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Your search for "*" yielded 531672 hits

Decay of a light pseudo-scalar Higgs boson to the Υ-meson and a photon

This paper is concerned with calculating the branching ratio of the decay A1 −→ Υ + γ of a pseudo-scalar Higgs boson, where Υ is a bound vector meson state of the quarks b and b-bar The results will then be applied to the b. phenomenology of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in the case where A1 has a mass in the interval 9.46 − 12 GeV . The paper will review the concept of spontan

An Analysis of Minorities in the Workplace

This research stems from questions regarding people's relationships in the workplace, especially questions from the perspectives of minorities, such as cultural, visual, religious, and sexual minorities. The motive in pursuing this topic is illustrated by a few episodes about people whom I encountered in my life. They had difficulties being a minority in the workplaces, still the difficulties

Beyond Women Empowerment - Exploring Perceptions of Women Empowerment among Women and Men in Ukerewe, Tanzania

This thesis is a qualitative case study regarding women empowerment, conducted during a two-month Minor Field Study in the island of Ukerewe, located in Lake Victoria, Tanzania. I aim to explore the term women empowerment through a critical lens whereby I problematize the instrumental understanding of women empowerment. Furthermore, I aim to explore people’s conceptions of the actual meaning of em

Investigations on Detector Non-Linear Response for the Optimization of Laser-Induced Phosphorescence Decay-Time Detection.

This thesis investigates the nonlinear detector response to Laser Induced Phosphorescence signal originating from the CdWO4 phosphor. A matrix method is utilized to map the detectors linearity for decay-time determination as function of detector gain and number of photons reaching the detector. The Matrix is created by scanning the energy of the laser beam hitting the phosphor thus changing the ph

Inquiries into the absence of extended globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy

Thirteen stellar objects known as extended globular clusters were found in the Halo of the Andromeda Galaxy. Three of these extended clusters have quantitative properties which are subsequently used to determine whether clusters of extended size could survive in the orbits of the Milky Way Galaxy. The question of whether extended clusters could survive in the orbits of the Milky Way, is interestin

Kapacitetsanalys för Södertunneln år 2020 samt HH-scenario

In order to achieve the environmental quality goals it is required to reduce emissions, particularly carbon dioxide emissions from road transport. A step in the right direction, from an environmental perspective, is to increase the use of electric railway. This means that a well-developed and functioning network that is customized to the European standards is required in order to motivate and mana


Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Naturligtvis - En studie kring företag och konsumenters inställning till ekologiska kläder Författare: Sofia Green, Johanna Persson, Johanna Settergren Universitet: Institutionen för Service Management vid Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg. Nivå och ämne: Kandidatuppsats Service Management 15 hp. Handledare: Anette Svingstedt och Filippa Säwe Nyckelord: Ekologi

Internationella cykler och oberoende penningpolitik i Sverige

En nationell valuta med rörlig växelkurs antas ge centralbanken möjlighet att föra en oberoende penningpolitik som kan användas för att stabilisera ekonomin. Men om inflationen på kort sikt inte i första hand styrs av nationella faktorer, utan av internationella konjunkturcykler, minskar möjlighe-ten att föra en oberoende penningpolitik. Den rörliga växelkursen kan då i stället vara en källa till