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GDP: here today, (maybe) gone tomorrow - A study of the impact of increased flows of services and goods on Swedish GDP

This thesis investigates if GDP as a measurement still is useful to explain the economy as new trade flows and new goods and services appear on the market. This is done by estimating the impact of merchanting, processing and royalties and licenses on Swedish GDP. The estimates used are the imports and exports of these goods and services and their share of GDP growth as well as how much these econo

Likvärdig betygssättning vid Lunds grundskolor? Jämförelse mellan grundskolebetyg i matematik och diagnosresultat vid gymnasiestarten

I dagens samhälle är det av högsta vikt att betyg sätts likvärdigt. För att undersöka likvärdigheten i betygssättning används ofta de nationella proven men detta kan vara problematiskt då de nationella proven rättas internt och är en del av det betygsgrundande materialet. I detta arbete har istället ett diagnostiskt test i matematik som utförs av elever i början av årskurs ett på Lunds kommunala g

Impact is a Two-Way Conversation

Sustainability researchers are facing increasing pressure to improve their scientific communication and to achieve impacts in wider society with their research. Knowledge mobilisation (KMB) is a key component of both challenges, as it relates to efforts undertaken by researchers to achieve impacts with their research. This study seeks to identify some of the KMB practices being undertaken by exper

The Museum in Helsinki

The Museum in Helsinki explores the architectural challenges in adding properties to a culturally significant site without disturbing it. The framework for this thesis is given by an open architectural competition with the objective to find a suitable extension to the National Museum in Helsinki. How does one design a suitable extension to a culturally significant and fragile site?

Awaken, My Love!

After recieving the diplomas from the idea competition win together with two colleagues nothing really happened in the Granite Castle in Itäsatama, Hanko. Some makeshift flea markets and coffee booths were put in the empty shell of the previous granite quarry but in the greater scale it remained a shadow from its former past. Hanko’s unequable tourist season concentrates during peak summer leaving

Derivation of Improved K^0_L Response Uncertainty for use in the Jet Energy Scale Calibration at ATLAS

Ökad noggrannhet vid ATLAS experimentet Var kommer vi ifrån? Vad hände i Big Bang? Detta är exempel på några av många obesvarade frågor inom fysik. ATLAS är ett experiment vid CERN (Europeiska organisationen för kärnforskning), där tusentals forskare samarbetar med att undersöka produkterna från högenergetiska protonkollisioner, för att få svar på dessa frågor. En vanligt förekommande produkt The Standard Model of particle physics (SM) attempts to describe the fundamental particles and how they interact with each other. This model is however incomplete, as shown by various experimental observations. ATLAS is one of the experiments currently in operation at the Large Hadron Collider, which aims to search for new physics beyond the SM. To perform these searches, many ATLAS analyses look

Mental disorders and Mobile cell phone usage - An international comparison

Mental health disorders and the cost associated with them for have long been a global burden. Recently a rise in mental disorders especially among the younger generations have been seen in a number of studies while the same group have seen a rapid change in mobile cell phone habits. This paper therefore aims to investigate potential connections between the mobile phone internet usage and mental di

Two sides of a coin: Analyzing benefits and limitations of payment for water ecosystem services in Lima´s water fund

Payment for water ecosystem services has been gaining attention in Latin America because of the direct response for environmental conservation through economic mechanisms. By connecting nature services with people who benefit from them, it creates a sustainable intervention for the ecosystem’s management while enhancing human well-being according to policy implementers. Nevertheless, these initiat

Short Range Gesture Sensing and Classification Using Pulsed Millimeter-Wave Radar and Convolutional Neural Networks

Human hand gestures present a novel way of interacting with electronic devices. A millimeter-wave radar setup utilizing a pulsed Resonant-Tunneling Diode signal generator in the 60 GHz ISM band is used to measure 12 different hand gestures. The data is used to train and validate Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The measurement setup utilizes a real time sampling oscilloscope and down-mixing o

The paradox of entrepreneurship: how emplotment of the self provides confirmation in the face of anxiety

This study explores how narrative identity construction of young entrepreneurs is influenced through sensemaking processes based on storytelling. In order to do so, this study has been conducted with eleven participants of an entrepreneurial hub. This entrepreneurial hub is actively engaged in training and developing skills of young entrepreneurs. The participants in our study were considered youn

