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Skriftens ansikten: Konsten att läsa mellan raderna

(2 uppl.) The biblical figures have stimulated the creative imagination of a wide variety of writers and composers during the past two millennia. This study surveys the reception history in poetry, novels, art and music of a number of biblical figures, e.g. Cain, Abel, Abraham, Isaac, Miriam, the poor widow (Mark 12:41-44), Peter, Judas and Barabbas. The book discusses the interpretations of the

Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Orthogonal Metal Cutting

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta komponenter som används i vårt samhälle har genomgått en bearbetningsprocess i något skede i sin tillverkningscykel. På grund av detta spelar de ekonomiska aspekterna av bearbetningsprocessen en viktig roll i tillverkningskostnaden. Det finns flera skäl till att utveckla ett rationellt förhållningssätt till skärande bearbetning, såsom att förbättra skärteknik,Most components in use in our society have undergone a machining process at some stage within its manufacturing cycle. As a result, the economics of the machining process plays an important role in the manufacturing costs. There are several reasons for developing a rational approach to material removal, such as improving cutting techniques, producing products with enhanced precision, and increasin

Autonomy and Metacognition : A Healthcare Perspective

Part I of the dissertation examines the cognitive aspects of autonomy. The central question concerns what kind of cognitive capacity autonomy is. It will be argued that the concept of autonomy is best understood in terms of a metacognitive capacity of the individual. It is argued that metacognition has two components: procedural reflexivity and metarepresentation. Metarepresentation in turn can be

Sensitivity analysis of transient compressor operation behaviour in SOFC-GT hybrid systems

This paper presents a sensitivity analysis of unsteady-state SOFC-GT-HS operation based on two different characteristic maps of centrifugal compressor taken from open literature and scaled by the law of similitude to match the design point of the Hybrid System. The system layout under investigation is a pressurised type comprising a low and high temperature recuperator. Computations are based on a

Philosophical Modernization. Studies in Nordic History of Philosophy 1860-1910

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av fem filosofihistoriska texter med en sociologisk och idéhistorisk orientering. Alla texterna rör sig inom samma tidsram, 1860-1910. De fokuserar vidare på filosofin i de nordiska länderna, och närmare bestämt universitetsfilosofin. Tre av texterna behandlar ämnets utveckling vid universiteten i Lund och Köpenhamn. Avhandlingens centrala tema är deThe dissertation comprises of five studies in the history of philosophy with primarily a sociological and history of ideas orientation. All the studies fall within the same timeframe, 1860-1910. Furthermore, they all focus on philosophy in the Nordic countries, and university philosophy in particular. Three of the texts take up the development of the discipline at the universities in Lund and Cope

A non-feedback multiphase clock generator

This paper introduces the design of a new multiphase clock generator with no feedback loop. A single-stage direct interpolation architecture is proposed. A 1/4 frequency divider and a short-circuit current suppression interpolator are developed to achieve the precise interpolation. The circuit has been fabricated in a standard 0.35 μm, 3.3 V CMOS process. The multiphase clock generator can operate

Evolution of Yeast Respiro-Fermentative Lifestyle and the Underlying Mechanisms Behind Aerobic Fermentation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Jäst kan antingen bryta ner socker direkt till koldioxid och vatten genom andning, eller indirekt via koldioxid och etanol, genom jäsning. Andning är en process som förbrukar syre, och sker därför endast under syrerika (aeroba) förhållanden. Jäsning kräver till skillnad från andning inte tillgång till syre, och kan därför ske under syrefattiga (anaeroba) förhållanden. Under aerobic conditions, most yeasts such as Kluyveromyces lactis, prefer the respiratory pathway and some, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae prefer less energy efficient fermentative pathway for their energy metabolism. These two metabolic strategies are also known as Crabtree negative and Crabtree positive respectively, and the evolution of the latter has lately been explained by the “make-accum

Studies of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Aftertreatment System Based on the NOX Storage and Reduction Technology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Gränsvärden för NOX-utsläppen i avgaserna från tunga dieselmotorer kommer att minskas i den Europeiska Unionen från 3,5 g/kWh (Euro IV) idag till 2,0 g/kWh (Euro V) år 2008. I USA och Japan är trenden likadan och utveckling av ett avgassystem för tunga dieselfordon verkar oundviklig. I detta arbetet har en motorrigg byggts upp som bestod av en 11 l dieselmotor och ett aThe legislative limits for NOX emissions in the exhaust gas from heavy-duty diesel engines will be decreased in the European Union from today 3.5 g/kWh (Euro IV) to 2.0 g/kWh in 2008 (Euro V). In the USA and Japan a similar trend can be seen. Accordingly, the development of an exhaust aftertreatment system for heavy-duty trucks seems unavoidable. In this work, an 11 l diesel engine rig has been bu

Kritiska gemenskaper: att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap

Antologin Kritiska gemenskaper är en vänbok till professor Diana Mulinari vid Lunds universitet. Medverkande i antologin är: Malinda Andersson, Signe Arnfred, Anna Bredström, Cynthia Cockburn, Paulina de los Reyes, Maud Eduards, Suvi Keskinen, Wuokko Knocke, Gail Lewis, Mia Liinason, Carina Listerborn, Åsa Lundqvist, Catrin Lundström, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Irene Molina, Anders Neergaard, Tiina

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The occurrences of the Romanian interjection "via" in the two published corpora of spoken Romanian (CORV and IV) are analysed using conversation analysis methods and notions from pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. The chapter focuses on the sequential distribution of the interjection, and includes an analysis of the collocations and syntactic relationships that "via" can bear, as well as an ana