Child and Family Welfare in Sweden
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This paper describes the beliefs and practices of the 911 truth movement, who believe that the World Trade Center collapse was caused by a "controlled demolition" and not by the hijacked airplanes. They try to expose the lie of the "official conpsiracy theory" of hijackings. The "truthers" have a coherent belief system, virtual communities and demonstrations, and enemies such as the mainstream med
A variant of the compatrison theory of metaphor is put forward. The main points are (a) a theory of metaphor belongs to semantics, not pragmatics, (b) a metaphorical statement is a similarity statement, usually comparing descriptions of objects, (c) a metaphor is a constellation of words connected by a certain kind of relation - the metaphorical link, (d) metaphors are not necessarily asymmetric,
An edition of the consecration sermons in Gothenburg Cathedral 1633 by Superintendent Andreas Johannis Prytz, with introductory comments. The first sermon deals with the need for Church buildings, the second with the consecration of a new Church.
An M-BCJR algorithm is proposed and tested over an AWGN channel with moderate to very intense intersymbol interference (ISI). Two M-BCJR applications are evaluated, simple detection over the ISI channel and turbo equalization. The signaling is binary faster than Nyquist linear modulation. The ISI models tested correspond to transmission of increasingly many bits/Hz-s with a fixed signal spectra; t
Current and future processor generations are based on multicore architectures where the performance increase comes from an increasing number of cores on a chip. In order to utilize the performance potential of multicore architectures the programs also need to be parallel, but writing parallel programs is a non-trivial task. Transactional memory tries to ease parallel program development by providi
Popular Abstract in Swedish Komplementsystemet ingår i vårt naturliga immunförsvar och bidrar till det förvärvade immunförsvaret bl. a. genom att aktiveras av specifika antikroppar. Komplementsystemets viktigaste skyddsfunktioner är att försvara oss mot bakteriella infektioner, förhindra uppkomst av autoimmuna sjukdomar genom att eliminera immunkomplex och döende celler samt att fungera som en förThe complement system is critically involved in defence against bacterial infection. C2 deficiency is, apart from mannan-binding lectin (MBL) deficiency, the most common homozygous complement deficiency among Caucasians. The classical pathway of complement activation is not functional in C2 deficiency and the condition is associated with invasive infections caused by the encapsulated bacteria Stre
A report on a comparative study into the rules and practices of case distribution in courts in five countries.
Although the vast majority of Syrians flee to neighboring countries, an increasing number is trying to reach European soil. On one end of the spectrum, individuals escape their war-torn country seeking protection elsewhere and on the other end the European Union (EU) and its Members States bear specific obligations for granting protection, stemming from their international and regional legal commi
The Malay Peninsula is a crossroads for people, languages and cultural influences, apparent in today's vibrant mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Thai and European. Yet this modern state of affairs all but conceals signals of much older situations of diversity. Thus, some 140,000 people grouped together under the label Orang Asli (Malay for 'aboriginal people') represent a range of cultural and biolog
Bokslutet från början är en kombinerad fakta- och övningsbok som är en direkt fortsättning på grundboken i bokföring, Bokföring från början. I denna bok fördjupas kunskaperna. Steg för steg behandlas de olika områden man måste behärska för att kunna upprätta ett fullständigt bokslut med årsredovisning i enlighet med årsredovisningslagens krav. För varje moment finns ett stort antal övningar.
Popular Abstract in Swedish I djurvärlden finns två dominerande ögontyper: kameraögon och facettögon. Kameraögat har en enda lins som fokuserar en bild på ögats retina, medan facettögon har många delögon som var och en har en lins. Båda typerna av ögon hittas inom Arthropoda men facettögon är klart vanligast. Det mest spridda typen av facettöga kallas appositionsöga och har en lins till varje ljusIn the superposition compound eye each rhabdom (light sensitive unit) receives light through many ommatidial facets, while in the apposition compound eye every rhabdom receives light from a single facet. The superposition design increases photon capture, which is an advantage in dark environments. Despite their advantage in dim light, superposition eyes can sometimes be found in insects that live