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Your search for "*" yielded 532180 hits

Multivariate analysis of selected metal ion transport through a hollow-fiber supported liquid membrane device used for passive sampling monitoring

A hollow fiber supported liquid membrane module using one single fiber impregnated with a mixture of 1,10-dibenzyl-1,10-diaza-18-crown-6 and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate dissolved in hexylbenzene was used for passive sampling of ppb levels of Pb(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), and Cd(II) in water. The target ions were simultaneously transported and preconcentrated into a citric acid acceptor so

A perspective on the characterization of colloids and macromolecules using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation

Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) is rapidly becoming a technique of choice for the separation and characterization of complex materials. It is capable of fractionating samples over a wide size (similar to 2 nm to 50 mu m in diameter) and molecular weight range (10(3)-10(10) g/mol). It offers gentle, low shear, low pressure separation conditions which are essential to preserve the s

Doing Ethnographic Research in Chinese Families: Reflections on Methodological Concerns from Two Asian Cities

This paper compares and contrasts the ethnographic practices of two non-native researchers – a Singaporean researcher studying families in mainland China and a Swedish researcher studying Chinese families in Singapore. A novel conceptual frame of ‘radius of observation positions’ has been proposed to explicate the extent of intrusion and intimacy to which researchers may venture in the private fam

Reduced macular function in ABCA4 carriers.

To study retinal function and morphology in ABCA4 carriers to investigate if ABCA4 carriership is associated with any functional or morphological changes and, if so, to explore whether certain mutations may be associated with particularly severe alterations.

Geochronology of high-pressure mafic granulite dykes in SW Sweden; tracking the P-T-t path of metamorphism using Hf isotopes in zircon and baddeleyite

Although the U-Pb zircon chronometer has been widely used for dating metamorphism in moderate to high-grade rocks, it is generally difficult to link the U-Pb age of zircon to specific metamorphic reactions. In this study, the initial Hf isotopic composition of secondary zircon is compared with the evolution of Hf isotopic composition of the bulk sample, back-projected from the measured value throu

Synthesis of 3-amido-3-deoxy-beta-D-talopyranosides: all-cis-substituted pyranosides as lectin inhibitors

3-Deoxy-3-amino-beta-D-talopyranosides have been synthesized for the first time. The amines were obtained from galactopyranosides through 2,3-anhydrogulosides that were opened to idosides followed by an oxidation/reductive amination sequence. From the amines, 11 corresponding 3-deoxy-3-arylamido-beta-talopyranosides have been synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors against galectin-1, -2, -3, -4C,

Chiral symmetry and charmonium decays to two pseudoscalars

We apply hard pion Chiral Perturbation Theory to charmonium decays to pi pi, KK and eta eta. We first discuss why we expect to be able to provide results for the chiral logarithms in chi(c0) and chi(c2) decays to two pseudoscalars while for the decays from J/psi, psi(nS) and chi(c1) no simple prediction is possible. The leading chiral logarithm turns out to be absent for chi(c0), chi(c2) -> PP. Th

A brief review on convection heat transfer of fluids at supercritical pressures in tubes and the recent progress

This study presents a state-of-the-art overview on heat transfer characteristics of fluids (mainly water, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon fuels) flowing in smooth tubes and enhanced tubes at supercritical pressures and tries to obtain a fundamental understanding of the unique characteristics. Heat transfer in enhanced tubes is much better than that in smooth tubes with a larger pressure drop penalt

Consequences of organic farming and landscape heterogeneity for species richness and abundance of farmland birds.

It has been suggested that organic farming may benefit farmland biodiversity more in landscapes that have lost a significant part of its former landscape heterogeneity. We tested this hypothesis by comparing bird species richness and abundance during the breeding season in organic and conventional farms, matched to eliminate all differences not directly linked to the farming practice, situated in

Meta-substituted Ru(II) rigid rods for sensitization of TiO(2)

Abstract in Undetermined Ruthenium polypyridyl rigid-rod compounds with phenylene-ethynelene (OPE) spacers and an isophthalic acid (Ipa) binding group were synthesized and characterized for sensitization of nanocrystalline TiO(2) (anatase) thin films. Density functional theory predicted that the most stable structure oriented the isophthalic group about 45 degrees from normal to the TiO(2) surface

Nuclear Intonation in Swedish : Evidence from Experimental-Phonetic Studies and a Comparison with German

This thesis investigates Swedish intonation patterns and their interaction with word accent realisation in various pragmatic conditions, using German as a reference language. The point of departure is the wide-spread assumption that Swedish, as a language with a tonal word accent distinction, has a considerably smaller repertoire of nuclear intonation contours than German and other so-called inton

Photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence imaging in premixed flames

Two-dimensional measurements of primarily hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2) are, for the first time, demonstrated in flames. The measurements are performed in different Bunsen-type premixed flames (H-2/O-2. CH4/O-2, and CH4/air) using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence (PF-LIF). Photofragmentation is done by laser radiation at 266 nm, and the generated OH photofragments are probed through flu

Does Allergen-specific Immunotherapy Induce Contact Allergy to Aluminium?

Persistent, itching nodules have been reported to appear at the injection site after allergen-specific immuno-therapy with aluminium-precipitated antigen extract, occasionally in conjunction with contact allergy to aluminium. This study aimed to quantify the development of contact allergy to aluminium during allergen-specific immunotherapy. A randomized, controlled, single-blind multicentre study

Influences of micro mechanical property and microstructure on performance of machining high chromium white cast iron with cBN tools

The variation of the micro mechanical properties, such as hardness and modulus, of the material is important potential factor influencing the machinability of the material. The presented paper is to study the influence of variation in micro hardness and microstructure of the materials on machining performance in terms of tool wear and tool life, cutting forces and surface quality. The work materia

Immobilized Drosophila melanogaster Deoxyribonucleoside Kinase (DmdNK) as a High Performing Biocatalyst for the Synthesis of Purine Arabinonucleotides

Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) deoxyribonucleoside kinase (DmdNK; EC: was characterized for its substrate specificity towards natural and non-natural nucleosides, confirming its potential in the enzymatic synthesis of modified nucleotides. DmdNK was adsorbed on a solid ion exchange support (bearing primary amino groups) achieving an expressed activity >98%. Upon cross-linking with

Improvement of rotational CARS thermometry in fuel-rich hydrocarbon flames by inclusion of N-2-H-2 Raman line widths

In rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) thermometry applied to air-fed flames, the temperature sensitivity mainly depends on the intensity distribution of the nitrogen spectral lines. Temperatures are estimated by numerical fitting of theoretical spectra to experimental ones, and one uncertainty in the calculation of theoretical CARS spectra for specific flame conditions is th