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Your search for "*" yielded 532463 hits

"We'll tailor your experience"

Personalization is a strategic way for retailers to tailor an experience based on information provided by the customer, to fulfill the individual's needs. It has been explored in great detail, resulting in benefits being revealed, as well as strategies being put forth. However, this study identifies great possibilities to improve our knowledge of the research field, by adopting a holistic appr

Seamless Music Control in the Car - A study of driver distraction and feature implementation

Med allt större displayer i bilar och med en mer komplex funktionalitet på dessa, har förardistraktion blivit ett växande problem. I detta arbetet studerades detta problem och funktionalitet för att minska antalet interaktioner i mediaspelaren för att starta musik implementerades. Genom användar-testande påvisades att med ett användarvänligt och smart användargränssnitt kan detta uppnås.This project covers the increasingly growing problem of in-car driver distraction due to infotainment systems. The purpose was to understand this topic and variables, like size and user flows, that lead to distraction and then implement a solution in Spotify ́s Apple CarPlay application. This to combat this problem by providing the user with greater usability in terms of starting music playback. A

The dynamic effects of fiscal consolidations on income distribution: evidence for Spain over 1980-2020

Based on the Spain’s annual and quarterly time series from 1980 to 2020, this paper presents the first case study on the dynamic effects of fiscal consolidation episodes on income distribution and the mechanisms driving the specific dynamics of the distribution. By estimating impulse response functions via Local Projections by Jordà (2005), I find supportive evidence of the increase in income ineq

CHILLER DIAGNOSTICS Machine learning approach Carrier

Chillers are large and complex machines that are used for temperature regulation in large buildings and plants. An undetected fault in the machine can lead to extended downtime and cause both great financial losses and increased environmental impact. Therefore Carrier, as manufacturer of chillers, is interested in developing fault detection algorithms capable of detecting the faults early so that

High Precision Robotic Manipulator for Bluelining at MAX IV

MAX IV is a synchrotron facility currently running 14 beamlines hosting about 1000 users per year. It is one of the best of its kind; producing high quality Xrays at the forefront of synchrotron science. To have a beamline or a synchrotron functional, every equipment used needs to be placed in the workspace with high precision. In the current setup, this is supported by bluelining, a technique to

Analysis of a putative translation initiation factor of mitoribosomes in Arabidopsis thaliana

Mitochondria play a pivotal role in eukaryotic energy metabolism. Like mitochondria across most eukaryotic species, plant mitochondria contain their own genomes and protein synthesis machinery. However, many plant mitochondrial key proteins and processes remain poorly understood. An example of this is the plant mitochondrial translation initiation. Although the cryoelectron microscopy (EM) structu

Korrupta offentliganställda utan (tjänstefels)ansvar? - Personligt ansvarsutkrävande vid korruption i ett upphandlingsförfarande

Offentlig upphandling pekas ut som ett riskområde för korruption. Likväl finns det begränsade möjligheter till personligt ansvarsutkrävande när en offentliganställd hos en upphandlande myndighet är korrupt. Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att fördjupa förståelsen kring hur personligt ansvarsutkrävande regleras i svensk rätt och huruvida det gällande systemet är effektivt. Uppsatsens huvudPublic procurement is pointed out as a risk area for corruption. However, there are limited possibilities for demanding individual liability when a public employee is corrupted in a public procurement. The overall purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the current system for personal liability is effective in the sense that it is possible to demand legal liability. In addition, I am investig

Männ-i-skors identitet : en studie om skor som medium, identitet och signaler

I denna B-uppsats demonstrerar media- och kommunikationsstudenterna Lovisa och Goliath skors eminenta roll, som ett form av medium, i den nutida processen för identitetsskapande specifikt hos Lundastudenter. Uppsatsen ämnar att kartlägga de identitetsmarkörer och signaler som skor sägs bära med sig. Genom en serie av experiment och intervjuer hoppas vi att mäta ut vilka signaler som sänds, hur sta

Estrid : en feministisk rakhyvel?

