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Summing up the criminal case online

Online engagement with criminal cases is often interpreted in either punitive or crowdsourcing terms, but interactionist and ethnomethodological analyses can disclose other and more fundamental aspects. This chapter looks closely at a particular practice among posters on the Swedish platform Flashback: that of summing up the discussion ‘so far’. To sum up is a delicate and vulnerable act of rhetorOnline engagement with criminal cases is often interpreted in either punitive or crowdsourcing terms, but interactionist and ethnomethodological analyses can disclose other and more fundamental aspects. This chapter looks closely at a particular practice among posters on the Swedish platform Flashback: that of summing up the discussion ‘so far’. To sum up is a delicate and vulnerable act of rhetor

Human Tissues Exhibit Diverse Composition of Translation Machinery

While protein synthesis is vital for the majority of cell types of the human body, diversely differentiated cells require specific translation regulation. This suggests the specialization of translation machinery across tissues and organs. Using transcriptomic data from GTEx, FANTOM, and Gene Atlas, we systematically explored the abundance of transcripts encoding translation factors and aminoacyl-

Turbulent drop breakup in a simplified high-pressure homogenizer geometry : A comparison of experimental high-speed visualization and numerical experiments based on DNS and interface tracking

The breakup of drops is investigated in a scale-up model mimicking the flow in an emulsification device i.e., high-pressure homogenizer (HPH). The breakup phenomenon is investigated through experimental and numerical approaches. Both approaches have their own limitations, but together, one could have reliable conclusions on general and some specific questions about the breakup of drops in an indus

Den esoteriske Fröding

Frödings kunskaper om Helena Blavastkys Isis Univeiled och teosofin blev betydelsefull för hans diktning och tänkande om varat och själens tillvaro efter döden, om skuld och straff och försoning. Här analyseras flera av hans dikter i ljuset av teosofins läror.

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Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is an electromagnetic technique for measurements of water and solute transport in soils. The relationship between the TDR-measured dielectric constant (Ka) and bulk soil electrical conductivity ([sgrave]a) to water content (θW) and solute concentration is difficult to describe physically due to the complex dielectric response of wet soil. This has led to the develop

Characterization of extreme rainfall in an east asian monsoon-climate catchment in the upper reaches of the Huai River, China

A total of 200 heavy rainfall events with duration from 1 to 10 days were studied regarding maximum point depth, duration, areal extent, storm centre distribution, and seasonal distribution. The data base includes daily rainfall recordings from 78 stations in the Hongru River basin, an upper tributary to the Huai River, from 1955 to 1987. The 12 380 km2 large basin is situated on the outskirts of

Group exhibition "I staden växer ett fält"

I staden växer ett fält50 konstnärer i Malmö 1.10 2022–15.1 2023I höstens grupputställning på Malmö Konsthall med Malmöbaserade konstnärer möter vi energin och styrkan från stadens konstscen. Utställningen I staden växer ett fält innehåller verk av 50 konstnärer från olika generationer och med olika uttryck. I en myllrande och rik presentation speglas konstens egensinnighet och integritet, men ockIn the City Grows a Field50 artists in Malmö 1.10 2022–15.1 2023This fall, Malmö Konsthall opens one of its largest group exhibitions in later years, featuring Malmö-based artists and the city’s dynamic art scene. The exhibition In the City Grows a Field contains works by 50 artists from different generations showcasing many artistic expressions. This teeming and rich presentation reflects art’s t

Untitled (Cumulus)

Solo exhibition at StudyForArtPlatformIn his project at StudyForArtPlatform, Gabriel Karlsson shows an installation where vertical steel bars hold up objects in the ceiling. The title of the work, Untitled (Cumulus), refers to the fluffy cloud in which we humans often see objects and figurations. The name derives from the Latin cumulus, meaning heap or pile. The objects, stuck in the ceiling are f

