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“Vi gjorde väl vårt bästa, får jag väl ändå tycka” En kvalitativ studie om att ha barn tillsammans med en person med cancer

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka deltagarnas upplevelser kring hur det är att vara partner till, och ha barn med, en person som drabbats av cancer. Fokus har varit hur partnerns sjukdom har påverkat deltagaren och dess familjesituation, samt deras erfarenheter av stöd i situationen. I studien ingår fem deltagare, två män och tre kvinnor, som har intervjuats med halvstrukturerade in

"She's our man!"

I föreliggande studie undersöks mönster som förklarar kvinnliga politikers maktutveckling till den absoluta nivån som presidenter och premiärministrar från 1960 fram till 2013. Fenomenet studeras primärt utifrån ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt som omfamnar hela världen, och sekundärt genom kvalitativa fallstudier där världen delats upp i fyra geografiska områden: Afrika, Amerika, Asien och Ocea

Bland gigor och flöjter - medeltida musiktraditioner och musikinstrument från fyra platser

This thesis aims to investigate if it's possible to make out cultural differences within the medieval music tradition. Four different places are used in order to study finds of musical instruments: Eketorp Castle, Lund, Alvastra Monastery and Örja. The chosen places represent four different contexts: castle, city, monastery and rural area. Both archaeological finds and historical sources are u

Hiv, sex och kriminalitet

Denna uppsats har till avsikt att beskriva hur den svenska straffrätten handskas med gärningar där hiv överförs, eller riskerar att överföras, från en person till en annan vid sexuellt umgänge. Att överföra hiv till någon annan eller att utsätta någon annan för risk att smittas, leder enligt svensk rätt till straffansvar. I vilken utsträckning straffrätten ska tillämpas på dessa gärningar och hu

Gamla och nya städer i Göta älvdalen - en jämförelse av stadsfunktioner i fyra medeltidsstäder före och efter flytt

In 1473 the citizens of Lödöse had to establish a new city close to what we today call Gothenburg. It got the name New Lödöse. This move was an order from the king Gustav Vasa. In the 17th century the inhabitancy of Kungahälla was forced to move on orders from the king Christian IV. They settled down in Kungälv, below Bohus fortress. This paper questions the difference between the institutions and

Klinteodde - en resa i flintans spår

The purpose of this essay is to shed some light on the prehistory of a small area on the Danish island of Lolland. The location, called Klinteodde, is situated just off the coast on the northern part of the island. As a result of a quite extensive earth-work construction, a small peninsula has formed. On this peninsula, and in the sea surrounding it, a large quantity of knapped flint can be found.

Olav den helige och hans kult

Saint Olav His Cult The subject of this thesis is Saint Olav (995-1030) and his cult in medieval Scandinavia. He was canonized soon after his death, and he became a popular saint in the Scandinavian countries. With the help of the material and historical evidence of the cult of Saint Olav I here attempt to trace who was the driving force behind its expansion, as well as why the cult was spread wi

Yttrandefrihet och lojalitetsplikt - Anställningsskyddets påverkan av sociala medier

I denna uppsats undersöks rättsläget för arbetstagares yttrandefrihet och gränserna för kritikrätten vid användning av social media så som Facebook, Twitter och bloggar inom den privata sektorn. Av anställningsavtalet följer en direkt plikt för arbetstagaren att vara lojal mot sin arbetsgivare. Han eller hon är skyldig att inte utsätta sin arbetsgivare för skada och undvika lägen där han eller hoThe main purpose of this thesis is to examine the width of private employees’ freedom of expression and the right to criticize the employer when using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Within the employment agreement lays an obligation for an employee to be loyal to his or her employer. The employee has a duty to put the interest of the employer ahead of his or her own personal i

Evaluation of empirical presence data versus expert opinions to assess habitat suitability and landscape permeability – a case study of six butterfly species in Saxony, Germany

Abstract Failures in achieving the 2010 goals of slowing down or halting the loss of biodiversity, and the setting of new biodiversity targets set for 2020, stress an urgent need to expand current reserve networks and to improve their effectiveness in protecting species and habitats. Habitat suitability models, and derived maps from them, are among the broadest used tools for identifying the ecol

