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Your search for "*" yielded 529161 hits

Modeling and Performance of Gas Turbine Cycles with Various Means of Blade Cooling

A method for simulating the cooled gas turbine is demonstrated. Based on equations and other knowledge found in the literature, a first-law thermodynamic, non-dimensional model is established and implemented in the equation-solving, programmable software IPSEpro. Increasing the water vapor or carbon dioxide contents of the gas turbine hot gas is found not to have an impact on the Stanton number,

Clearance of iohexol, chromium-51-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and creatinine for determining the glomerular filtration rate in pigs with normal renal function: comparison of different clearance techniques

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: We wanted to improve determination of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) with plasma clearance techniques because the alternative-renal clearance techniques-may involve inaccurate urine sampling or risk of urinary tract infection when bladder catheterization becomes necessary. Therefore, we compared the renal and plasma clearances of iohexol and chromium-51-ethylenediam

Carbon fibre-based microbiosensors for in vivo measurements of acetylcholine and choline

This report describes technical improvements to the manufacture of a carbon fibre electrode for the stable and sensitive detection of H2O2 (detection limit at 0.5 mu M). This electrode was also modified through the co-immobilisation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and/or choline oxidase (ChOx) in a bovine serum albumin (BSA) membrane for the development of a sensor for in vivo measurements of acety

Correct evaluation of renal glomerular filtration rate requires clearance assays.

Iohexol clearance is an accepted, but time-consuming assay for the measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). We investigated if simpler methods could predict GFR. Sixty-nine children with hematological-oncological disorders participated. A linear relationship was established by regression analysis between iohexol clearance ( n=734) and 1/s-creatinine ( r=0.45, n=727), s-cystatin C ( r=0.41,

Nurses’ satisfaction with nursing care and work at three care units for severely demented people.

The aim of this study is to investigate the degree of job satisfaction, burnout and strain among nurses (n=134) working in three care units for demented people in southern Sweden. Three questionnaires were used: the Maslach burnout inventory (MBI), the work-related strain inventory (WRSI), and a recently developed measure for assessing job satisfaction. Based on principal component analysis, an ei

Disponent i brytningstid : En problematisering av AB Robertsfors Bruks lednings ambitioner och möjligheter vad avser utvecklingen av lönevillkor och sociala anordningar i Robertsfors 1925-35

A study of the ambitions of the managers at AB Robertsfors Bruk and their impact on courses of action in the development of wage policy and social arrangements in the community of Robertsfors during the period 1925-35.This study deals with employer actions during a period of both internal and external change to the organization. The main focus is in the areas of wage policy and social arrangements

Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Structures Due to Imposed Deformations

This thesis is concerned with modeling of the cracking process in reinforced concrete due to imposed deformations. Cracking is investigated both at early ages, during hydration, and at mature age when the final properties of the concrete are reached. One of the most important material characteristics of the concrete at early ages, the Young’s modulus is determined by means of a dynamic method call

Självmordsförsök bland narkotikamissbrukare

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om en grupp narkotikamissbrukare som gjort självmordsförsök. Såväl självmord som självmordsförsök är betydligt vanligare bland narkotikamissbrukare jämfört med totalbefolkningen. Bland vårdade narkotikamissbrukare är det mellan 19 till 47 procent som gjort självmordsförsök. Det höga självmordsförsökstalet bland narkotikamissbrukare förklaras oftThe aim of this thesis is to describe suicide attempts in a group of drug abusers who previously had received treatment of their addiction. Another aim is to interpret and analyse the life situations that the individual associates with the suicide attempt. The dissertation is based on interviews conducted on two occasions with 92 drug abusers, 62 men and 30 women. The majority of the drug abusers

Psychosocial work conditions, social capital, and daily smoking: a population based study.

Objective: To investigate the associations between psychosocial conditions at work, social capital/social participation, and daily smoking. Design/setting/participants/measurements: The 2000 public health survey in Scania is a cross sectional postal questionnaire study with a 59% participation rate. A total of 5180 persons aged 18–64 years that belonged to the work force and the unemployed were i

In vitro Studies and Safety Assessment of Doppler Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Tool in Rhinosinusitis.

We have previously proposed the use of Doppler ultrasound to noninvasively stage a sinus infection. In this study, we first investigated the acoustic properties of nonpurulent and mucopurulent sinus secretions. The density, viscosity, speed of sound and attenuation of 18 samples of sinus fluid were examined. We then assessed the safety of the method by determining the temperature increase when ult

When do adolescents become smokers?

Objective. To follow the development of a class of pupils' tobacco habits for seven years, and to study differences in tobacco use between girls and boys. Setting. Kronoberg County in southern Sweden. Subjects. All the approximately 2000 pupils were followed from approximately age 12 to approximately age 18. Design. Yearly cross-sectional surveys from 1994 to 2000. Each year, the pupils filled in

Country of birth and risk of hospitalization due to heart failure: a Swedish population-based cohort study.

To explore the relation between country of birth and risk of hospitalization due to heart failure (HF). All 40-89 year-old inhabitants in the city of Malmö, Sweden (n = 114,917, of whom 15.2% were born outside Sweden) were followed from November 1st, 1990 until December 31st, 2007. During a mean follow-up of 13.5 ± 5.3 years, a total of 7,640 individuals (47.4% men) were discharged from hospital w

The great disappearing act: difficulties in doing "leadership"

We address ideas and talk about leadership in a research and development (R&D) company. The meaning that middle and senior managers ascribe to leadership is explored. We show how initial claims about leadership values and style tend to break down when managers are asked to expand on how they perceive their leadership and account for what they actually do in this respect. We raise strong doubts

Kvinnors försörjningsrum : Hegemonins förvaltare och murbräckor

Popular AbstractAvhandlingen är en feministisk analys av regionalpolitiken som möjliggörare för kvinnor som vill försörja sig på landbygden som egna företagare. Fokus i studien är kvinnor som ville men inte ansåg sig ha eller fick möjlighet driva sina företagsidéer vidare och därför avvecklade dem på ett tidigt stadium. I intervjuer redogör ett antal kvinnor för sina upplevelser av att arbeta för This thesis deals with questions concerning the different strategies women adopt in order to support themselves when they become unemployed in rural areas. One strategy is to start a business of one's one, a strategy supported and called for by the Swedish Government, especially during the 1990s economic recession. Another important factor was the Swedish membership in the EU that demanded cutback

Hormone-sensitive lipase is not required for cholesteryl ester hydrolysis in macrophages.

Storage of cholesteryl esters in the cytoplasm of macrophages is one of the earliest and most ubiquitous event observed in the development of arteriosclerosis. Macrophages have an enormous capacity to uptake and store cholesterol in the form of cytosolic cholesteryl ester droplets. These stores are mobilized by the action of a neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase (NCEH), producing free cholesterol