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Jumping over fences of exclusivity exploring group values through myths in the field of equestrian sports

Thesis purpose: This thesis studies the subject of exclusivity by examining the narratives of consumers in the subculture of equestrian sports in Sweden. Through socio-cultural analysis of the value of cultural capital, we seek to build an understanding of how myths and stories create an image of exclusivity and influence taste and consumption in the equestrian field. Methodology: In-depth intervi

Does your organization have an unhealthy identity?

Issue of study: The Swedish dairy company Vattnadahl is currently going through extensive changes, battling new market demands and internal reorganizations. As a consequence, the organization is facing challenges related to its organizational identity. From a theoretical perspective, organizational identity consists of an internal and an external part that together dynamically construct the identi

Peace and Justice in Conflict? – The Legal Conundrum of a State Pursuing a Criminal Prosecution in Contravention of the Terms of a Peace Agreement

In an attempt to bring about the end to a conflict situation at all costs, peace agreements often end up containing terms that may be deemed controversial. One such example would be terms that confer immunity on perpetrators of international crimes. Concurrently, there exist in international law legal norms that require, or allow, States to pursue a criminal prosecution regarding perpetrators of s

Att förmedla är en konst : ett museologiskt perspektiv på nutida förmedling av antiken

During museum visits, I have reacted upon how antiquity is displayed in museums and how the mediation of antiquity’s cultural history often is absent. The display technique and the selection of the displayed materials enhance an arts historical perspective of the past. The aim of this master´s thesis is therefore to study why antiquity is mediated as art historical objects in museums and under wha

"Can you hand me the salt, please?" Motivational Conflicts - Heatlh v.s. Taste

Thesis purpose: to develop theory that can explain the contradictions that we see in contemporary society in the choice of cooking salt. Salt consumption can cause severe health problems. Consumers in the middle and upper classes are health aware, but seem to have other motivations for their choice in cooking salt. As appears in the hype that we see around cooking salt and the increased specialisa

Den sminkande kommunikatören: Om etiska dilemman inom offentliga verksamheter

Denna studie undersöker problematiken med etiska dilemman som kommunikatörer ofta ställs inför, givet motstridiga intressen mellan organisationer och deras intressenter. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer har vi undersökt hur kommunikatörer i tre offentliga verksamheter hanterar dessa dilemman, i relation till hur de uppstår. Vi har även belyst varför etiska dilemman uppstår för kommunikatörer i This study examines problems regarding ethical dilemmas that communicators are facing, due to conflicting interests between organisations and their stakeholders. Using qualitative interviews, we have examined how communicators in three public organisations deal with ethical dilemmas, in relation to how they occur. Furthermore, our intention has been to illustrate why ethical dilemmas occur for the

Can mobile banking reduce the presence of corruption? A minor field study in Kenya

Corruption and lack of transparency go hand in hand in poor countries. As most corrupt countries in the world can be found on the African continent, these countries have become a main target for strategies with anti-corruption movements. Despite the widespread phenomenon of corruption in this area, the technology development is prosperous, and owning a mobile phone is more common than having a toi

Can we make it in time? An analysis of wheelchair users’ and elders’ accessibility to public transportation and green spaces in Landskrona City

Mobility constitutes an important aspect in order to create quality of life, where a well working public transportation can decrease the level of stress and create more “flow” in the everyday life (Atkins 2009). However, not all individuals have the mobility prerequisites; for people with disabilities, the preconditions of movement are limited. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accessi

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av våld på arbetsplatsen

Våld mot sjuksköterskor är ett globalt fenomen som ökar för varje år. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att utsättas för någon typ av våld på arbetsplatsen. Åtta vetenskapliga artiklar, två kvalitativa och sex kvantitativa, ligger till grund för föreliggande litteraturstudie. Resultatet belyser fyra huvudteman; Psykisk och emotionell påverkan av våldet, fy

The treatment of credit in EU VAT and an evaluation of the cash- flow method applied to it

The credit is a financial service which holds a vital role to the transactions between the financial and non-financial enterprises with their customers. The goal of credit is to aid the legal and physical persons to successfully face and thus to overcome their difficult economical situations. Due to the fact that the VAT exemption status of granting, negotiation and management of credit causes neg

Hur kan ägaren till ett fåmansföretag förändra beskattningen på utdelning genom ovillkorade aktieägartillskott?

