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Your search for "*" yielded 532180 hits

International expansion through flexible replication: Learning from the internationalization experience of IKEA

Business organizations may expand internationally by replicating a part of their value chain, such as a sales and marketing format, in other countries. However, little is known regarding how such "international replicators" build a format for replication, or how they can adjust it in order to adapt to local environments and under the impact of new learning. To illuminate these issues, we draw on a

A family with discordance between malignant hyperthermia susceptibility and rippling muscle disease

Rippling muscle disease (RMD) is a disorder that affects striated muscle and involves disturbances in calcium homeostasis. Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) is a potentially lethal disorder, characterized by extreme hypermetabolism and muscle rigidity/rhabdomyolysis during anesthesia with potent inhalational agents, in otherwise healthy individuals. The aim of this report was to search f

Investigation of formaldehyde enhancement by ozone addition in CH4/air premixed flames

Abstract The ozone (O3) decomposition in the pre-heat zone of flames can initiate and accelerate the chain-branching reactions. In the present study, formaldehyde (CH2O) was investigated by both experiment and simulation methods in methane/air laminar premixed flames under atmospheric conditions. The formaldehyde concentration profiles in the flames were measured with CH2O-PLIF. When 4500 ppm of o

Visual Orientation and Navigation in Nocturnal Arthropods.

With their highly sensitive visual systems, the arthropods have evolved a remarkable capacity to orient and navigate at night. Whereas some navigate under the open sky, and take full advantage of the celestial cues available there, others navigate in more difficult conditions, such as through the dense understory of a tropical rainforest. Four major classes of orientation are performed by arthropo

Maternal smoking during pregnancy - Long-term health effects in the offspring

Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag röker cirka 6% av alla gravida kvinnor i Sverige. I vissa regioner är andelen så hög som en av tio gravida kvinnor. Trots att det betyder att det har skett en kraftig nedgång sedan man började mäta utbredningen av graviditetsrökning i början på 80-talet, visar siffror att denna nedgång verkar ha avstannat. Det är känt sedan länge att rökning under graviditeten är sGlobally, around 10 % of women smoke during pregnancy today. It is known that pregnancy smoking increases the risk of adverse short-term health effects in the offspring, such as preterm birth, low birthweight and spontaneous abortion. Less is known about whether any adverse health effects persist until adulthood. In Sweden, there are nationwide population-based health registers that are becoming i

Efficacy and tolerability of anti-TNF therapy in psoriatic arthritis patients: Results from the South Swedish Arthritis Treatment Group Register.

Background: The use of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) blocking agents in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is increasing, and the SSATG register has followed patients with PsA for more than 5 years. The aim of the present work therefore was to present efficacy and tolerability data of TNF-blocking agents on PsA in clinical practice, and to study potential predictors for drug survival (the length of time a p

Gene Expression and MicroRNA Expression Analysis in Small Arteries of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Evidence for ER Stress.

Small arteries are known to develop functional and structural alterations in hypertension. However, the mechanisms of this remodeling are not fully understood. We hypothesized that altered gene expression is associated with the development of hypertension in mesenteric arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Three sublines of SHR and normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) were studied at

Hexakis(tetraaquasodium) decavanadate(V) dihydrate

The title compound, {[Na(H2O)(4)](6)[V10O28]center dot 2H(2)O}n, crystallized from a H2O/THF/CH3CN solution (pH ca 6)containing equimolar amounts of NaVO3 and N-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-N-(2-picolyl) glycine. In the crystal structure, the decavanadate [V10O28](6-) anion ((1) over bar symmetry)is coordinated, via four terminal oxide ligands of V centres, to two dinuclear [{Na(H2O)(3)}(2)(mu-H2O)(2)](2+) u

Plankton 3D tracking: the importance of camera calibration in stereo computer vision systems

Computer vision applications are very useful to study animal movements, but due to their intrinsic complexity they are challenging to design, implement, and use properly. We here describe a calibration procedure for a laboratory stereo vision system for tracking zooplankton in three dimensions (3D). We demonstrate the crucial importance of using a correct calibration for proper interpretation of a

Is concordance with World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research guidelines for cancer prevention related to subsequent risk of cancer? Results from the EPIC study

Background: In 2007 the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) issued 8 recommendations (plus 2 special recommendations) on diet, physical activity, and weight management for cancer prevention on the basis of the most comprehensive collection of available evidence. Objective: We aimed to investigate whether concordance with the WCRF/AICR recommendati

PKG activity causes photoreceptor cell death in two retinitis pigmentosa models

Photoreceptor degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa is one of the leading causes of hereditary blindness in the developed world. Although causative genetic mutations have been elucidated in many cases, the underlying neuronal degeneration mechanisms are still unknown. Here, we show that activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) hallmarks photoreceptor degeneration in rd1 and rd2 human homol

Radiographic and histomorphometric analysis of bone healing using autogenous graft associated with platelet-rich plasma obtained by 2 different methods

The aim of this study was to conduct radiographic and histomorphometric analysis of bone healing in the calvaria of rabbits, using an autogenous graft associated with PRP obtained by 2 different methods. Thirty rabbits were divided into control and experimental groups. Lesions were produced in the calvaria and filled with autogenous graft ( control) or autogenous graft and PRP obtained by the Anit

In-plane visibility of lesions using breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography

Purpose: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the visibility of simulated lesions in 2D digital mammography (DM) and breast tomosynthesis (BT) images of patients. Methods: Images of the same women were acquired on both a DM system (Mammomat Novation, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) and a BT prototype system adapted from the same type of DM system. Using the geometrical properties of the

Strength Design Methods for Laminated Glass

In this thesis, methods for efficiently determining stresses in laminated glass structures are developed and tested. The laminated glass structures comprise both bolted and adhesive joints. A recently developed finite element is suggested to be suitable for the modeling of laminated glass structures. The element is implemented and tested. It is proven by means of a simple test example that the ele

Life Satisfaction and the Oldest-Old. Results from the longitudinal population study "Good Aging in Skåne".

The overall aim of this thesis was to study life satisfaction (LS) and factors associated to LS in the group aged 78 and above. As an aid in interpreting the findings, Baltes’ and Baltes’ theory of selective optimisation with compensation (SOC) was used. All four studies included the same studypopulation who were followed for three years in the study Good Aging in Skåne, a national, randomized, po

Extremum seeking of dynamical systems via gradient descent and stochastic approximation methods

This paper examines the use of gradient based methods for extremum seeking control of possibly infinite-dimensional dynamic nonlinear systems with general attractors within a periodic sampled-data framework. First, discrete-time gradient descent method is considered and semi-global practical asymptotic stability with respect to an ultimate bound is shown. Next, under the more complicated setting w

TAR-DNA binding protein-43 and alterations in the hippocampus

Immunocytochemistry for transactive response binding protein-43 (TDP43) was assessed in the granular cell layer of the dentate gyrus in 250 cases displaying hippocampal pathology identified by haematoxylin-eosin staining. 18%, nearly one in five displayed TDP43 immunoreactive pathology in the granular cell layer of hippocampus. This percentage increased to 43% when only subjects with hippocampal p