Feministisk inriktad reklam är ett fenomen som har blivit allt mer utbrett de senaste åren i samband med sociala mediers framfart. Numera är det snarare regel än undantag att företag ska kommunicera budskap som kan anses feministiska. Samtidigt lägger denna förändring grund för ifrågasättande av företags autencitet och egentliga syfte med sin kommunikation. Utifrån detta kommer analyserar vi föret

Nätdejting eller traditionell dejting? Det är frågan : en kvantitativ studie om hur dagens studenter vid Lunds universitet upplever dejting

Nätdejting eller traditionell dejting? Det är frågan. Denna studie är utförd av Fideli Almgren och Ella Lundevall på Institutionen för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet. Studien undersöker hur svenska studenter vid Lunds universitet ser på traditionell dejting kontra nätdejting. Studien utgår bland annat från tidigare forskning som i hög grad fokuserar på problematisk använd

Uncovering the role of PUS10 and RNA pseudouridylation in somatic cell reprogramming and cell fate determination

Uncovering the role of PUS10 and RNA pseudouridylation in somatic cell reprogramming and cell fate determination RNA modifications are emerging as dynamic regulators of gene expression programmes in development and disease. The isomerisation of uridine to pseudouridine (Ψ) is the most widespread modification in living organisms. Previously thought to be a static RNA mark, Ψ is currently known to

FEA technique implementation analysis in pharmaceutical packaging development

Background & Problems formulation: Johnson and Johnson (JnJ) is a world-famous pharmaceutical manufacturing company. The packaging team of JnJ spent too much time and money on current laboratory transportation testing, which is at the ending stage of the packaging development process. Currently, JnJ is doing its packaging transportation test fully in a laboratory, which means that they need to

Mussels in deep water with climate change: Spatial distribution of mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) growth offshore in the French Mediterranean with respect to climate change scenario RCP 8.5 Long Term and Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) using Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) modelling

Victoria Persson Abstract Mussel cultivation is a sustainable type of food production that may help mitigate the nutritional needs of a future world population of 10-12 billion in 2100. The demand for mussels on the French market is increasing but the production is saturated due to a lack of space for expanding the cultivation close to shore. This study looked at offshore possibilities for cult

På turkiska fronten intet nytt

This paper builds upon the work by Kelly Greenhill in Weapons of Mass Migration (2010). Greenhill's theory on coercive engineered migration (CEM) focuses on the instrumentalisation of cross-border population movements with strategic political and/or economic goals. She argues that despite it being critically under-studied, there have been surprisingly many CEM attempts. The context of the stud

Neo-republicanism as a framework for a political theory of animal protection - An evaluation of Philip Pettit’s neo-republican theory of freedom and its potential for extending justice to non-human animals

Non-human animals are often excluded from contemporary political theories, much to their detriment in terms of welfare and protection. The ‘political turn’ is a subset of animal ethicists concerned with moving beyond motivating moral status and instead discussing the politics of a shared human-animal society. This thesis evaluates Philip Pettit’s neo-republicanism as a theoretical framework for a


This project started in the complex field of silence and ended up in an even more complex area; emotions. In silence we experience our emotions the most, and in order to appreciate the sometimes so fearful silence we need to relate to our emotions and understand them. If we see, accept and learn to relate to them, the silence will be much more serene and delicious. During the process I used myself

Legal Analysis of Good Seamanship in Light of Autonomous Shipping

This thesis examines aspects of collision liability and navigational rights and freedoms of autonomous vessels. The thesis starts out with an introductory chapter which defines some terms and gives a short introduction to the field of regulatory maritime law. In the introductory chapter, the term “autonomous ship”, is defined as a “a ship which, to a varying degree, can operate independent of huma

Uppehållstillstånd - en (o)möjlighet för det tvångsomhändertagna barnet? - En undersökning om principen om barnets bästa och rätten till privat- och familjeliv

Children in an asylum process are especially exposed in society. Therefore, a high standard is expected of the law enforcer’s investigation and assessment of the best interest of the child, within the rules for residence permit in the Aliens Act (2005:716). The regulation of the best interest of the child in the Aliens Act (2005:716) protect the child’s right to health and development which to a

ESG and Stock Prices

This paper examines the relationship between positive change in ESG scores and instantaneous stock price volatility as well as the direction of price change. For this purpose, a sample of 536 large- and medium cap companies within the EU market were selected and classified into three groups of excellent, good and poor-satisfactory performance based on their ESG scores. The change in the companies’