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Citizens in the Dromocratic Camp
Syd i nord och nord i syd. Iakttagelser och funderingar vid undersökning av en megalitgrav i södra Portugal
Improved snowmelt simulations with a canopy model forced with photo-derived direct beam canopy transmissivity
Entrepreneurial learning and the role of venture capitalists.
Pulverised Wood Combustion in a Vertical Furnace: Experimental and Computational Analyses
Tourism and Global Environmental Change. Analysis and State of Knowledge with a Focus on Sweden.
No abstract. Prepared for the Swedish Tourist Authority, Stockholm, Sweden.
Scandinavian Issue. Man-Environment Systems
Genomics and proteomics in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer
Kol-14 - ett strålande spårämne
Intracerebral grafting of neuronal cell suspensions. I. Introduction and general methods of preparation.
The steps involved in the grafting of mesencephalic and septal embryonic tissue in the form of dissociated cell suspensions are described in detail. This includes dissection of the donor embryos, incubation in trypsin, mechanical dissociation, and stereotaxic injection into the brains of adult recipient rats. Some of the technical problems and limitations are discussed.
Concepts Enacted: Confronting the Obstacles and Paradoxes Inherent in Pursuing a Scientific Understanding of the Building Blocks of Human Thought
This thesis confronts a fundamental shortcoming in cognitive science research: a failure to be explicit about the theory of concepts underlying cognitive science research and a resulting failure to justify that theory philosophically or otherwise. It demonstrates how most contemporary debates over theories of concepts divide over whether concepts are best understood as (mental) representations or
The Cyclic Prefix of OFDM/DMT - An Analysis
We address the impact of a too short cyclic prefix on multicarrier systems such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and discrete multitone (DMT). The main result is that the intersymbol interference (ISI) and intercarrier interference (ICI) may be spectrally concentrated and analytical expressions showing this are given. A practical implication is, e.g., that the cyclic prefix in
Languaging Conflict: a Case Study of Contraversation
Aerosol Properties and Unattached Fraction of Radon Daughters Close to the Human Face
A humanoid dummy inside a well controlled radon exposure chamber (volume=20m3) was used to investigate the properties of an aerosol close to, and far away from the human face, respectively. Rn222 and a NaCl aerosol (geometric mean diameter=86 nm, concentration ( 5000 cm-3 was added to the room. The size distribution of the passive aerosol and the unattached fraction of the radon progeny were measu
Impact of Solar Shading Devices on Daylight Quality: Measurements in Experimental Office Rooms
Abstract not available
Probing Electron Correlation on the Attosecond Timescale
Popular Abstract in English Imagine you are sunbathing on a sandy beach, while reading the latest Dan Brown book. Once the book is finished, you look at the waves and notice that in one place, they decelerate and become large. Excited by your reading, you imagine that beneath those larger waves there is a ship containing a treasure in it (most likely sunk by the Illuminati during World War II). BuThis thesis describes how photoemission stimulated by an attosecond pulse train (APT) can be used to extract information on electron correlation in simple quantum systems such as atoms. The emission of the electron by an APT induces a reorganization of the electrons remaining in the ion core. This reorganization causes a change in the trajectory of the emitted electron. An infrared (IR) field is u
Disposal Behaviour and Local Support Systems
Disposal behaviour represent the last phase in the consumption cycle. From an environmental point of view it is extremely important to know the factors behind individual behaviour in waste handling. There are several aspects of interest, for example willingness of waste separation and re-use of products. The aim of this article is to analyse the importance of environmental concern, disposal behavi