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Näset : nutidsarkeologiska promenader längs en skånekust 1977,1988,1999
The Finnish Kaamos: Escape from short days and cold winters
Drottning Victoria – ur ett inre liv : en existentiell biografi
I denna vetenskapliga, existentiella biografi över drottning Victgoria av Sverige (1862-1930)möter vi en kvinnas religiösa och estetiska landskap, hennes sjukdom, och hennes kyrkliga och musikaliska initiativ, även i en frånvarande närvaro. Den aktiva resignation som blev hennes livshållning hämtade inspiration från så olika gestalter som Charles Kingsley, Gottfrid Billing, kardinal Hohenlohe och
Amatör och avantgarde : de mindre filmkulturerna i efterkrigstidens Sverige
An important feature in the Swedish avant-garde film culture of the 40s and 50s is the creation of a public sphere for cinephilia. At first this public sphere was an "Öffentlichkeit" in the sense of Negt and Kluge. No distinction was made between production, exhibition and distribution; film theoretical reading, film viewing, and film production were not separated, nor were the films categorized.
Movement patterns and displacement of a soil insect
Popular Abstract in Swedish En insekts rörelsemönster i en värld av dofter Jag har videofilmat hur en marklevande insekt, Protaphorura armata, rör sig på en plan yta, hur de gör när de stöter på hinder, dofter från mat, artfränder och fiender. Jag har också använt matematiska modeller för att beskriva deras rörelsemönster. P. armata är en s.k. hoppstjärt men saknar förmågan att hoppa som flertaleMovement and dispersal are important determinants of the spatial distribution and persistence of animal populations in a heterogeneous environment. I studied the small-scale movement pattern of a soil-living insect, Protaphorura armata (Collembola) by using a video-equipment. I added chemical cues, food and conspecifics to their environment and evaluated the effects of external cues on the movemen
Miljöpsykologiskt kompetenscentrum för ljus- och färgforskning
On the Efficient Frequency Estimation of a Single Tone
The frequency estimation of a single tone corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise has received significant attention over the last decades due to its wide applicability in signal processing. In this paper, we propose a computationally fast and statistically improved hybrid single tone estimator which outperforms other recently proposed approaches, lowering the signal-to-noise ratio at which the
Foster children's right to family. A description and analysis of the legislative approach in Sweden
Conceptual Metaphors of Science : Prolegomena to a Cognitive History of Science
The cognitive abilities explained by cognitive science and cognitive semantics can inform us concerning the use of metaphors in science. The thesis is that abstract ideas rest on experiences of the concrete world. In this paper I will explain the use of conceptual metaphors in science, with examples from the mechanistic worldview of the 17th and 18th century. If we proceed from the way people thin
Molecular regulation of hematopoietic stem cells
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are ultimately responsible for the all mature blood cell production. They can primarily be found in the bone marrow (BM) at a low frequency (~0.02%). Unlike other blood cells, HSCs have a high degree of self-renewal capacity, the process where upon cell division, at least one daughter cell has the same properties as the stem cell it was generated from. In addition,
A Panel Data Test of the Bank Lending Channel in Sweden
An algebraic/analytic method for reconstruction from image correspondences
A method for the reconstruction and motion problems is presented, under the assumption that a number of point correspondences in a pair of images are known. A geometric and algebraic theory is based on invariance properties of point configuration under affine and projective transformations. In particular, a characterization of those image pairs which correspond to the same point configuration in a
Pirates in paradise : a modern history of Southeast Asia's maritime marauders
Hellmuth Hertz: Utdrag ur Documenta, KVA:s årsberättelse 1990
Absorbed Dose Determination and Characteristics of Degraded Electron Beams: Application to Intraoperative Radiation Therapy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Intraoperativ strålbehandling (IORT) innebär att en hög engångsstråldos ges direkt under operation till den kirurgiskt frilagda tumören och/eller kvarvarande tumörrester. Den vanligaste typen av strålning som används vid denna behandlingsform är elektronstrålning från konventionella medicinska linjäracceleratorer. Det krävs dock att ett speciellt applikatorsystem finns The aim of this work was to quantify limitations of and uncertainties in commonly used dosimetric techniques for relative absorbed dose determination in degraded electron beams, such as those encountered in intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) and small-electron-field radiotherapy. Three different detector types were investigated with regard to measurements of output factors and relative absorb
Annihilating fields of standard modules of ${germ s}{germ l}(2,Bbb C)sp sim$ and combinatorial identities
Företags samhällsansvar och mänskliga rättigheter
Bioactivity of Medicinal Bolivian Andean plants. Effects on cell proliferation and related processes.
Popular Abstract in English Bolivia is the seventh richest country regarding biodiversity in the world. Also, in its territory more than 36 indigenous nations co-exist. Each of these has traditional medicines that are passed on from generation to generation orally. It has been estimated that the Bolivian flora has more than 20,000 plant species. Some of these are being explored for their pharmaceuColon cancer is common in both developed and developing countries, and is responsible for at least 600,000 deaths globally every year. It is therefore the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality. Extensive studies are being conducted worldwide to find more effective drugs that can be used in cancer treatment. In these studies, phytochemicals have proven to be good sources for drug dis
Det kristna Europa och gemenskapens gränser : Novalis Europatanke och samtiden
The article investigates the notion of 'Christian Europe' by tracing some of its ideological roots. In particular, it engages with the Romantic era of German philosophy. If the idea of Europe from its very earliest stage was closely linked to Christianity, this gesture also became an important element in the attempts of a number of Romantic poets and philosophers to seek the foundations for a new