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Your search for "*" yielded 529926 hits

Links between climate and sea levels for the past three million years

The oscillations between glacial and interglacial climate conditions over the past three million years have been characterized by a transfer of immense amounts of water between two of its largest reservoirs on Earth - the ice sheets and the oceans. Since the latest of these oscillations, the Last Glacial Maximum (between about 30,000 and 19,000 years ago), similar to50 million cubic kilometres of

Extending CKKW-merging to One-Loop Matrix Elements

We extend earlier schemes for merging tree-level matrix elements with parton showers to include also merging with one-loop matrix elements. In this paper we make a first study on how to include one-loop corrections, not only for events with a given jet multiplicity, but simultaneously for several different jet multiplicities. Results are presented for the simplest non-trivial case of hadronic even

Population structure and interspecific differentiation of peat moss sister species Sphagnum capillifolium and S. rubellum in northern Europe.

Isozyme electrophoresis was used to study the morphologically similar sister speciesSphagnum rubellum andS. capillifolium from a sample of 1313 plants representing 37 populations from Scandinavia, Great Britain and S Germany. The mean pairwise genetic identities (I) among conspecific populations were 0.976 forS. rubellum and 0.969 forS. capillifolium, versus 0.627 between populations of the two sp

Electronic Structure of Genomic DNA: A Photoemission and X-ray Absorption Study.

The electronic structure of genomic DNA has been comprehensively characterized by synchrotron-based X-ray absorption and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Both unoccupied and occupied states close to the Fermi level have been unveiled and attributed to particular sites within the DNA structure. A semiconductor-like electronic structure with a band gap of approximately 2.6 eV has been found at whic

Influence of probe flexibility and gelatin embedding on neuronal density and glial responses to brain implants.

To develop long-term high quality communication between brain and computer, a key issue is how to reduce the adverse foreign body responses. Here, the impact of probe flexibility and gelatine embedding on long-term (6w) tissue responses, was analyzed. Probes of same polymer material, size and shape, flexible mainly in one direction, were implanted in rat cerebral cortex (nimplants = 3 x 8) in two

Stellar encounters involving massive stars in young clusters

We model collisions between pre-main-sequence stars using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics method. Assuming that all collisions lead to simple mergers, we use derived merger cross-sections to calculate the time-scale to make a 50-M-circle dot star by collisions within the core of a stellar cluster as a function of stellar number density. We show that a 50-M-circle dot star may be produced in this

Cytochrome P450 3A4 is the major enzyme responsible for the metabolism of laquinimod, a novel immunomodulator

In the present study, the involvement of cytochrome P450 enzyme( s) in the primary metabolism of laquinimod, a new orally active immunomodulator, has been investigated in human liver microsomes. Hydroxylated and dealkylated metabolites were formed. The metabolite formation exhibited single enzyme Michaelis-Menten kinetics with apparent K-M in the range of 0.09 to 1.9 mM and V-max from 22 to 120 pm

Seizure disorders in systemic lupus erythematosus results from an international, prospective, inception cohort study

Objective The aim of this study was to describe the frequency, attribution, outcome and predictors of seizures in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods The Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics, or SLICC, performed a prospective inception cohort study. Demographic variables, global SLE disease activity (SLE Disease Activity Index 2000), cumulative organ damage (SLICC/American Co

Going Green : A Study of Public Procurement Regulation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Offentlig upphandling blir alltmer intressant och relevant som ämnesområde då dess sanna ekonomiska värde och potentiella inverkan på marknader - genom köpkraft – uppdagas. Det har dessutom blivit ett relevant område för hållbarhetsdiskursen då man har kommit att inse möjligheten att ställa miljökrav inom ramen för den offentliga upphandlingen, samt miljöanpassa upphandIn Sociology of Law the discussions about regulation have been extensive and the issue of public procurement is gaining momentum as its true financial value and potential to impact markets are realised. This thesis aims to look at the regulation of green public procurement (GPP) by analysing findings from an in-depth case study in a Swedish context, using interviews with procurement officers as we

Trophic interactions in Zostera marina beds along the Swedish coast

We compared eelgrass Zostera marina communities in 3 regions in Sweden believed to be affected by eutrophication and overfishing, to determine whether bottom-up or top-down processes control the biomass of epiphytic macroalgae and grazers. Nitrogen and carbon isotope signatures were analyzed to explore the food webs and to identify the grazing species feeding on filamentous algae and/or eelgrass.

