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Syskonpositioner - en kvalitativ undersökning om födelseordningens påverkan

The purpose of my study was to examine how people talk about their sibling position. I wanted to find out how we present ourselves as siblings, rather than establish one for all valid truth. In the study I explored whether people believe their birth order has affected them and if so, with what consequences. I conducted a qualitative study using twelve interviews and analyzed the material with a so

Barnets bästa - enligt vem? En rättssociologisk studie om hur begreppet barnets bästa tolkas och tillämpas i familjerättsliga processer

According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child should be a primary consideration (CRC article 3 p. 1). However, it is not regulated in the law or in CRC what is considered to be the ch

Factors behind internal migration and migrant’s livelihood aspects: Dhaka City, Bangladesh.

The main objective of this paper was to examine the factors which determine the internal migration to Dhaka city, Bangladesh and to find out their impact on migrant’s livelihood aspect. The sample comprised 448 individuals from the rural and urban areas towards Dhaka city. In this study I enhanced to analyze and interpret the determinants of socio-economic, economic and environmental factors assoc

” Det händer inget…ja, det är då man snor en bil” - en studie av socialsekreterares bedömningar av unga lagöverträdare..

This study is about swedish social workers assessments of young offenders in their need of treatment and their suitability for youth community service. We have interviewed seven social workers in various cities in Sweden. They have been describing how they make their assessments when they submit a statement to prosecutors regarding young offenders need of treatment and the young offenders suitabil

New Academies, Old Problems: An Analysis of Dominant Discourses and their Effects on Equity in English Education Policy Making

This thesis addresses the influence of discourses of globalisation, the knowledge-based economy and neoliberalism on the position of equity in English education policy making. It departs from the assertion that discourses are constitutively important in creating certain rationales for policy reforms within the field of education. The paper switches empirical attention in this area away from New La

Institutions' Role in Promoting a Competitive Market

This paper aims to examine whether competition law and policies have greater effect on competition when sound institutions are in place. Reports by major global actors as well as governmental reforming, show that there is unanimity on the notion that political reforming is essential in order to reach a more competitive market. Later economic research shows that institutions such as governance effe

Rättssäkerhetsbegreppet & utlänningsprocessen Undertitel: apropå reformförslaget att ompröva utlänningsärenden i domstol

Utlänningsärenden handläggs i rådande rättsläge av den centrala utlänningsmyndigheten Migrationsverket, vars beslut kan överklagas till en besvärsnämnd, Utlänningsnämnden. Särskilt viktiga ärenden avgörs av regeringen. Då handläggningen av utlänningsärenden fått utstå mycket kritik, bland annat på grund av långa handläggningstider hos de beslutsfattande myndigheterna och på grund av dålig insyn i

Svensk kriminalvård i förändring - med särskilt fokus på rymningsproblematik

Den svenska kriminalvården upplevde under 2004 ett av sina värsta år. Fyra uppmärksammade rymningar skedde från fyra av landets säkraste anstalter. Reaktionerna lät inte vänta på sig och en intensiv debatt blossade upp i det offentliga rummet. Från regeringen vidtogs snabbt åtgärder och en utredning tillsattes, vars uppgift var att granska de fyra rymningarna och sedan komma med förslag på åtgärde

Europeanization of International Law in the Context of Shipping

The international character that surrounds the shipping industry has traditionally meant that rules regarding the public law of the sea or the private maritime law are internationally regulated through regulations, state practice, international conventions or international customary law. Since the 1970s, there has been an increasing concern for both the marine environment and the safety onboard sh

Arbetstagares integritet på arbetsplatsen

The issue of measures which are sensitive from a privacy perspective appears to be rather unregulated in Swedish law. Lately the question has been the subject of intense discussions and in 2008 a proposition of a future law is expected. At present time the current rules are found in the Personal Data Act, the law concerning general video surveillance and labour principles such as employer's su

EC Competition Policy on Compulsory Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights

Both competition law and intellectual property law are considered good for economic efficiency, but the interface between the two legal fields is, and probably always will be, a complex area of law, since these legal areas in one sense can be said to strive for the opposite things. Intellectual property rights are considered public goods, which mean that it is hard to prevent others from using the

Intergenerational equity - Protecting future generations through domestic action

The objective of this thesis is to explore the concept of intergenerational equity and study a number of different options for protecting future generations through domestic action. Intergenerational equity focuses on the relationship between people living today and generations still unborn. Problems of equity between generations are partially due to the distance between them. Future generations l

Juridiska föreningen, gudstjänster och marschmusik. En kritisk analys av Upphovsrättslagens reglering av framföranderätten

Enligt den svenska upphovsrätten har upphovsmannen ensamrätt att framföra sitt verk offentligt. Detta leder naturligtvis till gränsdragningsfrågan om vilka framföranden som enligt URL framförs offentligt och vilka som framförs privat. Utgångspunkten är att framföranden som inte sker inför en sluten krets skall räknas som offentliga. En krets dit vem som helst har tillträde eller kan skaffa sig til

Gränsöverskridande miljöskador - Några synpunkter angående Rom II

The regulation of the European parliament and the Council (EG) nr. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations is known as Rome II. Rome II contains a conflict rule in art. 7 which determines the law applicable to a claim involving environmental damages connected with more than one state. This conflict rule does not only apply to cases of damage to property and persons, but also

THE ICANN UDRP - Fairness and efficiency perspectives on the domain name dispute resolution policy.

The Internet is a unique medium never before seen and its introduction is probably only rivalled by that of television. It is unique in the sense that every person connected to the Internet has the possibility of interacting with other people across the globe simultaneously. The tools introduced to facilitate this interaction are IP-addresses and domain names. Domain names are connected to the IP-

Det personliga varumärket - en kritisk granskning av personliga varumärken

Nilsson, Emma & von Seth, Johanna (2010) Det personliga varumärket – en kritisk granskning av personliga varumärken. Författad vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds Universitet. Denna uppsats behandlar fenomenet personligt varumärke. Vi har belyst vad som gjort det personliga varumärket så pass viktigt i dagens samhälle, vilken roll Internet spelar i denna process och vilka id

Offer: Den teologiska sadomasochismen i Christine Falkenlands Trasdockan och Pauline Réages Berättelsen om O – en komparativ studie

Jag har gjort en komparativ studie av två litterära verk med masochistiska och sexuellt utlevande kvinnor som protagonister. På ytan är verken olikartade; Berättelsen om O är en erotisk klassiker där upplevelserna i huvudsak är positiva för protagonisten O själv, medan Trasdockan skildrar upplevelser som i huvudsak är destruktiva och negativa för protagonisten Ylva själv. Jag menar dock att under

Mobila applikationer som reklam

Abstract Title: Consumer perception of mobile marketing Institution: Department of Service Management, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University Level: Master’s degree Authors: David Zetterlund and Jonas Lörnell Supervisors: Jessica Enevold and Katja Lindqvist Issue: Mobile marketing is the fastest growing category of advertising right now. Mobile marketing allows direct-targeted advertising to users an