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Your search for "*" yielded 534177 hits

Performance of the ATLAS muon trigger in pp collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV.

The performance of the ATLAS muon trigger system is evaluated with proton-proton collision data collected in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. It is primarily evaluated using events containing a pair of muons from the decay of [Formula: see text] bosons. The efficiency of the single-muon trigger is measured for muons with transverse momentum [Formula: see text]

Adhesion of fermented diary products to packaging materials. Effect of material functionality, storage time, and fat content of the product. An empirical study

In this empirical study, we have shown that adhesion of dairy products such as fermented milk and yoghurt on packaging materials is dependent on the product contact time to the surface. Approximately 10% of all fermented milk products remain on the inside of today's packaging material. The viscosity of the product seems to have a major effect on how much product that will be adhered to the surface

Substituted Mo-V(Ti)-Te(Ce)-oxide M2 catalysts for propene ammoxidation

One of the most effective propane to acrylonitrile ammoxidation catalyst is comprised of the two phases M1 (orthorhombic) Mo7.5V1.5NbTeO29 and M2 (pseudo-hexagonal) Mo4V2Te2O20. Under reaction conditions, the two phases work in symbiosis with each other where M1 is the paraffin activating component and M2 is the olefin activating component. Since the catalytic improvement of either phase should re

Immigrant School Segregation in Sweden

Recent research has shown that there is a substantial skill difference in Sweden between natives and second-generation immigrants. The objective of this study is to find out whether there exists a relationship between immigrant school segregation and the individual's human capital. The variation in immigrant concentration rate between cohorts within a school generally does not affect the individua

Västlig kolvlav Pilophorus strumaticus återfunnen i Sverige

Det mest spännande fyndet under SLF:s höstexkursion till Skäckerfjällen i Jämtland var utan tvekan västlig kolvlav Pilophorus strumaticus. Efter det mycket överraskande första fyndet lyckades vi hitta arten på ytterligare tre lokaler. Då handlar om en art som anses nationellt utdöd fann vi det värt att skriva en separat artikel om arten.

Low rate of lymphedema after extended pelvic lymphadenectomy followed by pelvic irradiation of node-positive prostate cancer

Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of lower limb lymphedema after pelvic lymphadenectomy and radiotherapy to the pelvic lymph nodes in patients with prostate cancer. Methods: Twenty-six patients underwent combined treatment for high-risk node-positive prostate cancer at Skane University Hospital between April 2008 and March 2011. The treatment cons

EU-wide maps of growing stock and above-ground biomass in forests based on remote sensing and field measurements

The overall objective of this study was to combine national forest inventory data and remotely sensed data to produce pan-European maps on growing stock and above-ground woody biomass for the two species groups " broadleaves" and " conifers" An automatic up-scaling approach making use of satellite remote sensing data and field measurement data was applied for EU-wide mapping of growing stock and a

Identification of novel candidate genes associated with cleft lip and palate using array comparative genomic hybridisation

Aim and method: We analysed DNA samples isolated from individuals born with cleft lip and cleft palate to identify deletions and duplications of candidate gene loci using array comparative genomic hybridisation (array-CGH). Results: Of 83 syndromic cases analysed we identified one subject with a previously unknown 2.7 Mb deletion at 22q11.21 coinciding with the DiGeorge syndrome region. Eighteen o

Inflammation, Plaque Vulnerability and Cardiovascular Risk

Acute cardiovascular events, most commonly caused by rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, lie behind one third of all deaths worldwide. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of large and medium sized arteries driven by retention of lipid in the arterial wall. Inflammatory activity in the plaque is believed to be an important driving force behind plaque progression and rupture. However it is

The Influence of Physical Activity on Musculoskeletal Characteristics and Fracture Risk at Growth

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fysisk aktivitet har sedan länge sammankopplats med stark benstomme och stark muskulatur. Andra studier visar att hög fysisk aktivitet möjligen ger upphov till fler olyckor och frakturer. Man vet inte heller om ökad idrott i en oselekterade grupp med barn, inkluderande även de som inte gillar idrott, kan påverka skelettet och muskulaturen positivt. Bunkeflostudien, ellePhysical Activity (PA) can improve neuromuscular development. A high level of physical activity can perhaps however lead to more fractures. This is a longitudinal population-based exercise intervention study where the school-based physical education (PE) in one school is increased from mean 60 min/week to mean 200 min/ week. We registered fractures in all children during 6 years. We annually measu

Low Dose Bexarotene Treatment Rescues Dopamine Neurons and Restores Behavioral Function in Models of Parkinson's Disease

Nurr1 is a nuclear hormone receptor (NucHR) strongly implicated in the growth, maintenance, and survival of dopaminergic neurons. Nurr1 may be unable to bind ligands directly, but it forms heterodimers with other NucHRs that do. Using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assays to directly monitor interactions of Nurr1 with other NucHRs, we found the cancer drug bexarotene (Targretin,

Self-Renewing Human Bone Marrow Mesenspheres Promote Hematopoietic Stem Cell Expansion

Strategies for expanding hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) include coculture with cells that recapitulate their natural microenvironment, such as bone marrow stromal stem/progenitor cells (BMSCs). Plastic-adherent BMSCs may be insufficient to preserve primitive HSCs. Here, we describe a method of isolating and culturing human BMSCs as nonadherent mesenchymal spheres. Human mesenspheres were derived

Plasma Folate, Related Genetic Variants, and Colorectal Cancer Risk in EPIC

Background: A potential dual role of folate in colorectal cancer (CRC) is currently subject to debate. We investigate the associations between plasma folate, several relevant folate-related polymorphisms, and CRC risk within the large European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Methods: In this nested case-control study, 1,367 incident CRC cases were matched to 2,325 contr

Generation of induced neurons via direct conversion in vivo and in vitro

Popular Abstract in Swedish I min avhandling har jag tittat på möjligheten att göra om mänskliga hudceller direkt till dopaminerga nervceller. Dessa uppvisar flera egenskaper tillskrivna de dopaminerga nervceller vi hittar i hjärnan. Jag tittar även på möjligheten att transplantera dessa som hudceller i hjärnan på råttor och sen göra om dom till nervceller när de är på plats. Dessa celler bildar nCellular reprogramming is when one cell is changed into another. This involves structural modifications on the DNA of a cell resulting in a transcriptional change. This occurs naturally during development when early pluripotent cells gradually differentiate into more specialized cells that finally result in a complete organism. This is a finely orchestrated event that includes both extrinsic and i

Decreasing incidence of peptic ulcer complications after the introduction of the proton pump inhibitors, a study of the Swedish population from 1974-2002

Background: Despite a decreasing incidence of peptic ulcer disease, most previous studies report a stabile incidence of ulcer complications. We wanted to investigate the incidence of peptic ulcer complications in Sweden before and after the introduction of the proton pump inhibitors (PPI) in 1988 and compare these data to the sales of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAID) and acetylsalicyli