I Sverige beskattas ägare till fåmansföretag enligt särskilda fåmansföretagsregler. Huvudsakligt syfte med dessa särskilda regler är att undvika en skattemässig inkomstomvandling. Eftersom delägaren i ett fåmansföretag har ett stort inflytande över företaget och dess likvida medel finns det möjligheter till att ta ut arbetsinkomst som utdelning istället för lön. Att flytta inkomst från den progres

Asymmetry in the dynamic conditional correlation of gold returns and stock returns

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the possibility of asymmetry in the dynamic conditional correlation of stock returns and gold returns. We hypothesize that this asymmetry might be different for large and small firms, as a result of size specific characteristics that may influence firm profitability and risk following negative market shocks. We investigate this on three different sized U.S.

Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechanics

This thesis gives an introduction to the basic formalism of one-dimensional supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The factorization of a Hamiltonian is used to create a supersymmetric partner Hamiltonian. The connections between the energy spectra and wave functions of these partner Hamiltonians are deduced and examined for the case of broken and unbroken supersymmetry. An extension to hierarchies of

The Vertical Agreements Block Exemption Regulation 330/2010: An exemption from certainty?

Vertical agreements cover a wide range of supply and distribution agreements such as exclusive and selective distribution, franchising and agency agreements. Business practice is filled with vertical agreements, and sooner or later any practicing lawyer with a client doing business in or with the EU is likely to be asked to advise on the admissibility of certain restrictions of competition which a

Bakom disken - En uppsats om frontpersonalens upplevda arbetssituation och förutsättningar för arbetstillfredsställelse

Problemformulering: Det finns mycket belägg för hur viktig frontpersonalen är för ett företag men få företag verkar inse vikten av att investera i personalen och öka deras förutsättningar för att uppnå arbetstillfredsställelse. Då de arbetsuppgifter som yrkesrollen medför ofta kräver att frontpersonalen åsidosätter sig själva till förmån för kundens suveränitet och företagets framgång utsätts de f

I Think I Am Going Up, I Think I May Rise - Death and Rebirth in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath

This thesis is a thematic analysis of two major themes in the poetry of Sylvia Plath: Death and rebirth. The idea is to look at selected poems by Plath without taking into account biographical data. The thesis investigates death as perfection, the act of dying and the performative aspect of rebirth. It also takes a closer look at the meaning of the color red and the movement upwards (the ascent) a

Är det möjligt att predicera stress? - Sambandet mellan upplevd stress, självkänsla och livstillfredsställelse bland studenter

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur upplevd stress, självkänsla och livstillfredsställelse samvarierar, om könsskillnad förekommer bland dessa variabler samt undersöka huruvida upplevd stress kan prediceras utifrån självkänsla och livstillfredsställelse vid kontroll av kön och ålder. Studien baserades på en enkätundersökning med 144 studenter från Lunds Universitet. Enkäten inkluderade RosenbergsThe aim of the study was to examine how perceived stress, self-esteem and life satisfaction covariate, if gender differences exists in these variables and to examine whether perceived stress can be predicted from self-esteem and life satisfaction when controlling for gender and age. The study was based on a survey with 144 students from Lund’s University. The survey included Rosenberg’s Self-Estee

Prussiluskan - En diskursanalys om socionomstudenters syn på socionomyrket

Abstract Author: Amanda Rask & Mariaserena Baretta Title: Prussiluskan - en diskursanalys om socionomstudenters syn på socionomyrket Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren Assessor: Maria Bangura Arvidsson The aim of this study was to examine how social work students speak of social work, and what knowledge they consider necessary for a social worker. Our main question to analyze was however how the stu