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Granskning av Aleksinac kommuns övergångsställen

Through its new road safety program the Aleksinac municipality wants to achieve a higher degree of safety in the city than today. These include a safer environment for vulnerable road users. For many years the municipality has neglected pedestrians, consciously or unconsciously, by not investing enough resources and money to improve their situation in traffic. The municipality now wants to correct

Missbruk av dominerande ställning

Att säkerställa en effektiv konkurrens på den gemensamma marknaden är oerhört viktigt. Förbudet mot missbruk av dominerande ställning är ett av de viktigaste målen för att uppnå just detta och utgör en grundprincip. Bedömningarna i konkurrensrätten är svåra att göra eftersom varje fall är unikt och bedöms individuellt, vilket gör ämnet speciellt intressant. Då jag granskat relevant litteratur och It is crucial to ensure an effective competition on the common market. In order to do this, the prohibition against misuse of dominating position is one of the most important goals and forms a fundamental principel. What makes the subject interesting is that in competionlaw, the judgements are hard to decide as every case is unique and thus decided individually. By examining relevant literature an

Operator identities for standard weighted Bergman shift and Toeplitz operators

We prove an operator identity for the shift operator in the scale of standard weighted Bergman spaces in the unit disc. This operator identity is then applied in the context of functional calculus for the shift operator and a characterization of harmonic symbol Bergman space Toeplitz operators is obtained generalizing an earlier result by Louhichi and Olofsson. Duality arguments lead to operator i

Collisions beetween Jupiter-like planets

Med hjälp av tredimensionella datorsimulationer har vi studerat utfallen från kollisioner mellan planeter. Målet med projektet var att utreda beroendet av kollisionsparametrar som till exempel avståndet vid närmaste passage, hastighet och planeternas massor. Vi kom fram till att planeterna kan bli gravitationellt bundna efter kollisionerna på grund av energiförluster som gör att de eventuellt kollUsing three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, we have studied the outcomes from collisions between Jupiter-like planets. Planet models have been generated from polytropic profiles using a polytropic index of n=1 and each planet is represented by 15,000 particles. The dependency on a range of parameters specifying the point of closest approach, velocity at infinity and

A New Characterization of Prime Numbers and Alternations of Multisets

This paper consists of two parts. In the first part the following problem is presented (see [1]): a king invites n couples for dinner at his round table with 2n+1 seats. For each couple there is an in advance prescribed distance between 1 and n at which the two spouses of the couple have to be seated from each other. We show that there is a solution to the king’s problem for every choice of distan

Fire safety on board submarines – crew interventions

This work investigates crew opinions about manual intervention on board submarines and planned new solutions on the new submarine, the A26. The planned solutions include an unmanned aft and the installation of water mist instead of Halon 1301 as fire suppression system. Literature, survey and interviews were used to gather information. The crew routines and previous fire incidents were determined.

Self-Deception: upptäcks en manipulation av moraliska självbeskrivningar?

Kan vi verkligen lita på personliga självbeskrivningar eller lurar vi oss själva i att vi verkligen vet varför vi tycker som vi gör? Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om människor märker av en manipulation av deras personliga självbeskrivningar i moraliska påståenden eller om de kommer att vilseleda sig själva och anta manipulationen. Om det sker, kan det i så fall utgöra någon form av self-d

Om någon icke vill arbeta, så skall han icke heller äta - En rättshistorisk studie av arbetslöshet från medeltiden till 1885

During the Middle Ages the poor had a special place in society and were viewed upon as a means for others to reach salvation. This picture changed during the Reformation and poverty was seen both with aversion and suspicion and the Lutheran work ethic was predominant. At this time poverty was not considered to be a social phenomenon, but rather a moral defect, and most poor people were regarded to

The manufacturing industry in Stockholm county and Sweden - an analysis of regional development and structural change from 1915 to 1975

Departing from the renewed interest within economic history and economic geography on economic transformations, I will analyze the development of the Swedish manufacturing industry with regard to both space and time. The paper looks at how the role of Stockholm county (Sweden’s major regional market) changed in relation to the country overall in terms of employment in eight different industries. T

Litostratigrafiska studier av en platåformad sand- och grusavlagring i Skuremåla, Blekinge

I Skuremåla, Blekinge har litostratigrafiska studier utförts av en platåformad grus- och sandavlagring. Skuremåla-avlagringen har tidigare beskrivits som ett delta med en överyta på 55 m ö h. Syftet med arbetet är att tolka vad för sorts ”delta” Skuremåla-avlagringen utgör samt depositionsmiljön för sedimenten i fråga. I denna studie har området undersökts genom jordartskartering samt genom skruvbA lithostragraphic study has been performed of a plateau-shaped sand and gravel deposit at Skuremåla in Blekinge, SE Sweden. The Skuremåla deposit has earlier been described as a delta with an upper surface 55 m a.s.l. The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate this interpretation, i.e. is the Skuremåla deposits a delta or possibly another type of formation. Furthermore, the investigation aims at

En lito- och biostratigrafisk studie av senglaciala sediment från Skuremåla, Blekinge

En sedimentsekvens bestående av totalt elva borrkärnor togs upp med hjälp av en s.k. ryssborr i dödishålan Skuremålagölen i Skuremåla naturreservat i centrala Blekinge. Från denna sekvens undersöktes gölens senglaciala sediment med hjälp av paleoekologiska och stratigrafiska metoder i syfte att undersöka gölens och områdets utveckling under senglacial tid. Vid analyserna av de senglaciala sedimentWith a Russian chamber corer late glacial sediments were obtained from Skuremålagölen, a kettle hole lake in Skuremåla in the province of Blekinge, southeastern Sweden. The sediments were analysed with respect to pollen content, magnetic susceptibility, loss on ignition and a 14C date. The main aim of the analyses was to interpret the development of Skuremålagölen and its surroundings during the L