Protein shape similarity assessment

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Strukturbioinformatik och datorgrafik Proteiner bygger upp våra muskler, hud, hår m.m. och fungerar som katalysatorer (enzymer) för reaktioner som behövs för livet. Våra gener kodar för proteiner som utför funktioner i kroppen. Bioinformatik handlar om att studera det genetiska materialet hos människor och andra organismer. Strukturbioinformatik riktar in sig Abstract This Master Thesis explores a variety of approaches to protein structure comparision : CLICK, BetaSuperPoser, MAMMOTH, Minkowski Sum Boundary Calculation, 3DSurfer / Zernike Descriptors, Spherical Harmonics, D2 Shape (distance histogram) and ProBiS. The methods are categorized according to how they function and the meaning of their output parameters, in particular RMSD, is discussed. We

Hur hanterar musiklärare målbrottet hos före detta gossopraner och altar?

The study is based on semi-structured interviews with two music teachers, one at the elementary and high school Sankt Annæ Gymnasium (Copenhagen) and one at the elementary and high school Adolf Fredriks musikklasser (Stockholm). By asking more or less identical questions to both of them I could clearly see the differences between the two schools. At Sankt Annæ boys and girls have separate teaching

Exploratory Study on Technology related Successfully Funded Crowdfunding Projects' Post Online Market Presence

The influence of crowdfunding on financing entrepreneurial ventures and projects have been increasing in recent years. It allows founders of crowdfunding projects to achieve investments from a relatively big crowd using the internet. The recent rise of the crowdfunding phenomena attracts more project founders to establish it as a new entrepreneurial finance method, between bootstrapping and tradit

Fuktbelastning i takkonstruktioner med perforerad ångspärr

Moisture in roof constructions is currently a major concern in the building industry, especially in Sweden where the climate is often wet and the dry season short. In order to avoid these problems in the future there needs to be a greater understanding and focus on building techniques that prevent mold problems. Crucial to mold prevention is the vapor retarder, which is relied heavily upon in roof

Protagonist-Antagonist Dichotomy in Palestinian Children's Literature

This essay is a study in protagonist-antagonist dichotomy in Palestinian children’s literature depicting encounters between Palestinians and Israelis. The interest in such a study is to evaluate whether the characterization consistently depicts the protagonists and the antagonists and their relation towards each other in a similar manner. If that is the case the literature risks promoting stereoty

Riksåklagarens roll vid ansökan om prövningstillstånd i hovrätt

Riksåklagaren är Sveriges högsta allmänna åklagare och allmän åklagare i HD. Riksåklagaren har en central roll inom rättsväsendet. Han ska bland annat verka för en enhetlig rättstillämpning, vilket till stor del utförs genom Riksåklagarens yttranden i sina svarsskrivelser och överklagandeskrifter i mål som överklagas till HD. År 1993 infördes ett system med prövningstillstånd avseende vissa brottThe Chief Public Prosecutor is Sweden's most high-ranked public prosecutor and public prosecutor in the Supreme Court. The Chief Public Prosecutor has a central role in the legal system. He will, among other tasks, work for a uniform application of the law, which is mainly achieved by the Chief Prosecutor´s opinions in his replies and appeal papers in the cases being appealed to the Supreme Co

Road through Geography: Is the Swedish Traffic Safety Policy Working Equally Regardless of the Region?

Vision Zero was introduced as an innovative traffic safety policy that has the eradication of mortality and severe injuries caused by traffic accidents as its final goal. The process of achieving that goal is through a set of measures, rules and regulations that change not only the way of thinking and acting of traffic members (and drivers, in particular), but also of car and road designers. Since

Trends, Pressures and Factors that affect Data Center Management taking Environmental Sustainability into Account

Information and Communications Technology is an increasing factor in the everyday life, whether this is private or public. In coherence with this, reports and research presents the contribution to effects in terms of pollution, such as greenhouse gas emissions and electronic waste. Current reports state that the agendas of enterprises, governments and societies increasingly include how to tackle e