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Att jaga eller inte jaga? - Optimal födosökningsteori applicerad på det animalosteologiska materialet från den mesolitiska lokalen Ringsjöholm

This paper applies optimal foraging theory to an osteological material from the mesolithic site of Ringsjöholm, in Scania, in an attempt to test the diet breadth models relevance to archaeological theory. This paper also presents results from the osteological analysis of Ringsjöholm. Focus is directed towards the hunting of large mammals, in particular aurochs, moose, red deer, roe deer, wild boar

Finding the path - women entrepreneurs, micro and small scale enterprises and their path to growth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

This study of ten micro and small scale businesses owned and management by Tanzanian women in Dar es Salaam aimed at fulfilling two purposes; to highlight male biased assumptions and gender blindness in the discourse and discursive practices on entrepreneurship as well as exploring women’s own perceptions of identity and gender. The second more straight forward empirical purpose was exploring wome

Medias framställning av personer med funktionsnedsättning

Som studenter vid Lunds Universitet och Enheten för media- och kommunikationsvetenskap har vi funnit att svensk media mer och mer har börjat uppmärksamma och belysa personer med funktionsnedsättning. Vi ser dessa individer i allt ifrån tidningsartiklar till i långfilmer. Intresset har legat i hur dessa personer framställs och vad det är för typ av bild som media väljer att belysa. Vi har valt att

Diskrimineringsskydd för gravida arbetstagare. En arbetsrättslig studie av Svensk rätt och EU-rätt

EU-rättens arbetsrättslagstiftning hade i sitt inledningsskede främst till syfte att undvika konkurrenshinder och att säkra den fria rörligheten. Med tiden utvecklades dock arbetsrätten till att lägga större fokus på det sociala området, sociala handlingsprogram antogs och att uppnå jämlikhet mellan könen blev med tiden något eftersträvansvärt. Utvecklingen fortsatte och likabehandlingsdirektivet The labour legislation in the EU had in its early stages the purpose to avoid barriers of competition and to ensure the free movement within the union. Over time, as EU labour law developed, a greater focus was put on social matters and achieving gender equality became desirable. As a part of this development, the Equal Treatment Directive was adopted. The Directive regulated equal opportunities i

"Är jag verkligen så här desperat?" - en studie av unga människors attityd mot Internetdejting

Sammanfattning: Författare: Linamaria Hagström och Malcolm Cronhamn Enheten för medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Nyckelord: Internetdejting, dejtingsidor, kommunikationssyfte, virtual community och konsumtionssamhälle Även om Internet är ett relativt nytt fenomen har det integrerats och blivit en stor del av människornas vardagliga liv. Internet rymmer många olika funktioner och tjänster och

The Scope of Labour Law Requirements in Public Procurement - at the ILO, EU and Swedish Level

Under 2008 svarade EU:s offentliga upphandling för 17-18 procent av EU:s BNP. Huruvida offentliga medel skall kunna användas som instrument för att förverkliga politiska ambitioner eller om upphandlande myndighet endast skall ta hänsyn till ekonomiska aspekter har varit föremål för diskussion. Jag har valt att kartlägga de normgivande regelverk som reglerar arbetsrättslig hänsyn vid offentlig upphIn 2008 public procurement made up 17-18 percent of the EU GDP. The issue of whether the disbursement of public funds can be used to promote social objectives, including preservation of labour law requirements or whether public authorities only shall take economic considerations into account when deciding what to purchase, has been subject to discussion. In this thesis, I have chosen to describe t

Bibliotek 2.0 = förändring? Diskurser om användare och deras interaktion med biblioteksverksamheter

This master’s thesis in Library and Information Science concerns the relationship between librarians and users, and focuses on how it is constructed in scholarly articles about Library 2.0. The study analyses 40 articles concerning Library 2.0 and the questions asked are: ”How is the relationship between librarians and users constructed?”; ”Which discourses can be identified in the articles and ho

The Imaginary self

In the year 1972 an excavation started on a peculiar ruin situated along the southern shore of Iceland. The next four years archaeologists unearthed quite interesting medieval farmstead there. This particular farmstead has been given the name Kúabót and has had great impact on the Icelandic archaeology. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this farmstead and especially two artifacts in detail.