Reproductive Factors and Exogenous Hormone Use in Relation to Risk of Glioma and Meningioma in a Large European Cohort Study

Background: The etiologies of glioma and meningioma tumors are largely unknown. Although reproductive hormones are thought to influence the risk of these tumors, epidemiologic data are not supportive of this hypothesis; however, few cohort studies have published on this topic. We examined the relation between reproductive factors and the risk of glioma and meningioma among women in the European Pr

Investigating the Applicability of Agility Assessment Surveys: A Case Study

Context Agile software development has become popular in the past decade without being sufficiently defined. The Agile principles can be instantiated differently which creates different perceptions of Agility. This has resulted in several frameworks being presented in the research literature to evaluate the level of Agility. However, the evidence of their actual use in practice is limited. Objec

Register studies of cancer in the Southern Health Care Region in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Södra Regionvårdsnämnden har önskat att få belyst om vi har en rättvis och jämlik cancervård i Södra sjukvårdsregionen. Därför har en populationsbaserad registerstudie med många olika etapper genomförts. Basinformationen har hämtats från Tumörregistret i Södra sjukvårdsregionen. Första diagnosdatum noterades och hemort (kommun, distrikt, län) samt sjukhus definierades eThe overall aim was to study different aspect of health care use and health care costs on a population based level for persons with cancer and their partners, and from an individual level to explore the impact of comorbidities in incidence and survival. In the beginning of the study all persons in the Southern Health Care Region in Sweden diagnosed with colon, rectal, breast, prostate and lung can

Objective social outcomes index (SIX): a method to summarise objective indicators of social outcomes in mental health care

Objective: No method has yet been established to summarise different objective indicators of social outcomes into one score. The study aimed to develop and test a simple, brief and meaningful index of social outcomes that can be used across a broad range of mental health studies and is potentially obtainable from routine documentation. Method: An index capturing employment, accommodation and livin

An Interactive Mapping Tool to Assess Individual Mobility Patterns in Neighborhood Studies

As their most critical limitation, neighborhood and health studies published to date have not taken into account nonresidential activity places where individuals travel in their daily lives. However, identifying low-mobility populations residing in low-resource environments, assessing cumulative environmental exposures over multiple activity places, and identifying specific activity locations for

MIRD Pamphlet No. 24: Guidelines for Quantitative I-131 SPECT in Dosimetry Applications

The reliability of radiation dose estimates in internal radionuclide therapy is directly related to the accuracy of activity estimates obtained at each imaging time point. The recently published MIRD pamphlet no. 23 provided a general overview of quantitative SPECT imaging for dosimetry. The present document is the first in a series of isotope-specific guidelines that will follow MIRD 23 and focus

Onset of cohesion in cement paste

It is generally agreed that the cohesion of cement paste occurs through the formation of a network of nanoparticles of a calcium-silicate-hydrate ("C-S-H"). However, the mechanism by which these particles develop this cohesion has not been established. Here we propose a dielectric continuum model which includes all ionic interactions within a dispersion of C-S-H particles. It takes into account al

Correlations between plasma-neuropeptides and temperament dimensions differ between suicidal patients and healthy controls

BACKGROUND: Decreased plasma levels of plasma-neuropeptide Y (NPY) and plasma-corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), and increased levels of plasma delta-sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) in suicide attempters with mood disorders have previously been observed. This study was performed in order to further understand the clinical relevance of these findings. METHODS: Examination of correlates between te

Energy transfer in the peridinin-chicrophyll protein complex reconstituted with mixed chlorophyll sites

We use femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to study chlorophyll (Chl)-Chl energy transfer in the peridinin-chlorophyll protein (PCP) reconstituted with mixtures of either chlorophyll b (Chlb) and Chld or Chla and bacteriochlorophyll a (BChla). Analysis of absorption and transient absorption spectra demonstrated that reconstitution with chlorophyll mixtures produces a significant fraction