinnor och sex män i samband med graviditets- och post partumperioden analyserades med narrativ ansats och med anknytningsteori och affektteori som grund. Syftet med studien var att skaffa kunskap om psykiska besvär hos blivande och nyblivna föräldrar och att undersöka om korttidspsykoterapi med kvinnor och män i samband med barnafödandet i förebyggande syfte kunde avl

A study of the influence of grain boundaries on short crack growth during varying load using a dislocation technique

The propagation of short cracks in the neighbourhood of grain boundaries have been investigated using a technique were the crack is modelled by distributed dislocation dipoles and the plastic deformation is represented by discrete dislocations. Discrete dislocations are emitted from the crack tip as the crack grows. Dislocations can also nucleate at the grain boundaries. The influence on crack gro

Nuclear motion and symmetry breaking of the B 1s-excited BF3 molecule

Out-of-plane nuclear motion stimulated in the core-excited state and symmetry breaking due to this nuclear motion have been investigated for B Is excitation in the BF3 molecule by a combination of three different experimental methods: angle-resolved ion-yield spectroscopy, vibrationally resolved resonant Auger electron spectroscopy and quadruple-ion coincidence momentum-imaging technique. (C) 2002

The psychobiology of aggressive behaviour.

Among psychiatric illnesses, genetically determined disorders usually have an early onset and a severe and complicated course. Gene-environmental interaction is of importance for aggressive impulsive behaviour. For example, alcoholism type II has a high family loading, a severe course, and is often associated with antisocial behaviour. In order to gain further understanding of aggressive and impul

Diagnostic accuracy of the neurological upper limb examination II: Relation to symptoms of patterns of findings

Background: In a sample of patients in clinical occupational medicine we have demonstrated that an upper limb neurological examination can reliably identify patterns of findings suggesting upper limb focal neuropathies. This further study aimed at approaching the diagnostic accuracy of the examination. Methods: 82 limbs were semi-quantitatively assessed by two blinded examiners ( strength in 14 in

Created by God : How Somalis in Swedish Exile Reassess the Practice of Female Circumcision

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om hur kvinnlig omskärelse diskuteras av svensksomalier, men också om hur kvinnlig omskärelse diskuteras offentligt i det svenska samhället. Det konstateras att det finns en stor klyfta mellan dessa diskurser. Utifrån en analys av den interna debatten om kvinnlig omskärelse bland somalier i Malmö, hävdas att denna praktik debatteras och omvärderas 'Created by God' presents the views of Swedish Somalis on female circumcision and contrasts it to the Swedish public discourse on the issue. Despite the lack of documented illegal cases of female circumcision in Sweden, it is constantly claimed in the public discourse that female circumcision (female genital mutilation) is a practice upheld by the Somali exile group in Sweden. Based on an analys

The trans effect and trans influence of triphenyl arsine in platinum(II) complexes. A comparative mechanistic and structural study

The kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between [PtI3(AsPh3)](-) and pyridine in acetonitrile solvent has been studied by use of stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Substitution of iodide trans to arsine is irreversible under the conditions used and takes place via parallel direct and solvolytic pathways. By comparing the rate constants of the direct pathway with literature values of the correspond

Self-desiccation and its importance in concrete technology : proceedings of the third international research seminar in Lund, June 14-15, 2002

Mechanisms by which self-desiccation occurs, and by which self-desiccation affects different concrete properties, have been explored by researchers contributing their results to this research seminar. By understanding the mechanisms one may also find ways of reducing the negative effects of self-desiccation. Attempts in this direction are presented at the seminar. 18 papers (6 Nordic).

Stimulation of B and T cells activates expression of transcription and differentiation factors

During B and T cell differentiation and proliferation many genes are induced or repressed while certain genes are constitutively expressed. To investigate processes related to B and T cell activation, the gene expression of stimulated and nonstimutated Ramos and Jurkat cells was studied using cDNA microarray technology. Simultaneous analysis of close to 600 genes indicated highest increase in the

Structural and functional studies of novel viral complement inhibitors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Komplementsystemet är en del av immunförsvaret. Virus har utarbetat sätt för att skydda sig från komplementsystemet. Det humana herpesviruset KSHV (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) har i sitt genom en gen som kodar för ett protein som vi har döpt till KCP (KSHV complement control protein). KCP har en transmembran del och en extracellulär del med fyra proteindomäViruses have developed several strategies to evade the complement system, a part of the immune system. The fourth open reading frame of the human virus Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) encodes a type 1 transmembrane protein. This contains four complement control protein domains (CCP domains), and is thus structurally similar to human complement inhibitors. We named it KSHV complement

Do oaks have different strategies for uptake of N, K and P depending on soil depth?

The uptake of nutrients from deep soil layers has been shown to be important for the long-term nutrient sustainability of forest soils. When modelling nutrient uptake in forest ecosystems, the nutrient uptake capacity of trees is usually defined by the root distribution. However, this leads to the assumption that roots at different soil depths have the same capacity to take up nutrients. To invest

The complementarity determining region 2 of BV8S2 (V beta 8.2) contributes to antigen recognition by rat invariant NKT cell TCR

Invariant NKT cells (iNKT cells) are characterized by a semi-invariant TCR comprising an invariant a-chain paired with beta-chains with limited BV gene usage which are specific for complexes of CD1d and glycolipid Ags like a-galactosylceramide (a-GalCer). iNKT cells can be visualized with a-GalCer-loaded CD1d tetramers, and the binding of mouse CD1d tetramers to mouse as well as to human iNKT cell

Movement pattern of the Exeter femoral stem: A radiostereometric analysis of 22 primary hip arthroplasties followed for 5 years

Background The design of the Exeter stem may facilitate distal migration, but radiostereometric analysis (RSA) studies have been limited to 2 years of follow-up. Patients and methods We followed migration of the Exeter femoral stems in 22 primary hip arthroplasties for 5 years with RSA. Results All stems migrated distally and the median migration at 2 years was 1.34 mm, while at 5 years it was 1