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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Price Mark-Ups and Dispersion for Online Air Tickets: An Empirical Investigation into Scandinavian Online Travel Agencies

This essay investigates the prices quoted by online travel agents and airline companies for the same flight tickets. The theory of information and search cost would predict that prices should converge on the internet. This prediction is tested using data from six online travel agents and the airline companies quoted as having the cheapest prices for the corresponding dates and destinations. The re

Individual Innovation Incentives

Issue of study: Today, in an information-driven economy, it is more important than ever to be innovative. Developing new ways to create and deliver value is the main method of competition in the business world. Although the picture differs widely from the industrial age, the principals used to manage these companies and employees are same as a century ago. Paying people will just make them do what

Political participation: demographical factors and electoral turnout in the districts of Bogotá, Colombia

Everybody can take part in democratic election by giving a vote on the candidate most suited for the task. Still, many choose not to. The non-voters are rarely randomly spread out in an urban area but form geographical patterns. The aim of this thesis is to see which demographical factors that correlate and explain these patterns in Bogotá, Colombia. The method used is a mixed quantitative and qua

Social Economy-Based Microenterprise as an Alternative Community Development Model- a Case Study in Rural Peru

This thesis examines the potential of a social economy-based microenterprise model as a new community development tool in the special context of indigenous Quechua communities in rural Peru where their socio-economic realities are substantially different from the modern society. Although, the social economy-based development policies are widely discussed in many Latin American countries, only litt

Attachment organization and perception of constraining and enabling factors in long distance relationships: A first step towards constructing an instrument to measure experiences of living in a long distance relationship

Living in long distance relationships (LDRs) has become a common phenomenon worldwide. LDR couples continously move in and out of each other's co-presence, and research has shown that the transitions between togetherness and separateness give rise to factors experienced as both constraining and enabling. The present study extends LDR-research done by Sahlstein (2004) by taking attachment organ

Marknadsföringsverktyg på Internet och dess värde vid olika delar i köpbeslutsprocessen samt vid olika distributionskanalsstrategier

With the increasing Internet usage and the increase of W-commerce in Sweden, online marketing has become an essential and crucial activity for most industries and companies. Online marketing has developed rapidly and there are today a big number of digital channels and tools to add into the marketing strategy in order to meet the changing consumer behaviour. Today we are starting to see a number o

Ett skepp kommer lastat - En studie om konkurrensrätt, konsortier och linjekonferenser

Sammanfattning Linjekonferenser har funnits sedan 1875. Dess syfte är att rederier går samman för att gemensamt besluta om fraktrater samt dela upp marknaden mellan sig. Denna typ av samarbete har under lång tid tillåtits då det ansetts bidra till prisstabilitet och regularitet. År 2006 togs gruppundantaget för linjekonferenser bort och europeiska kommissionen valde i stället att utveckla det grup

Cankao Xiaoxi - Bilden av svenska nyheter om Kina i kinesiska Referensnyheter - Om nyhetsarbete och partijournalistik i Kulturrevolutionens begynnelse 1966

Uppsatsen behandlar den kinesiska dagstidningen Referensnyheter och med utgångspunkt från denna, det sätt på vilket Kinas politiska ledning genom nyhetsbyrån Xinhua förmedlade svenska nyheter om Kina till kinesiska läsare år 1966. Uppsatsen visar att Sverige och svenska medier sannolikt spelat en roll i den interna maktkampen inom KKP gällande propagandasystemet. Därmed synliggörs dels ett mediefeThe purpose of the thesis emanates from the Chinese daily newspaper Reference News and the way the Chinese political leadership through the news agency Xinhua selectively disseminated Swedish news about China to a domestic audience in the year 1966. The thesis shows that Sweden and Swedish media probably played a role in the internal struggle for power within the CCP regarding the propaganda syste

Remburser - Korrespondentbankens kontraktsrelation med köparen och säljaren

Letters of credit is an instrument of payment that is frequently used in international trade. Normally the buyer engage a bank which irrevocably promise to pay the seller when the seller (beneficiary) present a specific set of documents. The document’s purpose is to prove that the seller has fulfilled the obligation in the underlying contract of sale. The bank’s task is to investigate the document