Barnets bästa och barnets vilja i internationella förhållanden

Ett olovligt bortförande eller kvarhållande föreligger när ett barn under sexton år har blivit bortfört eller kvarhållet i en stat, som inte utgör barnets hemvist, i strid med vårdnadshavarens vilja. 1980 års Haagkonvention, som har införlivats i svensk rätt genom verkställighetslagen (VerkstL), har utarbetats i syfte att skydda de barn som har blivit olovligen bortförda eller kvarhållna mellan laThe 1980 Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Hague Convention), incorporated into Swedish law by the verkställighetslagen (VerkstL), aims to protect children from the harmful effects of cross-border abduction. Under the Hague Convention, the legal guardian of the child in his or her state of habitual residence enjoys ‘rights of custody’ over that child. The removal or

Buying Your Competitors’ Trademarks - A Comparative Look at Treatment of Keyword Advertising under EU and U.S. Trademark Law

The Internet poses new challenges to the legal world. One of those challenges is the sale of someone else’s trademark as a keyword in different referencing service programs on the Internet. This issue has, in the recent years become an important topic and a much-litigated issue. The referencing service providers earn big profits on their referencing service programs and the biggest provider for a

Impacts of stressful weather events on forest ecosystems in south Sweden

Coniferous as spruce (more specifically Norway spruce, Picea abies) and deciduous species like European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and oak (Quercus spp.) co exist in south Sweden. In perspective of climate change, species composition of Swedish forests is assumed to change. Observed climate on the period 1950-2010 prove that a general warming trend is occurring in southern Sweden, and that vegetation

Västsaharas legitimitet som stat- En undersökande fallstudie om Västsaharas möjligheter att bli en stark stat

The status of Western Sahara has since 1975 been a controversial topic in international relations. Morocco claims that the territory rightfully belongs to them while Polisario, the representative of the Sahrawi’s, are of the dichotomous opinion and demands independence. In this paper I will examine the statement that Western Sahara in the long run would be to weak and too poor to survive as a stat

Sponsring - Avdragsgill marknadsföring eller gåva? Den skattemässiga behandlingen av sponsring

Sponsorship is currently a concept to be reckoned with. The development has been rapid in recent decades and the law has still not brought complete clarity whether sponsorship should be seen as promotion or gift. There is evidence that sponsorship cannot be seen in black or white. The right to deduct that exists for the promotion does not apply to gifts, which can have a major impact on the sponso

The Remnants of Political and Trinitarian Structures in the Post-Cold War Era

The purpose of this thesis is to provide a contribution to the current waged debate concerning the validity of Carl von Clausewitz’s theories regarding actors engaged in the acts of war. These thoughts have been suggested to be obsolete in the post-cold war era whereas the new wars theories have emerged and modified and challenged the classical knowledge of the very nature of war. The theoretical

Egyptian revolution of 2011: Contentious repertoires and Egyptian innovation

This paper examines the influence on the Egyptian revolution of 2011 by preceding social movements and historical acts of contention. This is made possible through examining the history of contentious performances from the birth of the social movement up until the twenty-first century, and then comparing the results with the uprising in Egypt. The purpose of this paper is to assess and attempt to

Blodskam med eller utan blodsband : en undersökning av incestmål i Göta hovrätts jurisdiktionsområde omkring sekelskiftet 1700

I denna uppsats undersöker jag föreställningar kring incestuösa relationer omkring sekelskiftet 1700. På den tiden definierades incest med religiösa argument och släktskap baserat på blodsband jämställdes med släktskap som uppstått efter äktenskap. En man var med andra ord enligt lagen lika förbjuden att gifta sig med sin egen syster som med sin avlidna hustrus syster. Med hjälp av hovrättsmateria

Cyber warfare: connecting classical security theory to a new security domain

This paper examines how cyber warfare as a new empirical phenomenon can be understood and explained through the classical security theory of realism. As states begin to view cyberspace as part of their strategic interest, the main divisions of neorealism provide different explanations as to the intentions and interactions of states. The hypothesis of this paper is that realism is not enough to und

On the Move Towards a Peaceful Future?

This essay focus on Sri Lanka’s way towards a wished positive peace and its difficulties. It may be argued that the country since the end of its 26 year long civil war has gone into a state of negative peace. To analyze Sri Lanka’s further post-war development, some special aspects of the conflict is high lightened; the conflict’s background, the LTTE, the international relations, the political sy

Measuring the performance of a preventive maintenance programme for heavy truck -from a life cycle profit perspective

Problem: Scania Commercial Vehicles (Scania CV) initiated the project, as a result of a vision regarding future preventive maintenance (PM) programmes. This vision and its core concepts will impose great changes to the way PM for heavy trucks are viewed upon at Scania CV. Within this vision many questions have risen, one of which is: How does one measure the performance of a preventive maintenance

Att Filma Rättfärdighet - En studie över porträtteringen av rättfärdighet i amerikansk krigsfilm av invasionen av Irak 2003

Denna uppsats har för avsikt att se hur amerikansk krigsfilm porträtterar rättfärdigheten i invasionen av Irak 2003. Avsikten är att fånga argumentationen som förs i filmerna om rättfärdighetens varande sett ur ett amerikanskt perspektiv. Genom denna förståelse kan man skapa förståelse över hur dessa filmer färgar synen på kriget hos åskådarna. Tre produktioner har valts att studeras; Green Zone (