‘Welcoming’ European welfare states are forcing refugees through mazes of harmful rules
For many fleeing their home countries, destinations in northern Europe were the ultimate goal. But what happened when they got there?
For many fleeing their home countries, destinations in northern Europe were the ultimate goal. But what happened when they got there?
I argue that reception history can have a, limited but important, role to play as tie- breaker in the evaluation of reconstructions of historical philosophical arguments and positions. In an effort to exemplify the proposed methodology I argue that Lisa Shapiro’s rational reconstruction of Descartes’s provisional moral code in terms of a broad conception of morality supplies us with an interpretat
Stereotypa föreställningar och negativ behandling av äldre finns dokumenterade sedan antik tid. Numera används begreppet ålderism, vilket avser fördomar och diskriminering mot äldre. Ibland har begreppet också definierats som något som handlar om ålder över hela livsloppet. Den här antologin består av 15 kapitel där forskare belyser ålderismens varierade uttrycksformer och komplexitet. I antologin
Plastics play an essential role in modern society, but also lead to significant impacts on the environment and climate. Reducing such impacts while retaining the usefulness of plastics requires a shift towards a more circular and sustainable plastics system. This report tells the story of plastics, and their effect on the environment and climate, and looks at their place in a European circular eco
In this introduction to the special issue on critical performativity and alternative organization we provide a brief historico-theoretical sketch of the key concepts involved and point to ongoing pertinent debates in the field of critical management studies. We also present the articles included in the issue, which all explore aspects of how critical performativity and alternative organization may
987/5000En omfattande ram för en hållbar renoveringsprocess med en helhetssyn på renovering har utvecklats med beaktande av områdena: teknik, miljö, ekonomi, sociala värden och arkitektur och kulturhistorisk miljö. Ramverket beskriver aktiviteter som ska genomföras i olika steg i processen, samt kartlägger vem som kommer att ansvara för och utföra dessa aktiviteter. Ramverket hänvisar till tillgänA comprehensive framework for a sustainable renovation process with a holistic approach to renovation has been developed, taking into consideration the areas: technology, environment, economy, social values, and architecture and cultural historical environment. The framework describes activities that should be carried out at different stages of the process, as well as charting who will be responsi
The elliptic and triangular flow coefficients v2 and v3 of prompt D0, D+, and D⁎+ mesons were measured at midrapidity (|y|
We report on a novel phenomenon of particle cosmology, which features specific cosmological phase transitions via quantum tunnelings through multiple vacua. The latter is inspired by the axiverse ideas, and enables to probe the associated new physics models through a potential observation of specific patterns in the stochastic gravitational waves background. Multiple vacua may induce the nucleatio
Objectives: To explore the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative dynamics of heparin-binding protein (HBP) in cardiothoracic surgery. Design: This was a prospective, observational study. Setting: The study was conducted at a single university hospital. Participants: Thirty patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were included, 15 of whom underwent coronary a
Objective: Fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair (FEVAR) is a well established treatment for complex abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). FEVAR with custom made devices (CMDs) has limitations in both the emergency and elective settings due to time consuming manufacture. “Off the shelf” (OTS) fenestrated stent grafts are a potential solution. The primary goal was to evaluate the five year outcome
Protein dynamics contribute to protein function on different time scales. Ultrafast X-ray diffraction snapshots can visualize the location and amplitude of atom displacements after perturbation. Since amplitudes of ultrafast motions are small, high-quality X-ray diffraction data is necessary for detection. Diffraction from bovine trypsin crystals using single femtosecond X-ray pulses was recorded
As a contribution to the discussion on the relevance of the baroque concept in Swedish literary history, the article conducts a case study by testing the concept on the history of a specific genre: the Aesopic fable. The argument takes its starting point in the analysis of German fable history by the pioneering baroque scholar Wolfgang Kayser who asserted a lack of German fable writing during the
BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers has been shown to decrease with longer duration of oral contraceptive preparations (OCPs) use. While the effects of OCPs in the general population are well established (∼50% reduction), the estimated risk reduction in mutation carriers is much less precise due to potential bias and small sample sizes. In addition, only a few stud
Lunds universitet fick i uppdrag av Kemikalieinspektionen att kartlägga och beskriva ansatser till metoder som bedömer indirekta effekter av växtskyddsmedel på individer och populationer och studier som utvärderar om nuvarande riskbedömningsmetoder är tillräckliga för att bedöma direkta effekter av växtskyddsmedel på biologisk mångfald. Uppdraget utfördes i två delar. För det första inventerade viLund University was commissioned by the Swedish Chemicals Agency to map and describe emerging methodologies that assess the indirect impact of plant protection products on nontarget organism individuals and populations, and studies that evaluates if current risk assessment methodologies are sufficient to assess direct effects of plant protection products on biodiversity. The commission was perform