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The threat of abandonment : Images of the EU’s crises in post-Maidan Ukraine

This article further theorises and develops the notion of a threat of abandonment while trying to elucidate the applicability and usefulness of this concept in the case of Ukraine in its fight against Russia since 2014. If Ukraine perceives the European Union (EU) as weakened by multiple crises, it may translate this image into a scenario of less attention to Ukraine and its problems, and – ultima

Elevated risk of infection in individuals with hyperinsulinaemic type 2 diabetes : a Danish 12 year cohort study

Aims/hypothesis: A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying an elevated infection risk in individuals with type 2 diabetes is needed to guide risk stratification and prevention. We investigated the risk of infection in subgroups of individuals with type 2 diabetes according to indices of insulin sensitivity and beta cell function. Methods: We classified 7265 individuals with recently diag

Setting the AI Agenda : Evidence from Sweden in the ChatGPT Era

This paper examines the development of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) meta-debate in Sweden before and after the release of ChatGPT. From the perspective of agenda-setting theory, we propose that it is an elite outside of party politics that is leading the debate – i.e. that the politicians are relatively silent when it comes to this rapid development. We also suggest that the debate has become This paper examines the development of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) meta-debate in Sweden before and after the release of ChatGPT. From the perspective of agenda-setting theory, we propose that it is an elite outside of party politics that is leading the debate – i.e. that the politicians are relatively silent when it comes to this rapid development. We also suggest that the debate has become

Claiming Relevance for Social Science and the Humanities : Relevance Expressions Across Methodological Divides

This article addresses the issue of how Social Science and Humanities (SSH) researchers frame and argue relevance, where there are no explicit expectations to do so. It uses research project reports submitted to a Swedish research council, to distil and further analyze ‘relevance expressions’. These expressions illustrate some methodological differences along the lines of the long-standing distinc

Norwegian Public Health Nurses’ Perspectives on Their Role in High Schools—A Qualitative Study

Aim: Public health nurses working in high schools have few set tasks, and there is limited research available on their flexible role. Therefore, the aim of the study was to describe public health nurses’ perspectives on their role when working in Norwegian high schools. Design: A qualitative descriptive design, with an inductive approach. Sample: Eight public health nurses with at least 1-year of

Engineering students trust teachers who ask, listen, and respond

Trust is an important aspect of learning. However, there is little published research on how students perceive its value. In this article, we report on engineering students’ perceptions of the role of trust in their learning and their experiences of what teachers do in their courses that builds trust. Nine students participated in semi-structured interviews and 477 student replies to a survey sent

Stroke Is Not an Accident : An Integrative Review on the Use of the Term Cerebrovascular Accident

Background: Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is an outdated termfor describing stroke as it implies stroke is an accident.We conducted an integrative review to examine the use of CVA in terms of (1) frequency in major medical journals over time; (2) associated publication characteristics (e.g., number of authors, senior author country, topic); and (3) frequency in medical records. Methods: We search

Patients’ Experiences of Person-Centered Care in the Context of Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation

Studies addressing patients’ experiences of person-centered care (PCC) in the context of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) are scarce; hence, this study aimed to explore patients’ experiences of PCC, and its associations with individual characteristics and health-related quality of life, in the context of allogeneic stem cell transplantation. It is a cross-sectional su

Effekten av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner på utförandet av aktiviteter i dagliga livet hos äldre personer som bor hemma - En litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Åldrandet kan medföra nedsatta fysiska och kognitiva förmågor hos äldre personer, vilket kan begränsa deras utförande av sina aktiviteter i dagliga livet (ADL). MOHO förklarade hur nedsatt utförandekapacitet kan påverka äldres viljekraft, vanebildning och miljö. OTIPM är en personcentrerad, aktivitetsbaserad och aktivitetsfokuserad arbetsterapiprocess-modell som utgår från äldres behov oBackground: Aging can reduce physical and cognitive abilities and limit elderlies performance of activities of daily living (ADL). MOHO explained how performance capacity can affect elderlies volition, habituation and environment. OTIPM is a person-centred, activity-based and activity-focused occupational therapy process model, based on the needs and wishes of the elderly person. OTIPM includes in

Motivation, Kommunikation och en Skvätt Ålder Receptet för Arbetstillfredsställelse

