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On the development of interpolation - instead of a history three letters

This compilation should be viewed as a kind of prolegomena to a history of interpolation. Three letters from Mischa Cotlar, Antoni Zygmund and Olof Thorin from c. 1980 are reproduced. Thorin's letter is given in translation. These letters were written as a reply to an inquiry by the editor/translator. It is remarkable that while Thorin spent his whole professional life as an actuary, neither of hi

Maximal capacity partial response signaling

In this paper we investigate partial response signaling (PRS) systems that are intended to operate close to capacity. We show that finding PRS systems with maximal capacity is a rather easy optimization task. We give an alternate way of defining bandwidth for PRS systems based on capacity considerations; this differs considerably from the traditional method based on transmission power. Practical P

After Capitalism: Cyborgism

This second digital edition includes my research from 2013 until November 2015. There are many important changes from de first version. This version introduces the Technocratic Mode of Production based on the exploitation of the consumers. It includes a complete description of the cyborg society as it is today, the new castes that constitute it and the economic acts that regulate the new Mode of P

Plant community assembly during succession from arable fields to semi-natural grassland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi vill bevara naturbetesmarker och deras skönhet, vilken bland annat utgörs av de olika växtarter som förekommer där. Men idag finns det tyvärr inte många betesmarker kvar. Naturbetesmarkerna har under de senaste två sekelerna försvunnit på grund av ökad eller minskad markanvändning, där betesmarker blivit omvandlade till antingen åkermark eller skog. Bristen på betesmLarge areas of grazed, species rich semi-natural grassland were lost in Europe during the last two centuries and as a consequence led to decreases in grassland specialist species. Therefore, today the “restoration” of grassland on previously arable fields is recommended for the protection of grassland specialists. Even “substitute habitats” for lost grasslands are discussed as temporary alternativ

A new concept of coil design for industrial induction heating

Abstract in UndeterminedThe demands for energy efficent heating solutions for the manufacturing industry can be met by a new induction heating platform, presented in this article. A new concept and technology to design and manufacture induction heating units is explained, evaluated and tested with successful results. The so called Greenheat technology relies on inductors built on Litz wiring mould

Ion Beam Analysis - Development and Application of Nuclear Reaction Analysis Methods, in particular at a Nuclear Microprobe

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om utveckling och tillämpning av metoder för jonstråleanalys av lätta ämnen (lättare än ungefär aluminium), framförallt vid en nukleär mikrosond. Vid en nukleär mikrosond accelereras tunga partiklar, t.ex. protoner, av en partikelaccelerator och fokuseras av ett speciellt magnetiskt linssystem ned till en storlek av ungefär 1 mikrometer. Denna sThis thesis treats the development of Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) methods, principally for the analysis of light elements at a nuclear microprobe (NMP). The light elements are in this context defined as those with an atomic number Z of less than approximately 13 (aluminium). The work reported is to a large extent based upon multiparameter methods. Several signals are acquired simultaneously, and the d

Aspects of proteinase-activated receptor-2: A sensor of enzymatic activity at the cell surface.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår kropp består av en till synes oändlig mängd individuella celler. För att alla dessa celler skall kunna fungera som en helhet måste de meddela sig med varandra. För att en cell i tån ska kunna känna av vad som händer i knät så har den bland annat receptorer på sin yta. Receptorer är proteiner som sitter förankrade i cellens yttre skal, i cellmembranet. Receptorns enaInformation about extracellular proteolytic activity is transduced to the cell by a transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor subfamily. These receptors are activated by proteolytic cleavage in the extracellular amino-terminal domain and are thus termed proteinase-activated receptors (PARs). The second member of this subfamily, PAR-2, is activated by trypsin-like proteinases, however the physiologi

Spectroscopy of the M supergiant alpha Ori in the 1-2.5 µm region

The study of elemental abundances in cool stars via atomic lines in the optical region is made difficult by stellar molecular absorption. At infrared wavelengths this problem is diminished, but ground-based observations suffer from absorption by the earth's atmosphere. Fortunately, there are spectral windows through which we can observe. We have explored several such windows in the spectral region

Sweden in the Delaware Valley: Everyday Life and Material Culture in New Sweden

In 1637 the Swedish Crown, encouraged by Dutch merchants, developed a plan to establish a colonial outpost in America to tap into profitable tobacco and beaver pelt trade. The same year the first cargo ships left Sweden and sailed westwards to claim their piece of America along the Delaware River. Although in many ways unsuccessful and short-lived (the colony collapsed in 1656), New Sweden became

Measurement systems and process orientation with focus on the order process

The inability of organisations to develop successfully and their lack of a holistic view and of relevant quantitative facts are factors that played a major role in my choice of a research area for this and my licentiate thesis (Ljungberg, 1994). These two theses together represent the work conducted for the PhD degree. There is a strong need in this research area for increased insight into the de