A System-Level Brain Model for Enactive Haptic Perception in a Humanoid Robot

Perception is not a passive process but the result of an interaction between an organism and the environment. This is especially clear in haptic perception that depends entirely on tactile exploration of an object. We investigate this idea in a system-level brain model of somatosensory and motor cortex and show how it can use signals from a humanoid robot to categorize different object. The model

Novel tools for high-throughput genetic engineering, selection, and screening for improved Biotin production in E. coli cell factories

Biotin is an essential co-factor in various metabolic processes and is crucial for the growth and maintenance of living organisms. The market need for biotin is multifaceted and driven by its importance in human health, beauty and cosmetics applications, pharmaceuticals, animal nutrition, and other industries. Current methods of industrial biotin production are unsustainable and generate environme

Processing of ERT data from Stabilised Columns

Modern construction sites are associated with high demands on suitable soil conditions, resulting in geotechnical challenges that can be solved using soil stabilisation techniques. The reliability of these techniques is tested using different quality assurance methods. One of the most common ground stabilisation methods is jet injection and installation of jet grouted columns. Quality control (QC)


Grupputställning, Hasselbald Center, curators Louise Wolthers och Andréas HagströmUnder perioden 1985–95 genomgick fotografiet i Sverige stora förändringar. Det var postmodernismens era, när ett koncep-tuellt förhållningssätt på allvar etablerades, när kvinn-liga konstnärer och fotografer verkligen tog plats och när foto- och konstvärlden började förenas. Det var en tid av motstånd – både från en Groupshow, Hasselbald Center, curators Louise Wolthers and Andréas Hagström

Män som offer för våld i nära relation: En kvalitativ analys av tingsrättsdomar

Intimate partner violence against men has been a rather unexplored topic within social science research but is now getting more and more attention. It has been shown that victimhood and masculinity is difficult to reconcile among both abused men and members of society. Using qualitative content analysis, this study investigated how male victims of heterosexual intimate partner violence is presente

Om att höra ekon från modets värld -- och om att svara själv : konstruktionen av den ideala medelklasskvinnan mellan hemideologi och konsumtion i det sena 1800-talets Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to study how the ideal middle-class femininity was constructed through fashion in late 19th century Sweden. Fashion have often been studied through the construction of gender, but this study aspires to show how fashion history also can be enriched when combined with closely related fields such as history of the body and of women’s morality. The theoretical framework is co

Att minnas kriget : en studie kring amerikanska veteraner från andra världskrigets skapande av personliga narrativ

In this thesis I aimed to answer the question of how American combat veterans from World War II created their personal narratives of their experiences. The main theoretical framework was Samuel Hynes' work about war narratives and personal narratives. I used two theoretical perspectives that to answer this research question where the first perspective was for emotional factors, which was focus

Memory of things

Grupputställning, två personer, curator Renée Padt ALLART NOW, StockholmThings, the inanimate materials surrounding us in our home, they usually outlive us in time, transforming the mundane into material evidence. But what histories lie within or beyond them? Is the relation each thing carries only just to itself? What memory does a thing hold?"Memory of Things" presents two new works, Re-ConstrucTwo person show, curator Renée PadtALLART NOW, Stockholm

Oat arabinoxylans and their potential glycemic index-lowering role: an in vitro study

Oat (Avena sativa) is a cereal crop rich in dietary fibers, which are generally considered beneficial for human health. The objective of this work was to investigate the in vitro starch digestibility-reducing effect of the flour of a high arabinoxylan (AX) content (6.1%) oat line obtained from a random mutagenized oat population, compared to the original variety as a reference. The effect of the o

Improving the new product development using big data : a case study of a food company

Purpose: Recently, the concept of big data (BD) has evolved and started to play an essential role in the advancement of new product development (NPD) in various sectors contributing to value creation, idea generation and competitive advantage. However, limited research has been done on how the food industry can exploit BD to improve the processes involved in NPD. The purpose of this paper is to un