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Your search for "*" yielded 537052 hits

Combined use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and sedatives/hypnotics during pregnancy: risk of relatively severe congenital malformations or cardiac defects. A register study

Objectives: To investigate the proposed synergistic teratogenic effect of use of selective serotonin receptor inhibitors (SSRI) together with sedatives or hypnotics, primarily benzodiazepines, during pregnancy. Design: Cohort study of congenital malformations after maternal use of SSRI, sedatives/hypnotics or the combination of the two drug categories. Setting: Swedish national health registers. P

A photometric and spectroscopic study of the new dwarf spheroidal galaxy in Hercules. Metallicity, velocities and a clean list of RGB members

Our aim is to provide as clean and as complete a sample as possible of red giant branch stars that are members of the Hercules dSph galaxy. With this sample we explore the velocity dispersion and the metallicity of the system. Stromgren photometry and multi-fibre spectroscopy are combined to provide information about the evolutionary state of the stars (via the Stromgren c_1 index) and their radia

Gaining Legitimacy as a Public Official: The Case of Supportive Employee Attitudes to the Standardization of Work

The standardization of work processes is a common feature of the public administration, aiming at both efficiency and equal treatment of citizens. Combining this standardization with employee motivation is considered a challenge. This challenge is explored, based on a survey to 261 social insurance officers (SIOs) at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Results reveal that, contrary to expectation

The Influence of Partner Choice and Country of Origin Characteristics on the Naturalization of Immigrants in Sweden: a Longitudinal Analysis

Using data for the period 1968–2001, this article assesses the influence of partner choice and origin country characteristics on the propensity of immigrants to naturalize in Sweden. Marriage to a foreign-born Swedish citizen increases the naturalization propensity, and its effect increases strongly when the spouse naturalizes during the same year. The analysis suggests that a lower level of civic

Explorative investigation of biomarkers of brain damage and coagulation system activation in clinical stroke differentiation

A simple and accurate method of differentiating ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is potentially useful to facilitate acute therapeutic management. Blood measurements of biomarkers of brain damage and activation of the coagulation system may potentially serve as novel diagnostic tools for stroke subtypes. Ninety-seven stroke patients were prospectively investigated in a multicente

A. EUF-fördraget

Rättsfallskommentar - EU-domstolens domar under år 2010 på den direkta beskattningens område

Case Studies on the Verification of Fire Safety Design in Sprinklered Buildings : fallstudier avseende verifiering av brandskydd i byggnader med sprinklersystem

This report contains several case studies where trade-offs have been made between prescriptive code requirements and the installation of fire sprinklers. The case studies cover design situations as use of combustible wall and façade materials, extended travel distance to exits, reduced requirements on fire ratings as well as the combination of trade-offs. The report uses verifications methods pres

A functional variant in the CFI gene confers a high risk of age-related macular degeneration

Up to half of the heritability of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is explained by common variants(1-5). Here, we report the identification of a rare, highly penetrant missense mutation in CFI encoding a p.Gly119Arg substitution that confers high risk of AMD (P = 3.79 x 10(-6); odds ratio (OR) = 22.20, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.98-164.49). Plasma and sera from cases carrying the p.Gly

SWEDEHEART Annual Report 2012

The Swedish Web-system for Enhancement and Development of Evidence-based care in Heart disease Evaluated According to Recommended Therapies (SWEDEHEART) supports continuous monitoring and improvement of care for coronary artery disease, catheter-based and surgical coronary interventions, secondary prevention as well as catheter based and surgical valve intervention, by providing extensive data on

A gradient-enhanced large-deformation continuum damage model for fibre-reinforced materials

A non-local gradient-based damage formulation within a geometrically non-linear setting is presented. The hyperelastic constitutive response at local material point level is governed by a strain energy which is additively composed of an isotropic matrix and of an anisotropic fibre-reinforced material, respectively. The inelastic constitutive response is governed by a scalar [1–d]-type damage formu

Up-scaling of water use efficiency from leaf to canopy as based on leaf gas exchange relationships and the modeled in-canopy light distribution

Abstract in UndeterminedThe aim of this study was to evaluate the extent to which water use efficiency (WUE) at leaf scale can be used to assess WUE at canopy scale, leaf WUE being assumed to be a constant function of vapor pressure deficit and to thus not be dependent upon other environmental factors or varying leaf properties. Leaf WUE and its variability and dependencies were assessed using lea

Preschool outdoor play environment may combine promotion of children's physical activity and sun protection. Further evidence from Southern Sweden and North Carolina

Objective. - To study the impact of preschool outdoor environments on children's physical activity and solar ultraviolet (UV) exposure at different latitudes and countries. Methods. Outdoor environments of 11 preschools (two in Raleigh NC, USA, Lat.36 degrees N, nine in Malmo, Sweden, Lat.55 degrees N) were scored (OPEC) regarding space, vegetation, hilly terrain and level of integration between o

Soft X-ray Exposure Promotes Na Intercalation in Graphene Grown on Si-Face SiC

An investigation of how electron/photon beam exposures affect the intercalation rate of Na deposited on graphene prepared on Si-face SiC is presented. Focused radiation from a storage ring is used for soft X-ray exposures while the electron beam in a low energy electron microscope is utilized for electron exposures. The microscopy and core level spectroscopy data presented clearly show that the ef

Are You Biting Off More Than You Can Chew? A Case Study on Causes and Effects of Overscoping in Large-Scale Software Engineering

Context: Scope management is a core part of software release management and often a key factor in releasing successful software products to the market. In a market-driven case, when only a few requirements are known a priori, the risk of overscoping may increase. Objective: This paper reports on findings from a case study aimed at understanding overscoping in large-scale, market-driven software dev

RCU2-The ALICE TPC readout electronics consolidation for Run2

This paper presents the solution for optimization of the ALICE TPC readout for running at full energy in the Run2 period after 2014. For the data taking with heavy ion beams an event readout rate of 400 Hz with a low dead time is envisaged for the ALICE central barrel detectors during these three years. A new component, the Readout Control Unit 2 (RCU2), is being designed to increase the present r