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Designing remedial education. Education meets psychiatry.

Education and psychiatry meet as a result of a teacher broadening her scope to encompass adult psychiatry. Eve Mandre sheds light on the silent knowledge inherent in remedial education by highlighting the individual factors involved and putting words t

Konsten att göra djuren synliga

Essän tar avstamp i en installation med uppstoppade hästar av konstnären Javier Balmaseda, visad på konstbiennalen i Venedig 2013. Diskussionen rör de etiska dimensionerna vid användning av djurkroppar i konsten, med referens även till Robert Rauschenbergs getinstallation "Monogram" på Moderna museet, samt till Steve Bakers forskning om djur i konsten, inklusive den nyutgivna boken Artist Animal.

Dynamic optimization of a plate reactor start-up supported by Modelica-based code generation software

In this paper, start-up of a plate reactor is considered. Dynamic optimization is used to obtain start-up trajectories, and a feedback control structure for on-line control. The problem is challenging, since the process model is large and highly non-linear. In addition, the plant is subject to uncertainty. Special attention is given to the problem of formulating an optimal control problem based on

Building a map of the breast cancer proteome - Strategies to increase coverage

Popular Abstract in Swedish Uppsättningen av gener i DNA, genomet, kan betraktas som drivande för konstruktionen av varje levande varelse, medan motsvarande proteiner, proteomet, är materiellt ansvariga för de flesta biologiska processer. Kort sagt, gener bestämmer vad celler ”ska kunna göra” medan proteiner definierar vad varje cell "gör" ur en funktionell synvinkel. Aktiviteten hos dessa molekylAmongst the various –omics sciences, proteomics has the highest potential for functional characterization and consequently can contribute significantly to the field of cancer research. In particular, the focus of this thesis is on breast cancer. Alas, since state-of-the-art technologies cannot meet the complexity of upper eukaryotic proteomes, a complete resolution of clinical samples is still una

The ENABLED Editor and Viewer – simple tools for more accessible on line 3D models

This paper reports on the ENABLED 3DEditor and 3DViewer. The software design is described, and results from user tests with end users are reported. Both the Editor and Viewer are seen to work quite well. It is possible for a developer to quickly start working with the editor. The Viewer was well received by the users who are able to use it to understand an environment, get an overview and locate a