Concept Development of a Coin Recycling Machine

Today, many bank offices refuse to handle coins. The coins are heavy, dirty and time consuming to administrate. It is required to automate the coin handling process in order to make the customers able to independently handle their coin transactions. There are already self service machines for depositing coins and for coin withdrawal. A step to further optimize the coin handling is to use the depos

Flexible LS for Tetra Pak C3/FLEX

Tetra Pak is developing a new flexible packaging machine called Tetra Pak C3/FLEX. With this machine it will be possible to manufacture packages of different volumes with the same cross sections. A volume change denotes that the repeating length of the packages changes. This results in a variation of the web velocity through the machine. When the web velocity changes, the emitted amount of heat to

Navigation Devices for Mobile Phones

Problem statement This thesis work was initiated since there are problems with the navigation devices currently used by SEMC, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB. The problems with the currently used navigation devices are lack of ability to keep dust out and they don’t meet the demands from future applications like scrolling through large amounts of data, image editing and advanced web browsin

Solar Cells on Mobile Phone

Realization of a Master Thesis is one of the mandatory parts of the Master of Science. The thesis was performed at the GUR/MBM mechanical development department at Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication in Lund, with supervision of the Division of Machine Design at the Department of Design Sciences, Lund University of Technology. The current consumption of mobile phones in standby mode has decreased a

Interactive Learning Programs for Mechanical Systems

The issue of understanding how electrical and mechanical systems work and how the components interact is not a trivial issue for most people. To help students understand these systems and thereby increase the knowledge for the future engineers, educational computer games may act as an important learning platform. This project aims at aiding students in their effort to reach knowledge in the area o


Det representativa styrelseskicket i Sverige tar sig form genom allmänna, återkommande val av politiker, som representerar medborgarna. Den i särklass största gruppen politiker i Sverige är fritidspolitiker, varför det är av principiellt intresse att studera deras situation. Vår uppsats har undersökt, genom en Internetenkät, deras upplevda villkor inom områdena tid, kunskap och ekonomi. Vi har i a

Vem är flykting? : en undersökning av "klimatflyktingars" möjlighet till inkludering i grundflyktingbegreppet

The purpose of this essay is to show that an individual or a group fleeing environmental change can count as what will be called core refugees. This is done by comparing the main criteria for a refugee in the refugee convention of 1951 and the African union’s refugee convention of 1969. These two conventions are used since they represent different views of who’s a refugee, even though they are rel

Beslutsprocesser i stadspolitiska projekt - exemplet Helsingborg

The role of the city is undergoing changes, and a new discourse is emerging, where growth-oriented projects plays an important role on the local political agenda, and brings increased competition between cities. There are clear indications on a shift from the local government to interactive processes with private-public partnerships that operates in a project-oriented development of the society. T

Abortfrågan - En EU-paradox?

The abortion issue in the European Union today stands for a paradox situation. Within the union abortion is handled through the subsidiary principle, which states that every country has the right to decide upon the issue itself. Although all member countries of the union have ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, three countries still does no

Ansvarsfördelning i handelskedjan - exemplet ansvar för barns rättigheter : från Uzbekistans bomullsindustri till H&M

In the Uzbek cotton industry run by the state under the country’s president Islam Karimov, children as young as the age of 7 have been forced to work under awful conditions picking cotton to fulfill stately quotas for years. In 2007 it was discovered that clothes sold by the multinational Swedish company H&M partly contained cotton from the Uzbek cotton industry. From an assumption that a viol

The Redemption of Europe- Fighting our own sins? Society's battle against the isolation of the Roma people

The Roma people’s isolation has been a major concern for the population in Europe for many years. Programs and legal frameworks are created for the protection for this underprivileged group; however the isolation continues to exist. The purpose of this paper is to explain why many of the measures taken are shown to be inadequate. The outlining and the examination of the history in this matter will