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Practical knowledge and its importance for software product quality

To achieve software product quality professional skill and knowledge is important. The way to reach software product quality is often structured approaches for software quality such as SPI and CMM which have been criticized for lack of a knowledge perspective. The view taken in this study is that software product quality is related to interpretations and understanding in practice, and thus on prac

Simple wave solutions for the Maxwell equations in bianisotropic, nonlinear media, with application to oblique incidence

We analyze the propagation of electromagnetic waves in nonlinear, bianisotropic, nondispersive, homogeneous media using simple waves and six-vector formalism. The Maxwell equations are formulated as an eigenvalue problem, whose solutions are equivalent to the characteristic propagation directions. We solve the oblique incidence of plane waves in vacuum on a half space of nonlinear material, and pr

Cystatin C, beta-2-microglobulin and beta-trace protein in pre-eclampsia

Background. An altered renal function is an essential component of the patho-physiology of pre-eclampsia. The plasma levels of low molecular mass proteins, e. g. beta-trace protein, beta-2-microglobulin and cystatin C, are increased in the third trimester of normal pregnancy. The plasma levels of cystatin C and beta-2-microglobulin are further increased in preeclampsia, and the cystatin C level ha

Four Areas of Engagement Requiring Strengthening in Modern Proteomics Today.

The global human proteomics community in 2014 is fully engaged in projects that aim to create a better understanding of human biology and its complexities and to provide products from this new knowledge that will in some way benefit humanity. Human proteomics, like any other scientific enterprise, needs to identify areas of direction and development, both for the near future in completing current

Modeling the Effects of Project Management Strategies on Long-Term Product Knowledge

Abstract in UndeterminedIn a team, people sometimes leave the team and become replaced by new persons with less experience, and sometimes people participate in new activities and thereby obtain new knowledge. Different processes, in terms of different management strategies, can be followed, e.g., to introduce people to new tasks so they get new knowledge. There is a need to investigate the long te

The photoelectron angular distribution of water clusters

The angular distribution of photoelectrons emitted from water clusters has been measured by linearly polarized synchrotron radiation of 40 and 60 eV photon energy. Results are given for the three outermost valence orbitals. The emission patterns are found more isotropic than for isolated molecules. While a simple scattering model is able to explain most of the deviation from molecular behavior, so

Urine excretion of protein HC in proteinuric glomerular diseases correlates to urine IgG but not to albuminuria

BACKGROUND: Proteinuric glomerular diseases often are associated with tubulointerstitial injury, which imposes on the progression of renal failure. Tubular damage is partly referable to toxic effects on the tubular epithelial cells induced by filtered plasma proteins. Patients with nonselective proteinuria, that is, increased urine excretion of high-molecular-weight plasma proteins such as IgG in

Allelic variation in a fatty-acyl reductase gene causes divergence in moth sex pheromones

Pheromone-based behaviours are crucial in animals from insects to mammals, and reproductive isolation is often based on pheromone differences. However, the genetic mechanisms by which pheromone signals change during the evolution of new species are largely unknown. In the sexual communication system of moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera), females emit a species-specific pheromone blend that attracts male

Det ljusa och det mörka rummet. Fotografiets limbo mellan död och frihet

Artikeln uppmärksammar hur fotografiet på grund av sin speciella relation till tiden och rummet är förankrat dels i en livsbevarande praxis och dels i en dödsbringande frysning av tid och rum. Artikeln prövar om den mystik som omgärdar den fotografiska praxisen kan spåras till en sådan "dubbel identitet".

Carbon monoxide relaxes the female pig urethra as effectively as nitric oxide in the presence of YC-1.

PURPOSE: Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) have been suggested to relax smooth muscle by activating soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), binding to the same site of the enzyme. 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzylindazole (YC-1) (Cayman Co., Malmö, Sweden) increases the catalytic rate of sGC by binding to an allosteric site. We investigated whether YC-1 can modulate the relaxant responses o

Family history and its association to curve size and treatment in 1,463 patients with idiopathic scoliosis

To study family history in relation to curve severity, gender, age at diagnosis and treatment in idiopathic scoliosis. A self-assessment questionnaire on family history of scoliosis was administered to 1,463 untreated, brace or surgically treated idiopathic scoliosis patients. Out of the 1,463 patients, 51 % had one or more relatives with scoliosis. There was no significant difference between fema

No effect of obstetric complications on basal ganglia volumes in schizophrenia

Background: Heterogeneous findings have been reported in studies of basal ganglia volumes in schizophrenia patients as compared to healthy controls. The basal ganglia contain dopamine receptors that are known to be involved in schizophrenia pathology and to be vulnerable to pre- and perinatal hypoxic insults. Altered volumes of other brain structures (e.g. hippocampus and lateral ventricles) have

I See What You’re Saying: The integration of complex speech and scenes during language comprehension

The effect of language-driven eye movements in a visual scene with concurrent speech was examined using complex linguistic stimuli and complex scenes. The processing demands were manipulated using speech rate and the temporal distance between mentioned objects. This experiment differs from previous research by using complex photographic scenes, three-sentence utterances and mentioning four target

Elevinflytande i Lomma kommuns skolor (skolår 7-9). Sammanställning av empiriskt material insamlat genom kvalitativa intervjuer med elever, lärare och rektorer vid två olika skolor juni månad 2005

Föreliggande rapport handlar om demokrati, delaktighet och inflytande i två av Lomma kommuns grundskolor. Elevers rättigheter till inflytande finns föreskrivet i barnkonventionen, skollagen, kommunala styrdokument, samt i enskilda skolors lokala vardag. Vad innebär elevinflytande? Hur gestaltas elevinflytandet, formellt och informellt? Hur upplever elever möjligheterna till delaktighet i undervisn

Approximation and Online Algorithms with Applications in Computational Biology and Computational Geometry

The main contributions of this thesis are in the area of approximation and online algorithm design and derivation of lower bounds on the approximability for a number of combinatorial optimization problems with applications in computational biology and computational geometry. Approximation and online algorithms are fundamental tools used to deal with computationally hard problems and problems in wh

Seeking alternative researcher identities in newcomer academic institutions in Sweden

Proliferating excellence gold standards in the global academic system tend to obscure the far-reaching diversification of academic missions, practices, ambitions and identities brought by massification. This article approaches this topic by a review of theory on academic scholarship and how it has changed in the wake of academic massification and the development of binary higher education systems.

Expert panel consensus statement on the optimal use of pomalidomide in relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma.

In this report, a panel of European myeloma experts discuss the role of pomalidomide in the treatment of relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM). Based on the available evidence, the combination of pomalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone is a well-tolerated and effective treatment option for patients with RRMM who have exhausted treatment with lenalidomide and bortezomib. The optimal start