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Your search for "*" yielded 531692 hits

Mental Causation and Ontology

This book demonstrates the importance of ontology for a central debate in philosophy of mind. Mental causation seems an obvious aspect of the world. But it is hard to understand how it can happen unless we get clear about what the entities involved in the process are. An international team of contributors presents new work on this problem. In particular, they examine the nature of causes and effec

From similarity to uniqueness: Method and theory in comparative psychology

Comparative psychology is a strongly interdisciplinary field that shares many of its experimental methods and observational techniques with ethology and developmental psychology. The great variety of theories that comparative psychology evokes to explain behavior generates a wide array of exciting and potentially fruitful accounts, but is also problematic. It increases the risk of error in the for

Time-stamping accuracy in virtualized environments

The swift acceptance and the widespread use of virtual environments has substantially increased the stress on networks as each of the operating systems running in parallel sends out packets over the same network. As an increased number of packets traverse a network, the importance to continuously monitor whether the network is providing satisfactory service has increased. The metrics for such anal

Induced Growth and Precocious Maturation of the Digestive System in Suckling Rats and Pigs after Exposure to Red Kidney Bean Lectin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Däggdjurens mag-tarmkanal genomgår dramatiska strukturella och funktionella förändringar under di-perioden för att anpassa individen för den fasta föda som kommer att bli den huvudsakliga näringskällan efter avvänjningen från modersmjölken. Dessa förändringar följer en ?biologiska klocka? och är således huvudsakligen genetiskt styrda. Däremot kan yttre och inre stimuli The timing of the postnatal development of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in mammals is influenced by dietary and hormonal factors. It was hypothesized that accelerated GI cell turnover during maturation would result in a precoucios conversion to more mature digestive functions. Thus, it was investigated if red kidney bean lectin, phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) - a potent gut mitogen in adult rats - c

Bibeln på bokmarknaden : ur Karl XII-bibelns editionshistoria

A new translation and edition of the Swedish Bible for the use of churches, by order of the King, was published in a stately folio in Stockholm in 1702-03. This chapter from a collection of essays celebrating the tercentenary of the book, sketches the later publishing history of this Bible version in different formats on the Swedish book market up to the mid-nineteenth century, arguing that the Bi

Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Crack Propagation in Inconel 718

Thermo-mechanical fatigue crack propagation in Inconel 718 has been studied with different methods. In-situ observations with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were performed, the crack propagation process was followed cycle by cycle and the influences from load, temperature, and microstructure on the crack growth were analyzed. To measure the displacements an image analysis technique was devel

An Introduction to Control and Scheduling Co-Design

The paper presents the emerging field of integrated control and CPU-time scheduling, where more general scheduling models and methods that better suit the needs of control systems are developed. This creates possibilities for dynamic and flexible integrated control and scheduling frameworks, where the control design methodology takes the availability of computing resources into account during desi

The role of Swedish retailers in food innovations

Innovations should create value for increasingly individualistic consumers with varying demands and for other stakeholders. Today, retailers have the power in the supply/value chain. This research investigates how Swedish food retailers view innovations, their role and that of customers and suppliers in the development process, and how they see future development. The study is based on open-ended

Erfarenheter av zen

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det här arbetet handlar om individuell religiositet, snarare än om religion. Min studie rör i första hand människor som utövar zen, och har mindre att göra med zenbuddhism som ideologiskt system. Jag försöker utforska det stora gapet mellan teori och praktik. De mer abstrakta doktrinerna och idealiserande normerna har haft en benägenhet att dominera arbeten om zen, såväThis work is not so much about religion as about individual religiosity. It is primarily about people practicing Zen, less about Zen Buddhism as a systematic ideology or philosophy. I set out from the start to try to explore the wide gap between theory and practice in Zen. The more abstract doctrines and idealized norms have had a tendency to dominate works on Zen, confessional as well as scholast

The BK kaon parameter in the 1/Nc expansion

We present work going on calculating the kaon BK parameter in the 1/Nc expansion. The goal of this work is to analyze analytically in the presence of chiral corrections this phenomenologically very important parameter. We present the method used and preliminary results for the chiral limit value for which we get the invariant BKchi=0.29 +- 0.15. We also give some analytical indications of why the

Enabling Traceability Reuse for Impact Analyses: A Feasibility Study in a Safety Context

Engineers working on safety critical software development must explicitly specify trace links as part of Impact Analyses (IA), both to code and non-code development artifacts. In large-scale projects, constituting information spaces of thousands of artifacts, conducting IA is tedious work relying on extensive system understanding. We propose to support this activity by enabling engineers to reuse

The capital cost of holding inventory - A real options approach

This thesis is based on three scientific papers dealing with costs and financial risks associated with keeping stock. Reasonable cost parameters are important to implement an effective inventory control system, which in turn is one of the key activities in logistics management. All three papers consider a single-level inventory system. Single-period, multi-period as well as continuous review syste

Who and how to rein China's industrial energy?

This paper aims to present and suggest, from a foreigner's angle, ways in which to better explain and understand the difficulties facing Chinese policy-makers and government agencies that seek to improve the sustainability of China's industrial development. In this context, improved energy efficiency in the industrial sector is crucial; constituting a central pillar for all such strategies. The pa

Responding Model Membranes. Lipid Phase Behaviour, Domain Formation and Permeability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett membrans främsta funktioner är dels att fungera som en barriär och dels reglera transport mellan membranets omgivningar. I biologiska membran så utgörs barriären till stor del av lipider. Lipider är amfifila molekyler som består av en polär del som trivs i vattenrika miljöer, och opolär del som skyr vatten. I membranet så ordnar sig lipiderna i bilager. Ett bilager This thesis concerns the interplay between the lipid phase behaviour, domain formation and the permeability of bilayer membranes. An essential part of this work has been the understanding of the phase transitions and equilibrium properties of lipid bilayers. In this approach experimental results of lipid phase behaviour have been correlated to theoretical descriptions of the systems. An isothermal

Hepatitis B virus infection and genomic changes from a long-term perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Infektiös hepatit eller gulsot kan orsakas av flera olika sorters virus. De har alla det gemensamt att de orsakar en inflammation av levern. Namnet gulsot kommer av att när leverns funktion nedsätts så ansamlas ett färgämne i kroppen och ger ögonvitorna och huden en synlig gulgrön färg. Efter hand som de olika gulsotsvirusen har upptäckts har de namngivits efter alfabetHepatitis B virus is a non-cytopathic virus with a small, circular, partially double-stranded DNA of 3.2 kb. It causes acute and chronic inflammatory liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Retesting of stored sera from an outbreak of acute hepatitis in 1969-72 allowed identification of 126 cases of acute hepatitis B. No chronic carriers expressing hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) cou

The Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Indoor Channel - From Statistical Model to Simulations

We establish a statistical model for the ultra-wide bandwidth (UWB) indoor channel based on an extensive measurement campaign in a typical modern office building with 2-ns delay resolution. The approach is based on the investigation of the statistical properties of the multipath profiles measured in different rooms over a finely spaced measurement grid. The analysis leads to the formulation of a s