Fracture characteristics of acetylated birch - Experimental and numerical studies

Av miljö- och hållbarhetsmässiga skäl finns idag ett ökat intresse att använda trä som byggnadsmaterial. Björk har historiskt sett inte används i lastbärande strukturer på grund av dålig beständighet och låg formstabilitet. Genom den kemiska modifieringsprocessen acetylering, kan båda dessa egenskaperna förbättras. För att kunna använda det modifierade träet i lastbärande strukturer måste man dockModication of wood is carried out to increase the durability and dimensional stability of wood, and one of the modication methods is acetylation. Acetylation of wood means that polymers in the cell wall react with acetic anhydride. Today, acetylated wood is rarely used in load-bearing structures and there are only a few studies on how the fracture characteristics are affected by acetylation. A stu

Denim Sneaker

Denim, sneakers and sustainability are three topics I am passionate about. Right now, the sneaker community is growing bigger than ever, releasing new products every week of the month. This is not very sustainable, neither is the denim industry. Growing cotton for one pair of denim jeans requires around 950 liters of water and a lot of fertilization. At the same time, we consume 12,5 kg of fa

Data Protection Considerations in EU Competition Law - A Natural Evolution or Disruptive Development?

Det kan konstateras utan vidare att den världen som vi lever i håller på att bli allt mer digitaliserad. Människor kommunicerar på Facebook, beställer varor på Amazon och använder sig av Google Search för att komma åt allting som Internetet har att erbjuda. En gemensam nämnare för dessa tjänster är att de erbjuds gratis. Affärsmodellen för dessa företag är istället att maximera upptagningen av datIt goes without saying that the world that we live in is becoming increasingly digitised. People communicate on Facebook, order products on Amazon, and use Google Search to find everything the Internet has to offer. A common denominator of these services is that they are all offered for free. Instead of requiring payment, the business model of such undertakings is to maximise data collection on it

Optical studies of wrapgated InP nanowires

This thesis describes optical spectroscopy on III-V semiconductor InP nanowires (NW) with a transparent indium-tin-oxide (ITO) gate electrode. The NWs are arranged both as vertical arrays with a wrap all around gate and as single lateral NWs with an omega-shaped gate for increased electrostatic effect. The transparent ITO gate allows optical access with probing lasers in a 4 K He-cryostat while

Growing Equality and Equality for Growth? An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Gender Equality, Demographic Change, and Economic Growth: Sweden, 1870-1990

This thesis examines the relationship between gender equality, demographic change, and economic growth for the context of Sweden, 1870-1990. Large-scale developments changed a society with relatively little gender equality in the late nineteenth century to the egalitarian welfare state that we know today. Using personally-collected data at the Swedish county-level, a measure of gender equality - t

Event Generators and Light Dark Matter

Mörk materia upptäcktes redan på 1930-talet av astronomer via sin enorma gravitationella påverkan på galaxer. Trots detta, har alla försök att hitta dess beståndsdelar via experiment misslyckats. Ledande modeller för den mörka materians natur brukar beskriva den som uppbyggd av så kallade ”WIMP:s” (weakly interacting massive particles) som översätts till ungefär: ”svagt interagerande massiva partiRecently, a number of experiments have been proposed with the aim of finding light dark matter. In particular, the proposed LDMX experiment is meant to utilize electron scattering off metal nuclei to excite dark matter emissions. Motivated by this, we construct an event generator for electrons scattering off metal nuclei. The relevant kinematics are presented in detail. The matrix element for the

Byggnation över användningsgräns mot allmän plats

Visionen när områden ska detaljplaneläggas för ny bebyggelse, i centrala delar av städer, är att skapa gaturum med stadsliknande karaktär. Önskan finns om att skapa mötesplatser och ett livfullt område. För att uppfylla denna vision har detaljplaner utformats utan kvartersmark mellan byggnader och allmän plats vilket innebär att husfasaderna går i användningsgräns till den allmänna platsen. FöljdeThe vision when municipalities are planning new areas is to create a feeling of urbanity and create vibrant and safe places. Usually the municipalities have designed the detailed development plan with a space between the public space and the buildings. Lately this place has been removed from many detailed development plans in central urban areas to fulfil the vision of urbanity. It means that balc