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan arbetsmotivation, uppfattad ledarskapskommunikation och arbetstillfredsställelse, samt att analysera ålderns självständiga betydelse för arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien inkluderade 127 deltagare, och data samlades in via en webbaserad enkät. Mätinstrumenten bestod av SWEIMS (A Shorter Form of Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation ScaleThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between work motivation, perceived leadership communication, and job satisfaction, as well as to analyze the independent effect of age on job satisfaction. The study included 127 participants, and data were collected through a web-based survey. The measurement instruments used were SWEIMS (A Shorter Form of Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Mot

Kartläggning av spridningsmönstret för PFAS11 kring en brandövningsplats

Under de senaste åren har allt fler områden med höga halter av PFAS identifierats i Sverige. Dessa ämnen är en grupp industriellt framställda kemikalier som ofta går under namnet "evighetskemikalier", eftersom ämnena bryts ner extremt långsamt. PFAS är vanligt förekommande i produkter såsom regnkläder, stekpannor och brandsläckningsskum, främst på grund av sina vatten- och fettavvisande In recent years, an increasing number of sites with high PFAS concentrations have been identified, often at fire training grounds where firefighting foam has been used. This master thesis aims to investigate the distribution pattern of PFAS at such a fire training site and determine how the concentration and composition of a group called PFAS11 have varied during the period of 2023-2024. Methods i

Exploring Personality and Conditioned Auditory Hallucinations: Network Dynamics in a Non-Clinical Sample

Previous research has linked hallucination-proneness and psychosis-like experiences to the personality traits of Neuroticism and Openness in non-clinical samples. However, specific assessment of auditory hallucinatory experiences remains underexplored. In response, the present study investigated the links between personality—at trait and facet levels—and the occurrence of conditioned auditory hall

Nyckeln till Framgång: Hur effektiv ledarskapskommunikation främjar arbetstillfredsställelse, tillit och samarbete inom kulturorganisationer och på kreativa arbetsplatser

Inom arbets - och organisationspsykologi finns det ett stort intresse att forska kring variabler som kommunikation, tillit, arbetstillfredsställelse och samarbete. Däremot saknas det studier som undersöker hur sambanden mellan dessa variabler ser ut på kulturorganisationer och kreativa arbetsplatser. Denna uppsats försöker ta an detta outforskade område och tillföra en ny infallsvinkel och ett litWithin work - and organizational psychology there is a big interest in conducting research with variables such as communication, trust, job satisfaction and teamwork. However, we have found no research that investigates the relationship between these variables amongst cultural institutions and creative workplaces. Therefore, this essay aims to take on this unexplored area and provide a new perspec


The Tide is a project designed for the abandoned quarry - turned nature reserve in the south-east parts of Malmö. This project is an architectural proposal for a naturum in the quarry, a type of building that is meant to inform about and evoke thoughts of nature. As we speak 70 liters water is pumped out of the quarry every second. If this wasn’t the case we would instead be looking at an enormo

Effects of Control and Certainty Appraisals on Action Tendencies and State Emotions After Exposure to a Conspiracy Theory

Endorsement of conspiracy theories has several behavioral consequences ranging from increased confrontation to withdrawal from society. While both have the potential to erode society, the psychological mechanisms that foster them are not fully understood. The Appraisal Model of Conspiracy Theories (Pummerer et al., in press) proposes that different patterns of control and certainty appraisals, whi

Caloplaca ruderum new to Sweden and new combinations in Flavoplaca (Ascomycota, Teloschistales)

Caloplaca ruderum is reported as new to Sweden from three localities. Based on a phylogenetic analysis it is transferred to the genus Flavoplaca, where the closest relatives are F. communis, F. maritima and F. havaasii. In addition, Caloplaca sol and C. itiana are transferred to Flavoplaca. The identities of C. itiana, C. calcitrapa, and C. dalmatica in the sense of British treatments are discusse

Pre-processing of paleogenomes: mitigating reference bias and postmortem damage in ancient genome data

We investigate alternative strategies against reference bias and postmortem damage in low coverage paleogenomes. Compared to alignment to the linear reference genome, we show that masking known polymorphic sites and graph alignment effectively remove reference bias, but only starting from raw read files. We next study approaches to overcome postmortem damage: trimming, rescaling, and our newly dev

Further additions to the Swedish flora of lichenised fungi

We report 22 lichenised fungi as new to Sweden, of which nine are also new to Fennoscandia and one new to Europe. The newly reported species are Agonimia flabelliformis, Carneothele sphagnicola, Lecania madida, Lecanora horiza, L. subravida, L. subsaligna, Lecidea subhumida, L. toensbergii, Micarea coppinsii, M. isidioprasina, M. microsorediata, M. pseudotsugae, M. substipitata, Miriquidica majae,