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Implementing Lean Manufacturing philosophy at Kalmar Industries with focus on continuous improvements.

Background: To stay strong and competitive in the business high productivity and low manufacturing cost are crucial. Kalmar Industries know that they have potential to accomplish better results if they engage all employees to cooperate. Due to the financial crisis other things have been prioritised and not enough Lean thinking exercised in the organisation. Through better understanding and clearer

How to Increase Sales of Agricultural Machinery in Romania

Problem Definition: The aim with this master thesis is to examine the available European Union funded financial support for investment in agricultural machinery in Romania. Its regulations and limits and what customer group Väderstad Verken AB shall target during the pending European Union budget period 2007-2013. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to increase the understanding of the a

The Impact of EU Cohesion Policy in Sweden - Chances and Challenges

The paper identifies the effects of the adoption of EU cohesion policy in Sweden, namely a significant involvement of subnational actors within designing and implementing the policy, a stimulated activity of regional authorities, a relationship between the different administrative levels mainly characterised by cooperation and dialogue and the increasing importance of flexible, inclusive, network-

Den förlorade barnkompetensen

I want to find out the reasons to why we have lost the ability to have compassion and to care for children even though they are not biologically connected to us, especially I want to know why people working in fields that exist to protect and help children many times do more harm than good.

En granskning av kvinnoframställningen i tidningen Elles modereportage

Då vi idag lever i en extremt medialiserad värld där medier till stor del styr vår självuppfattning är det viktigt att undersöka hur kvinnoidealet framställs i media. Vi har i denna uppsats valt att titta närmre på hur de unga kvinnorna i Elles modereportage framställs, då vi redan vet att många av modellerna som syns på dessa sidor i magasinet inte återspeglar en verklighetstrogen bild av "d

En retorisk analys av Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering av revolutionen i Egypten

Nyhetsjournalistiken gör anspråk på att objektivt återspegla verkligheten. Journalisten är dock oundvikligen påverkad av sina tidigare erfarenheter såväl som rådande sociala normer och värderingar, vilka kommer till uttryck i nyhetsmaterialet. I den här studien undersöker vi hur dessa normer och värderingar har tagit sig uttryck i Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering av revolutionen i Egy

Making HES more Lean - Identification and reduction of waste

questions: Where are the largest gaps between how HES (Heat Exchanger System) are working today and how they could be working according to lean philosophies? How could these gaps be reduced and what effect will it have to HES and their customers? Deliverables: The project contains a gap analysis which is the foundation to a new suggested work pattern. The new work pattern was implemented, evaluate

Price Mark-Ups and Dispersion for Online Air Tickets: An Empirical Investigation into Scandinavian Online Travel Agencies

This essay investigates the prices quoted by online travel agents and airline companies for the same flight tickets. The theory of information and search cost would predict that prices should converge on the internet. This prediction is tested using data from six online travel agents and the airline companies quoted as having the cheapest prices for the corresponding dates and destinations. The re

Individual Innovation Incentives

Issue of study: Today, in an information-driven economy, it is more important than ever to be innovative. Developing new ways to create and deliver value is the main method of competition in the business world. Although the picture differs widely from the industrial age, the principals used to manage these companies and employees are same as a century ago. Paying people will just make them do what

Political participation: demographical factors and electoral turnout in the districts of Bogotá, Colombia

Everybody can take part in democratic election by giving a vote on the candidate most suited for the task. Still, many choose not to. The non-voters are rarely randomly spread out in an urban area but form geographical patterns. The aim of this thesis is to see which demographical factors that correlate and explain these patterns in Bogotá, Colombia. The method used is a mixed quantitative and qua

Choosing the right projects - A Lean-inspired process for IT project portfolio selection.

Large and strongly growing organizations tackle the issue of finding a way to decide which business requirements to fulfill and which projects to move forward but often forget the strategic. Once a strategy has been developed, its implementation appears to be seen as a matter of operational detail and tactical adjustment. As efforts and resources risk to be put on the wrong projects, how do you ma

Social Economy-Based Microenterprise as an Alternative Community Development Model- a Case Study in Rural Peru

This thesis examines the potential of a social economy-based microenterprise model as a new community development tool in the special context of indigenous Quechua communities in rural Peru where their socio-economic realities are substantially different from the modern society. Although, the social economy-based development policies are widely discussed in many Latin American countries, only litt

Attachment organization and perception of constraining and enabling factors in long distance relationships: A first step towards constructing an instrument to measure experiences of living in a long distance relationship

Living in long distance relationships (LDRs) has become a common phenomenon worldwide. LDR couples continously move in and out of each other's co-presence, and research has shown that the transitions between togetherness and separateness give rise to factors experienced as both constraining and enabling. The present study extends LDR-research done by Sahlstein (2004) by taking attachment organ

Key issues for companies entering the Chinese WEEE recycling industry

Problem: The Chinese WEEE recycling market is today operated mostly by the informal sector. As this sector eludes the insufficiently enforced environmental laws the e-waste is recycled by means not only harmful to the environment and people working with the recycling process, but it also utilizes methods that do not recover valuable materials in a sound and efficient way. Many companies stand read

Friend and/or Foe?

The U.S. adaptation to the provoked insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq has led to a new groundbreaking doctrine focusing on this “new” insurgency warfare. Counterinsurgency, or COIN, has become a beacon for Western states battling rogue and disparate insurgents. In the cases of Afghanistan and Iraq, PRTs have been chosen to be on the frontlines in this guerilla war. This study mainly seeks to di

Doktorander, Genus & Akademi - en studie kring genuscertifiering, jämställdhetsarbete och doktoranders arbetssituation

Spring 2010 a gender certification project started at the Geological Department, Lund University. The project revolves around making students and employees more aware about gender and gender equality work and what impact it has on the whole organization. Because of that, I’ve tried to evaluate what has happened and what kind of result the certification has led to so far. I’ve also focused on PhD-s

Marknadsföringsverktyg på Internet och dess värde vid olika delar i köpbeslutsprocessen samt vid olika distributionskanalsstrategier

With the increasing Internet usage and the increase of W-commerce in Sweden, online marketing has become an essential and crucial activity for most industries and companies. Online marketing has developed rapidly and there are today a big number of digital channels and tools to add into the marketing strategy in order to meet the changing consumer behaviour. Today we are starting to see a number o

Warehouse stocks and replenishment A case study of stock levels at the National Distribution Centre, Arla Foods UK

The purpose of the master thesis is to optimize the stock holding levels of Arla Foods´ products in the National Distribution Centre in Leeds, by constructing a replenishment model for selected products. Deliverables: The focus of the master thesis has been to develop a replenishment model in order to better control and reduce the stock levels. Methodology: We focused primarily on gaining a deeper

No title

The aim of this bachelor thesis, is to explore how different big corporations in Denmark, conceptualize and construct problem and solution in their policy papers explaining they’re work with gender equality and advancing women in senior position and management. The thesis takes it’s starting point in the current Danish debate on the slow devolvement when it comes to gender equality in top manageme