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Martha Nussbaum
Parks and Houses for the People
In Sweden, at the turn of the 20th century, the Social Democrats created a network of radically communal spaces. These deserve new attention as a usable past that can inform our own contentious times, especially as we contend with a pandemic that is upending our daily lives and political landscapes.
World Christianity as Postcolonializing of Theology
Dags att rekommendera munskydd
Den flygande kanoten och andra legender från Oceanien
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A study of the spatial distribution patterns of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) in Ilulissat, Greenland
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are produced by anthropogenic activities, such as traffic and domestic heating. Due to their adverse effects to humans and natural habitats, the presence of PAHs in the environment needs to be monitored. Plants are known as natural accumulators of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and can therefore be used for the monitoring of PAHs emitted into the envir
Upptrampade ben : en skadad gravhög på Rinkaby pansarövningsfält. Arkeologisk efterundersökning. Skåne, Kristianstads kommun, Rinkaby socken, fastighet Rinkaby norra skjutfält 1:1, fornlämning L1990:3245 (Rinkaby 3:4).
Vi är mästare på att bråka med Norge
A Systems View of the Heparan Sulfate Interactome
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans consist of a small family of proteins decorated with one or more covalently attached heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan chains. These chains have intricate structural patterns based on the position of sulfate groups and uronic acid epimers, which dictate their ability to engage a large repertoire of heparan sulfate-binding proteins, including extracellular matrix prote
Assessing the use of a portable time-geographic diary for detecting patterns of daily occupations
Background: A time-geographic diary approach is of interest in occupational therapy due to the inclusion of the diarist’s subjective experiences. There are several methods for detecting doing in time, but details needed for analysis are still lacking. The smartphone application POrtable Diary Data collector (PODD), a 24-hr diary based on the time-geographic diary has recently been introduced. Aim:
Cross-reacting tumor-specific transplantation of antigens in tumors induced by adenoviruses, 3, 14, and 12.
Swedish daylight regulation throughout the 20th century and considerations regarding current assessment methods for residential spaces
Daylight availability for buildings has been an integral part of architecture since ancient times, yet for the vast majority of countries, criteria for daylight provision were not normative until the 20th century. This article examines the case of Sweden, where the term “daylight” first appeared in regulations in 1960, and assesses the daylight compliance of multi-dwelling buildings before and aft
Åldersgränser : Ett forskningsområde för samhällsvetare
Äldreboendets mångetniska arbetsgrupp och föreställningar om äldre omsorgsmottagares förändringsresistens
Parametric Study of Mould Risk in the Climate Envelope of Timber Buildings using Hydrothermal simulations
With global efforts in reducing energy consumption, house manufacturers are seeking use of new materials and design solutions. However, some believe this will increase the risk of mould. One way to assess the mould risk is to use a hygrothermal software for simulating the climate envelopes’ moisture performance. But as with all simulation, the quality of the output can never be better than the qua
Long-Term Heterogeneity in Immigrant Naturalization: The Conditional Relevance of Civic Integration and Dual Citizenship
What are the long-term differences in the propensity of immigrants to acquire destination country citizenship under different institutional contexts and how do these vary between migrant groups? This article draws on micro-level longitudinal data from administrative registers in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden—three countries with widely different and changing requirements for the acquisition
Grävda minnen: Från Skedemosse till Sandby borg
Short-term toxicity assessment of a triazine herbicide (terbutryn) underestimates the sensitivity of soil microorganisms
Little is known about the impacts of persistent triazine herbicides and biocides on soil microorganisms. Terbutryn toxicity in soil microorganisms was studied using bacterial and fungal growth, substrate induced respiration (SIR) and basal respiration as ecotoxicological end-points. In the short-term (0–7 days), increasing concentrations of terbutryn (0–800 mg kg−1) progressively inhibited bacteri