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Rasism och propaganda under andra världskriget i Stilla havet
Abstract not available
Arbete, stress och hälsa
Problemområdet arbetsrelaterad stress har inte någon entydig ämnesteoretisk hemvist eller definition. Trots områdets vaga konturer måste forskare, praktiker och lekmän ofta förhålla sig till arbetsrelaterad stress. Exempelvis är diskussionen om stress och stressrelaterade tillstånd vanligt förekommande i medierna, bland politiker och hos allmänheten. Det är dock ovanligt att sjukdomar som misstänk
Differential Protection for Arbitrary Three-Phase Power Transformers
This thesis describes how to provide standardized, current based, differential protection for any three-phase power transformer, including phase-shifting transformers with variable phase angle shift and transformers of all construction types and internal on-load tap-changer configurations. The use of standard transformer differential protection for such applications is considered impossible in the
Photo-metric mass determinations on heavy mesons in nuclear emulsions
[abstract missing]
Processability Theory applied to written and spoken L2 Swedish
This study investigates grammatical development in foreign and second language learners of Swedish. The hypothesis is that the hierarchy of processability predicted by Processability Theory (Pienemann 1998) guides both written and spoken learner production. The data was collected from 9 foreign language learners studying Swedish at Melbourne University and 11 second language learners studying Swed
Evaluation of Flexible Capital Investments - With Consequences for Decisions and Suppliers
Chemical cues from piscivores induce a change in morphology in crucian carp
Om hjelmer med horn og Odins krigere
This article deals with depictions of humans during the Vendel and Viking Age. While in earlier research, the iconographic approach has been predominant, the point of departure here are the functions pictures may have had in oral societies. As a new approach, the method of context analysis is presented. The main question is how depictions have been used differently by different social groups. In t
Use of semipermeable membrane devices to measure xenobiotics in Lithuanian rivers
The sheik returns : imitations and parodies of the desert romance
Economic Development and Communication Networks in the Baltic Sea Area
"Söner föddes ock åt Sem" (1 Mos 10:21). Den semitiska språkfamiljens ursprung och förgreningar
Not available.
The Impact of Stellar Collisions in the Galactic Center
We consider whether stellar collisions can explain the observed depletion of red giants in the Galactic center. We model the stellar population with two different IMFs: 1) the Miller-Scalo and 2) a much flatter IMF. In the former case, low-mass main-sequence stars dominate the population, and collisions are unable to remove red giants out to 0.4 pc although brighter red giants much closer in may b
Business Systems Analysis as Research
A business analyst who commences an investigation into design requirements for a new work system probably does not ‘label’ her inquiry process as research. However, a research perspective is needed if a productive learning spiral is to be established in which ‘useful’ systems can be created. Systematic, collaborative inquiry adopting an complex, open systems perspective is required in order to est
Law Through Sociology's Looking Glass: Conflict and Competition in Sociological Studies of Law
Law and its countless legal, academic, professional and institutional manifestations, all being intrinsically social, fall within the scope of sociological inquiry. It is, therefore, not surprising if some sociologists and jurists have tried to bring the benefits of sociological ideas to legal thought and practice. Introducing sociological insights into law, a feasible and useful project in theory
Mobilizing the Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia
Den produktiva gåvan. Tradition och innovation i Sydskandinavien för omkring 5 300 år sedan
The main issues discussed in this dissertation are the questions how and why farming and animal husbandry were introduced in southern Scandinavia. The Löddesborg site by the Öresund coast supplied most of the basic materials used in the analysis. Simliar sites in Scania and Blekinge, as well as finds of Limhamn-axes, pointes butted axes, polygonal axes, and dolmens complete the picture of the neol
Components of a prosodic typology of Swedish intonation
Validation in the context of discovery and the context of justification in psychological research
The aim of this chapter is to contribute to the debate by arguing for an approach to validity in which (1) the domain of discovery and the domain of justification are brought together and are seen as being intertwined in a transactional sense, (2) the justification process is seen to be endowed with an experimential and a contextual dimension, and (3) a pro¬ces¬sual, historical pespective is thus