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Theoretical Foundations for Information Literacy : a Plan for Action

Information literacy is both a common and an important learning activity with higher education. That said, it is under-theorized as a process and as a path to a product. In order to meet the need for theory, the four panelists will offer four distinct possibilities for theoretical frameworks. While the four frameworks are able to stand alone, there is also the likelihood that they might be melded

Reasoning with limited resources: An LDS-based approach

Reasoning with limited computational resources (such as time or memory) is an important problem, in particular in knowledge-intensive embedded systems. Classical logic is usually considered inapropriate for this purpose as no guarantees regarding deadlines can be made. One of the more interesting approaches to address this problem is built around the concept of active logics. Although a step in th


The global governance architecture on climate change has been increasingly marked by institutional fragmentation. A growing diversity of institutions seeks to address dangerous climate change today, including international organizations, club-like forums, multi-stakeholder partnerships, regulated and voluntary markets, sub-national efforts and non-state actor initiatives. After taking stock of thi

Measurement of the Generalized Forward Spin Polarizabilities of the Neutron

The generalized forward spin polarizabilities 0 and LT of the neutron have been extracted for the first time in a Q2 range from 0.1 to 0.9 GeV2. Since 0 is sensitive to nucleon resonances and LT is insensitive to the resonance, it is expected that the pair of forward spin polarizabilities should provide benchmark tests of the current understanding of the chiral dynamics of QCD. The new results on

Strategies for evaluation of housing adaptations - Accessibility, usability and ADL dependence

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bostadsanpassning är en vanlig åtgärd inom kommunal service och rehabilitering. Avsikten är att ta bort fysiska miljöhinder i bostaden och den nära utemiljön för underlätta vardagliga aktiviteter och möjliggöra ett självständigt liv. Enligt svensk plan- och bygglagstiftning skall alla bostäder som byggs eller genomgår omfattande renoveringar vara tillgängliga och användHousing adaptation is a common intervention, in Sweden granted by municipal authorities, and performed in order to remove environmental barriers and enhance daily activities. In spite of increasing costs, efficient strategies for evaluation of the intervention are lacking. In this thesis, occupational therapy clients living in a south Swedish municipality and receiving housing adaptation grants we

Verbal or Visual Thinkers? Different ways of orienting in a complex picture.

A complex picture was shown to 12 subjects, and each subject was asked to describe it from memory. Their spoken descriptions were recorded, transcribed and segmented into intonation units (Chafe 1994). The transcripts were then qualitatively analyzed with respect to how the picture had been conceptualized. As a result, two different styles of description could be identified. Perceiving space was d

Higher Education: Commodity or Space for Learning: modelling contradictions in educational practices

In this article the authors reflect upon and critically examine signs of a contradiction in higher education which they discuss in terms of the tension between 'use value' and 'exchange value'. Use value here represents learning as something valuable ‘in itself’ whereas exchange value represents learning as an achievement of grades and credits to be ‘traded’ on a market. Their aim in this article