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Optionsteori Applicerad på Omsättningsbaserade Hyreskontrakt

Utvecklingen går mot att kommersiella hyreskontrakt blir allt mer avancerade med olika typer av optioner som inkluderas i kontrakten. Optionerna gör kontrakten komplexa och svårvärderade med den traditionella DCF-metoden. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa de värderingstekniska problem som förknippas med omsättningskontrakt och presentera en optionsteoretisk värderingsmodell, som på ett mer korrek

Nationell Utveckling - en detaljstudie av BNP och HDI

GDP per Capita (PPP USD) and HDI are two important indicators of national development. Both indicators are frequently used for international comparisons. To perform an evaluation of these we have examined their relationship with five major aspects in a society; health, education, equality between the sexes, democracy and segregation. The developments in GDP and HDI are examined over a ten year per

CARIFORUM och EU - En studie om EPA:s effekter

Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is a new trade agreement between EU and ACP. The aim with EPA is to liberalise trade reciprocally according to WTO’s rules and to do development collaborations. The trade agreement will even integrate the countries in ACP in the world economy and enhance trade between partners and foster regional integration. This thesis analyzes what EPA is and how it affects

Are Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan suffering from the Dutch Disease?

In this paper it is examined if the two booming economies of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are suffering from the Dutch Disease caused by their dependency on oil exports. First the theories behind the Dutch Disease are presented and the typical symptoms are discussed. These include a change in the real exchange rate, an overall increase in wages, slower growth in the manufacturing sector and faster gr

Oljan och Nigeria - En studie i oljefyndigheternas roll i Nigerias ekonomiska utveckling under åren 1960-1999

I följande uppsats behandlas en del av Nigerias moderna historia, 1960-1999, i syfte att utforska den roll som oljeindustrin har spelat för landets utveckling under just denna period. I denna undersökning inkluderas en beskrivning av oljesektorn utseende samt även en genomgång av de skiftningar i industriell och ekonomisk policy som påverkat oljesektorns effekter, vars resultat analyseras i skenet

Avreglering av marknaden för receptfria läkemedel i Sverige?

Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva en framtida avreglerad marknad för receptfria läkemedel i Sverige, samt att utvärdera effekterna av en avreglering. Resonemang har främst förts via nationalekonomiska modeller om monopol och oligopol samt med hjälp av Andersens ”behavioral model”. Jämförelser och erfarenheter från andra europeiska länder har också betydelse för analysen. Sedan år 1970 har Apoteke

One Africa, One Currency-A Study of the Prospects for a Monetary Union in Africa

In 1991 the African Union established a plan for creating a monetary union for the whole continent. The plan, the Abuja Treaty, aim to unify the continent, creating stability and improving economic welfare. Several regional economic communities (RECs) are the foundation of this plan which means that the progress is primary dependent on their successful development. This essay studies Africa’s prog

Integrating Bosnia and Herzegovina into the European Union -The impact of European Union's financial assistance on compliance with Copenhagen economic criteria

This thesis examines the impact of European Union’s (EU’s) financial assistance in reinforcing Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH’s) compliance with Copenhagen economic criteria for membership in the EU. Since 1995, the EU has exerted a considerable political effort and extended substantial financial assistance to reconstruct and stabilise a war-torn BiH. Between 2000-2006 financial assistance was deli

Distributed Software Development: Best Practices Examined

The area of distributed development is often said to be troublesome with different problems making the work harder. The aim of this study has been to identify work practices that can make distributed development more successful. A case study approach has been used to identify successful practices. Interviews were used as the primary method for data collection. To get a wide view of the area, the i

Meningen med livet

Stad är, per definition, avstånd från natur. Detta kan ge upphov till mänskliga problem eftersom naturen kan vara bra för tankarnas mångfald samt för själens storhet och som konstnärlig inspiration. Civilisation är som en storskalig stad, den motarbetar ”fri” natur. Upplysningen skapar en ”överdriven” civilisation. En överdriven upplysning har lett till, och kan komma att leda till, diktatur. Litt

