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Tools and methods for solar building design : Results of IEA Task 41 international survey
As part of the IEA-SHC Task 41 'Solar Energy and Architecture' an international survey was carried out. This paper presents its results for Subtask B which especially focuses on methods and tools for solar design applied by architects. Building professionals, mainly architects, were contacted via email and asked to participate in a web-based questionnaire about their use of methods and tools for s
En diet att magra av : Bantningens femininisering i damtidningar mellan 1890 och 1910
Evolvability in the fossil record
The concept of evolvability - the capacity of a population to produce and maintain evolutionarily relevant variation - has become increasingly prominent in evolutionary biology. Paleontology has a long history of investigating questions of evolvability, but paleontological thinking has tended to neglect recent discussions, because many tools used in the current evolvability literature are challeng
Vilken hälsoekonomisk information behövs för att sätta pris och ge subventioner?
Stimulus-induced EEG-patterns and outcome after cardiac arrest
Objective: EEG is commonly used to predict prognosis in post anoxic coma. We investigated if stimulus-induced rhythmic, periodic or ictal discharges (SIRPIDs) add prognostic information after cardiac arrest. Methods: In the multicenter Targeted Temperature Management trial, routine-EEGs were prospectively recorded after rewarming (≥36 h). Presence and subtype of SIRPIDs and main EEG-pattern (benig
Health-care reforms in Sweden - Striving towards equity, efficiency and cost containment
Prevalence, Disease-free, and Overall Survival of Contemporary Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma Eligible for Adjuvant Checkpoint Inhibitor Trials
Introduction: Designing adjuvant trials is challenging because of uncertainties of prevalence and outcome of high-risk renal cell cancer (RCC) despite use of validated risk scores. Our objective is to investigate how differences in eligibility criteria may impact on potential study results in RCC adjuvant trials. Patients and Methods: RECUR is a multicenter European database capturing patient and
Tungsten oxide quantum dots deposited onto ultrathin CdIn2S4 nanosheets for efficient S-scheme photocatalytic CO2 reduction via cascade charge transfer
A novel S-scheme photocatalytic heterojunction composite nanomaterial is developed by integrating zero-dimensional WO3 quantum dots (WQDs) on two-dimensional ultrathin CdIn2S4 (CIS) nanosheets with the aim of fostering carrier separation, enhancing the performance of carrier interface transport, minimizing carrier distance transport, and achieving effective photocatalytic CO2 reduction. The compos
”Det är ovanligt intressant att vara med i det här kriget”
År 1899 bröt det andra boerkriget ut. Dess koppling till Lunds universitet är kanske inte omedelbart uppenbar, men faktum är att åtminstone en lundastudent begav sig till Sydafrika som frivillig i vad han själv kallade för ett ”ovanligt intressant” krig:Arkivarien vid universitetsarkivet Henrik Ullstad berättar hans historia.
Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type E (PTPRE) regulates the activation of wild-type KIT and KIT mutants differently
Activation of receptor tyrosine kinases needs tight control by tyrosine phosphatases to keep their normal function. In this study, we investigated the regulation of activation of the type III receptor tyrosine kinase KIT by protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type E (PTPRE). We found that PTPRE can associate with wild-type KIT and inhibit KIT activation in a dose-dependent manner, although the a
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, an ultra-rare cancer : a consensus paper from the community of experts
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is an ultra-rare, translocated, vascular sarcoma. EHE clinical behavior is variable, ranging from that of a low-grade malignancy to that of a high-grade sarcoma and it is marked by a high propensity for systemic involvement. No active systemic agents are currently approved specifically for EHE, which is typically refractory to the antitumor drugs used in sarc
South Asian nationalisms
This article intends to raise questions related to nationalism in South Asia, while also addressing the rationale for this special issue. Is nationalism a monolithic construct based on a European precedent or is it something much larger that is developed pluralistically in a variety of contexts around the world? If the latter is true, which is our position, then how do we go about studying the var
Can a Dinosaur Think? Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
Background: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) of kidney stones is losing ground to more expensive and invasive endoscopic treatments. Objective: This proof-of-concept project was initiated to develop artificial intelligence (AI)-augmented ESWL and to investigate the potential for machine learning to improve the efficacy of ESWL. Design, setting, and participants: Two-dimensional ultraso
Observations of the effect of strong Pauli paramagnetism on the vortex lattice in superconducting CeCu2Si2
We present the results of a study of the vortex lattice in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2, using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). In this material at temperatures well below Tc∼0.6 K, the value of the upper critical field Bc2∼2.2 T is strongly limited by the Pauli paramagnetism of the heavy fermions. In this temperature region, our SANS data show an increase in the magnetization o
Directional shear jamming of frictionless ellipses
In this work we study shear reversals of dense non-Brownian suspensions composed of cohesionless elliptical particles. By numerical simulations, we show that a new fragility appears for frictionless ellipses in the flowing states, where particles can flow indefinitely in one direction at applied shear stresses but shear jam in the other direction upon shear stress reversal. This new fragility, abs
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Bidraget innehåller en omfattande presentation av de rättsliga bestämmelserna för gottgörelse för nationalsocialistiska orättvisor – i synnerhet för återlämnande av egendom till judiska offer för Förintelsen – med hjälp av det exempel som utgörs av Förbundsrepubliken Tysklands lagstiftning. Vidare ägnar sig bidraget åt en kontextualisering av gottgörelse- och reparationspolitiken i termer av folkr
Project SSM2019-5225: “Marine 14C levels around the Swedish coast” – Additional gamma spectrometric measurements and ICP-MS analysis of brown algae (Fucus spp.)
The results of the project SSM2019-5225, “Marine 14C levels around the Swedish coast”, financed by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), are presented in the paper “Spatial and temporal variations of 14C in Fucus spp. in Swedish coastal waters” published in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. The project SSM2019-5225 focussed on spatial variations in 14C in Fucus spp. samples colle
Differences in antipsychotic treatment between depressive patients with and without a suicide attempt
Background: Depressed suicide attempters are, according to some earlier studies, treated more often with antipsychotics than depressive non-suicide attempters. Cluster B personality disorders, especially borderline personality disorder, are associated with a high suicide risk, and antipsychotics are commonly used for the reduction of symptoms. However, no previous study has taken comorbid personal