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Functional properties of galectin-3. Beyond the sugar binding.

Popular Abstract in Uncoded languages Kronična upala je u podlozi mnogih bolesti modernog čovjeka kao što su djiabetes, astma, ateroskleroza itd. Upalu predvode različiti tkivni makrofagi. Proteini iz porodice galektina, proizvedeni u makrofagima, dodatno pridonose razvoju bolesti, stoga je od velikog interesa odgonetnuti različite funkcije galektina. Ovaj rad nastoji identificirati specifične uloContemporary diseases like diabetes, asthma, atherosclerosis etc. are marked by chronic inflammation, often supported by the activity of different macrophages. Proteins from galectin family were found to contribute to disease pathophysiology. Therefore, there is an intensive interest in understanding different galectin functions. The aim of this thesis was to pin-point specific galectin-3 roles in

The DeKalb mounds of northeastern Illinois as archives of deglacial history and postglacial environments

The "type" DeKalb mounds of northeastern Illinois, USA (42.0 degrees N, -88.7 degrees W), are formed of basal sand and gravel overlain by rhythmically bedded fines, and weathered sand and gravel. Generally from 2 to 7 m thick, the fines include abundant fossils of ostracodes and uncommon leaves and stems of tundra plants. Rare chironomid head capsules, pillclam shells, and aquatic plant macrofossi

Children with screening-detected celiac disease show increased levels of nitric oxide products in urine.

Aim Increased concentration of nitric oxide (NO) metabolites, nitrite and nitrate, in the urine is a strong indication of ongoing small intestinal, inflammation, which is a hallmark of the enteropathy of celiac disease (CD). It has previously been shown that children with symptomatic, untreated CD have increased levels of NO oxidation products in their urine. The aim of the present study was to in

Detecting monomials with k distinct variables

We study the complexity of detecting monomials with special properties in the sum-product expansion of a polynomial represented by an arithmetic circuit of size polynomial in the number of input variables and using only multiplication and addition. We focus on monomial properties expressed in terms of the number of distinct variables occurring in a monomial. Our first result is a randomized FPT al

Short-Term Diabetes Blood Glucose Prediction Based on Blood Glucose Measurements

Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) is a chronic disease characterized by the inability of the pancreas to produce sufficient amounts of insulin. Daily compensation of the deficiency requires 4-6 insulin injections to be taken daily, the aim of this insulin therapy being to maintain normoglycemia- i.e., a blood glucose level between 4-7 mmol/L. To determine the quantity and timing of these

Endothelial Induced EMT in Breast Epithelial Cells with Stem Cell Properties

Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a critical event in cancer progression and is closely linked to the breast epithelial cancer stem cell phenotype. Given the close interaction between the vascular endothelium and cancer cells, especially at the invasive front, we asked whether endothelial cells might play a role in EMT. Using a 3D culture model we demonstrate that endothelial cells are

Interval Identification of FMR Parameters for Spin Reorientation Transition in (Ga,Mn)As

In this work we report results of ferromagnetic resonance studies of a 6% 15 nm (Ga,Mn)As layer, deposited on (001)-oriented GaAs. The measurements were performed with in-plane oriented magnetic field, in the temperature range between 5 K and 120 K. We observe a temperature induced reorientation of the effective in-plane easy axis from [(1) over bar 10] to [110] direction close to the Curie temper

PET in the evaluation of head and neck cancer treatment - management of the neck

Popular Abstract in Swedish I gruppen huvudhalscancer ingår tumörer i övre luftvägar och svalg. Riskfaktorer för huvudhalscancer är rökning och alkoholöverkonsumtion. Under de senaste 20-30 åren har det skett en påtaglig ökning av insjuknandet, 4-5% per år, i det som kallas orofaryngeal cancer. Orofaryngeal cancer utgår från mellansvalget; mandlar, tungbas och mjuka gommen. Ökningen sammanfaller mThe treatment for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is surgery or (chemo)radiotherapy +/- surgery. Side effects related to therapy are long lasting and adversely affects quality of life. The incidence of oropharyngeal cancer is increasing and patients commonly present an advanced tumour stage with neck metastases at the time of diagnosis. The treatment protocol previously comprised rad

Genetic variants in CDC42 and NXPH1 as susceptibility factors for constipation and diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome

Objective The complex genetic aetiology underlying irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) needs to be assessed in large-scale genetic studies. Two independent IBS cohorts were genotyped to assess whether genetic variability in immune, neuronal and barrier integrity genes is associated with IBS. Design 384 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering 270 genes were genotyped in an exploratory cohort (93

Highly Efficient Membraneless Glucose Bioanode Based on Corynascus thermophilus Cellobiose Dehydrogenase on Aryl Diazonium-Activated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

We present an approach for electrode modification by using the oxidoreductase cellobiose dehydrogenase from the ascomycete Corynascus thermophilus (CtCDH). CtCDH is a two-domain enzyme, in which the catalytic dehydrogenase domain (DHCDH) hosts flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as cofactor and is connected through a flexible linker to a small cytochrome domain with a heme b cofactor (CYTCDH). This

The concept of energy security. Beyond the four As

Energy security studies have expanded from their classic beginnings following the 1970s oil crises to encompass various energy sectors and increasingly diverse issues. This viewpoint contributes to the re-examination of the meaning of energy security that has accompanied this expansion. Our starting point is that energy security is an instance of security in general and thus any concept of it shou

Habitat associations of the Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon Tenebrosus) at its northern range limit

Knowledge of species-environment associations is critical for the management of threatened amphibian populations facing habitat fragmentation and a restricted range. The Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) is subject to habitat degradation from logging and human development and is classified as Threatened at its northern range limit in British Columbia, Canada. We examined habitat as

Information from physicians and retention of information by patients - obstacles to the awareness of patients of progressing disease when life is near the end

Discrepancies between the information that patients have received and the patients' awareness of their condition have frequently been observed in literature and given a number of different explanations. The chief contribution of this study is that by following patients over time it is possible not only to notice any changes in the patients' knowledge or awareness of their disease, but also to inve