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Evaluation of brarin metabolite ratios in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with and without neurological symptoms: A prospective 2D-CSI MR specroscopy study.
Pedagogisk utvecklingsplan för intermediala kulturstudier. En problematisering av ett logistiskt-pedagogiskt dilemma
Följande är en pedagogisk utvecklingsplan för intermediala kulturstudier, delkurs tre av fyra på grundnivåutbildningen intermediala studier (IMS A11, 30 hp). Kursen ges fr.o.m. hösten 2009 även som fristående kurs på 7,5 hp (IMS A40), tillsammans med helterminsstudenterna och utan förkunskapskrav. Med detta uppstår ett pedagogiskt problem, då delkursen föregrips av två andra delkurser: intermedial
Robust PID Control of Steam Generator Water Level
Controlling Linux in a Nice Way
Computing systems are becoming more and more complex and powerful. It is nowadays even possible to run several server applications on the same platform, i.e., virtual servers. This has given rise to a need for resource reservation techniques so that tasks do not interfere with each other. This paper presents a scheduling environment that facilitates the possibility to create virtual CPUs and CPU-b
Runt jorden svävar en osynlig soptipp
Corvée in 19th century Sweden - a feudal recoil?,
Relations between scattering data and material parameters in complex media
The symmetries of scattering data of a bianisotropic, homogeneous and dispersive slab are investigated. It is demonstrated how these symmetries can be used to reveal the symmetries of the medium parameters (four three-dimensional susceptibility kernels). The underlying physical experiment is a transient electromagnetic plane wave obliquely incident upon the slab. The analysis is based on time-doma
Tidsvariabel robusthetsanalys
Direct and inverse scattering of transient electromagnetic waves
A Relative Success? : Notes on the circulation and wider reception of Scandinavian Crime
A Relative Success? Notes on the circulation and wider reception of Scandinavian Crime In this paper Scandinavian crime, or Nordic Noir, in its filmic and televisual incarnations, will be considered on its relative merits as a transnationally successful, but regionally based popular cultural expression. The inquiry will be conducted against a backdrop which briefly traces the history and some of t
Photography, representation and movement in the Ottoman Empire and contemporary Turkey
The Legal Subject Who Does not Exist
No title
New Age: konsumtionsvara eller värden att kämpa för? - Hemmets Journal och Idagsidan i Svenska Dagbladet analyserade utifrån Mary Douglas grid/group-modell och Pierre Bourdieus fältteori
This dissertation is focused on the differences that can be observed in New Age material published between 1974 and 1995 in two different Swedish publications, one weekly magazine and one national morning paper. It is shown that the main parts of the readers of these two publications are polarised according to socio-economic status. I start from an assumption that the material I have analysed embo
MICOLE D 14: Final User Requiremants and Design Recommendations
Convex programming-based resource management for uncertain execution platforms
An approach to constrained resource allocation for real time software components executing on nondeterministic hardware is considered. A model for resource consumption based on execution rate is investigated together with an event-based measurement and parameter estimation scheme. Finally, an algorithm for real time constrained optimization of resources is presented together with results from a ca
A transnational perspective on retail internationalization: Lessons learnt from IKEA´s entry into China, Russia and Japan
Experimentfilmens arkivproblem
Short survey over the problems connected to the collection and preservation of experimental film
Creep behavior of structural timber under varying humidity conditions
The effects on wood of simultaneous mechanical and moisture loading are studied. A constitutive model is given for the case of uniaxial stress in the longitudinal direction. The model has been quantified on the basis of test results found in literature. The validity of the model was checked independently against other tests and a number of practical load situations were studied. Finally the servic