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The importance of socioeconomic factors for compliance and outcome at screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in 65-year-old men.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate compliance with screening and prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in relation to background data regarding area-based socioeconomic status. METHODS: Our department annually invites 4300 65-year-old men from the city of Malmö and 15 neighboring municipalities to ultrasound AAA screening. In a cross-sectional cohort study, compliance and AAA prevalence among 8269 men

Progress in Developing a Low-Cost Large Deformable Mirror

Large (> 1m) deformable mirrors with hundreds or thousands of actuators are attractive for extremely large telescopes. Use of force actuators coupled to the mirror via suction cups, and electret microphones for position sensing, has the potential of substantially reducing costs. However, a mirror controlled with force actuators will have many structural resonances within the desired system bandwid

The impact of factor V mutation on the risk for occlusion in patients undergoing peripheral vascular reconstructions

OBJECTIVE: to determine the impact of Factor V-Leiden on the patency of peripheral vascular reconstructions. DESIGN: prospective, open and consecutive study. METHODS: a total of 775 patients, who were electively admitted between 1995 and 1997 to the vascular ward unit, were prospectively analysed for frequency of Factor V-Leiden mutation and patency of reconstruction (one month and one year). The

Nitro blue tetrazolium staining: a morphological demonstration of superoxide in the rat retina

Nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) is an artificial electron acceptor which has been suggested to be a useful tool in studies of free radicals. To establish whether NBT could be useful in morphological demonstration of free radicals in the retina, the staining pattern was examined in normal rat retina and after incubation with the free radical scavenger superoxide dismutase or with inhibitors of free ra

Challenges in the endocrine management of breast cancer

The goal of endocrine therapy in breast cancer is to block the action of estrogen on the tumor cells either by inhibiting estrogen from binding to the specific estrogen receptor or by inhibiting its synthesis. Tamoxifen, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, is the standard endocrine treatment for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, both in the adjuvant and metastatic settings. Tamoxifen i

Influence of temperature on process efficiency and microbial community response during the biological removal of chlorophenols in a packed-bed bioreactor

Two reactors, initially operated at 14 and 23 +/- 1 degrees C (RA and RB, respectively), were inoculated with a bacterial consortium enriched and acclimatized to the respective temperatures over 4 months. The biofilms, formed in the reactors, were studied using scanning electron microscopy, cultivation of the biofilm microflora, and physiological analysis of the isolates. Two bacteria able to mine

Cardioprotection by estrogens: mechanisms of action--the lipids

Reductions of total and LDL-cholesterol and, to a lesser extent, increase in HDL are known to decrease cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence. All oral estrogens are known to induce such changes in a dose-dependent manner at doses commonly used in ERT, somewhat more markedly for estradiol than for conjugated equine estrogens (CEE). Low-dose estriol used for urogenital discomfort is void of lipid e

Analysis of 3-aminopropionamide: A potential precursor of acrylamide

An analytical method for the analysis of 3-aminopropionamide (3-APA) based on derivatization with dansyl chloride and liquid chromatography/fluorescence detection was developed. We have analysed 3-APA formation in raw potatoes, grown and stored under different condition, green and roasted coffee beans and in freeze dried mixtures of asparagine with sucrose and glucose in molar ratio of 1:0.5, 1: 1

Aiming for emmetropia after cataract surgery: Swedish National Cataract Register study

PURPOSE: To assess and analyze refractive outcome after cataract surgery in Sweden from 2008 though 2010. SETTING: Swedish cataract surgery units participating in outcome registration of National Cataract Register. DESIGN: Cohort study. METHODS: Planned and actual postoperative refractions were analyzed for cataract procedures and preoperative and postoperative corneal astigmatism for procedures p

Computer aided warfarin dosing in the Swedish national quality registry AuriculA - Algorithmic suggestions are performing better than manually changed doses

Introduction: Warfarin treatment with a high time in therapeutic range (TTR) is correlated to fewer complications. The TTR in Sweden is generally high but varies partly depending on local expertise and traditions. A dosing algorithm could minimize variations and increase treatment quality. Here we evaluate the performance of a computerized dosing algorithm. Materials and methods: 53.779 warfarin t

Effect of celecoxib on survival in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A double blind randomised clinical phase III trial (CYCLUS study) by the Swedish Lung Cancer Study Group

Background: Increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is common in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and has been associated with poor prognosis. Experimental and clinical phase II trials have indicated that the addition of the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib to palliative chemotherapy might increase survival time in patients with advanced NSCLC. Methods: We performed a double-blind, placebo-con

Increased long-term mortality with plasma transfusion after coronary artery bypass surgery.

PURPOSE: Patients undergoing cardiac surgery often require transfusions of red blood cells, plasma and platelets. These components differ widely in both indications for use and composition. However, from a statistical point of view there is a significant colinearity between the components. This study explores the relation between the transfusion of different blood components and long-term mortalit

Low-temperature irradiation effects in lithium orthosilicates

The emission spectra of lithium orthosilicates (Li4SiO4) ceramics have been measured in the range of 1.8-5.8 eV under irradiation by 6-30 eV photons or 1-30 keV electrons at 6-300 K. The tunnel recombination phosphorescence, as well as luminescence, stimulated by 1.5-2.5 eV photons has been detected in the sample preliminarily irradiated at 6 or 80 K. The main peaks of thermally stimulated lumines

A new rectal model for dosimetry applications

A revised geometric representative model of the lower part of the colon, including the rectum, the urinary bladder and prostate, is proposed for use in the calculation of absorbed dose from injected radiopharmaceuticals. The lower segment of the sigmoid colon as described in the 1987 Oak Ridge National Laboratory mathematical phantoms does not accurately represent the combined urinary bladder/rect

Flerdimensionell hushållning klarar ekonomin

När vi som företagsekonomer ser på kommuners utveckling med de begrepp och modeller vi är vana att arbeta med, sticker kommunerna ut på många sätt. Kommunerna är ofta de mest resursrika organisationerna i sitt lokala sammanhang. Utifrån traditionella beskrivningar som antal anställda, omsättning, kundbasens omfattning, variation och bredd i serviceutbud, är det få omkringliggande organisationer so

Health-health analysis - An alternative method for economic appraisal of health policy and safety regulation Some empirical Swedish estimates

Health-health analysis (HHA) focuses on statistical lives themselves as a numeraire. The underlying principle is that the expected gains in health and safety of reduced risks in one area may result in increasing risks somewhere else in society. By reducing one risk other risks may increase due to changed individual behaviour. In addition to this direct effect, another indirect effect will also be