Supply Services to Arctic Offshore Operations; Macro-environment, Market Demand, and Business Potentials - The Case of Maersk Supply Service

Title: Supply Services to Arctic Offshore Operations; Macro-environment, Market Demand, and Business Potentials – The Case of Maersk Supply Service Authors: Linnea Sonesson – Master of Science in Business Administration and Technology Management Patrik Torstensson – Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Technology Management Supervisors: Bertil Nilsson – Adjunct Professor, Department

Mandat kontra order - Organisatoriska förutsättningar för civil-militär i internationella insatser

The aim of this study is to look at the co-operational problems with civil-military cooperation through the eyes of organization theories. I aim to see if the problems found within civil-military cooperation can be explained with organizational theories, and what can be done in order to both solve and avoid these problems in the future. I will try to see if I can match the problems found, with the

Bridging Borders and Constructing Spaces:The Triple Helix Discourse in the Öresund Region

In light of the current process of regional integration prospering in the European Union, the Öresund region has become a dynamic geographical entity that in the most recent decades has experienced substantial increased growth in terms of economy, innovation, social activity and culture. Thus, the interest of this study lies in investigating a perspective of this integration process, namely the de

’Europeism’ kontra ’Balkanism’

This paper adresses key issues of constructions and ideas of our social reality in relation to the international political organisation. Through constructivist analyses this paper highlights and contrast two identity contructions which are of great relevance for the European integration of today. By definig the main charachters of the persistant and condemning discourse of Balkanism and the young

Föräldraledighetslagen (1995:584) - En rättsociologisk studie

I began this essay with the question: Does the Parental Leave Act (1995:584) affect the Swedish men's tendency to take their parental leave? As a rule of law (and law itself) is a standard that is elevated to rule the purpose was to see if this legislation (as standard) has affected men's propensity to take their parental leave, and also if there has been a restructuring with regard to the

Du kan lita på mig: En studie om konsumenters förtroende

Bakgrund: En människa tar in ny kunskap dagligen i skolan, på jobbet genom våra medmänniskor och genom media. När vi som konsument får mer kunskap om ett ämne eller en produkt reducerar vi vår osäkerhet kring produkten. Får vi mer kunskap, vet vi mer om riskerna. Är man förstagångsförälder exponeras man för en stor mängd olika produkter och nya situationer. Föräldrarna har lite kunskap om produkte

KBT-baserad korttidsintervention för viktnedgång

Seven women with obesity were treated with CBT based strategies for weight loss and weight loss maintenance respectively. Methods included psychological strategies for weight loss developed by Judith Beck. The intervention consisted of ten group sessions. Results were measured by differences in percentage weight loss and BMI, and scores obtained through TFEQ-21 (Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire).

Performance Management sett utifrån ett Human Resource Development perspektiv - En teoretisk studie om hur mjuka aktiviteter kan skapa hårda resultat

I dagens samhälle som präglas av ständig förändring och utveckling i arbetslivet har mycket kommit att handla om konkurrens, personlig utveckling och hållbarhet. För att företag ska kunna konkurrera på en alltmer dynamisk marknad har organisationer fått en större insikt om medarbetarnas betydelse och insats för verksamhetens utveckling. Performance Management är ett system organisationer använder

Du är vad du heter - En studie om hur programledare reflekterar och resonerar kring påverkan från registrering av dömda sexualförbrytare på Internet, på dömda sexualförbrytare som genomgår Relation- och Samlevnadsprogrammet.

Abstract Author: Jonas Nygren Title: You are what you’re called – Program leaders reflections and reasoning about the effect from Internet sex offender registration on sexual offenders who attend treatment program within the Swedish correctional service. Supervisor: Alexandru Panican Recently the first sex offender registration has been implemented in Sweden mainly through Internet websites. In