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Installation och styrning av ackumulatortank

When working with district heating production, you often encounter problems with unbalanced energy consumption from the consumers during the 24 hours of a day. High energy consumption when it is morning and evening whiles it is low energy consumption on midday and during the night. This leads to higher wear and tear and an uneven production rate at the boilers. To solve this problem you can instal

Personalintensitetens påverkan på företagsprestation efter förvärv

Purpose: Study if and how personnel-intensity affects companies' post acquisition stock performance Methodology: Quantitative study of 90 american companies that in 2007 made acquisition deals worth over $100 MUSD. An event window of five days was used, and comparisons between industries were done to find correlation between personnel-intensity and performance. Theoretical Perspectives: Based

Ett långsiktigt förhållningsätt till hållbarhet i offentliga inköp - En fallstudie om attityder, subjektiva normer och upplevd beteendekontroll till hållbarhet i Helsingborgs stad

Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för vilken inverkan attityder, subjektiva normer och upplevd beteendekontroll kan ha på beteendet att agera hållbart och om det skiljer sig åt mellan politiker, upphandlare och beställare vid inköp i Helsingborgs stad. Studien har visat att det råder skillnader i attityder mellan politikerna och ner till beställarna. Begäret att få sina egna behov uppfy

Aktieägarnas hemlighetsmakeri

Uppsatsens syftar till att undersöka om ägarstruktur har en påverkan på offentliggörande av information bland bolag på Stockholmsbörsen. Syftet är att se om olika typer av ägare påverkar hur mycket information som offentliggörs i företags årsrapporter, delårsrapporter samt på deras hemsidor. Den teoretiska referensramen utgår från teorier kring effektiva kapitalmarknader, informationsasymmetri, pr

Analysing Credit Default Swap Spreads of European Banks

This paper investigates the determinants of the credit default swaps changes of 34 European banks between January 2004 and December 2013. The sample period is further divided into four sub-periods covering both calm and turbulent times (pre-crisis, acute phase and less acute phase of the financial crisis, and the most recent European sovereign debt crisis). We show that CDS spread changes are not

The Liability of Internet Service Providers for Copyright Infringements: exception to copyright protection derived from freedom of expression

The question of secondary liability of internet intermediaries for illegal content online is closely linked to the enjoyment of freedom of expression that has to be guaranteed both online and offline. The provisions concerning internet service providers’ liability in Europe include ‘notice and take down’ procedure, blocking measures and injunctions against intermediaries, which are all well-desi

Saturation Intensity of Rare Earth Ions Doped Crystals

The thesis is primarily concerned with rare earth ions doped into yttrium ortho silicate crystals, RE:YSO. It is considered to be an ambitious platform for the development of quantum computing schemes. One such scheme requires the detection of single cerium ions. The project was aimed at measuring the saturation intensity of cerium 5d-4f transition which is needed for the single ion detection. Th

Governing Cognitive Biases – Case studies of the use of and justifications for behaviorally informed policy tools

In the last few decades, researchers have identified many systematic errors – cognitive biases – in the human mind. The predominant notion of human beings as rational have gradually been flawed, in one context after another. In the last few years scholars have approached the question of what policy implications should be derived from these findings and what solutions there might be. Three main phi

The Power-Relations of Danida Business Partnerships in Nepal - A study in governmentality, identities and practices

Danish development policy is increasingly orienting towards the private sector and development through economic growth. Development programs are heavily influenced by a neo-liberal discourse, and they alter power-relations, identities and practices where they intervene in local contexts. The purpose of this thesis is to denaturalize the taken-for-granted truth established in the development discou

Decentralisation, Political Participation and Democracy: The Effects of Decentralisation on Political Participation and Democratisation in Non-Western States

A global trend of decentralisation has been present in the last decades. Since the 1980s, most countries have transferred power and resources from the centre to subnational levels of government. This trend has also been present in the developing world where it has been encouraged by international organisations as a way of promoting citizen participation and democracy. The purpose of this thesis is

Partisan Macroeconomic Preferences and the Diversionary Use of Force in The United Kingdom 1971-2000

This thesis explores the diversionary use of force in the context of The United Kingdom. Building on theory that suggests that diversionary tactics are most likely when domestic turmoil affects the core constituents of the incumbent party, I operationalize domestic turmoil as macroeconomic conditions that disfavor the core constituents of the incumbent party and test its effects on the initiation,

Sverige – det proportionella himmelriket. En normativ argumentation emot ett valsystemsbyte

Every now and then some politician or political scientists argues publicly that Sweden's democracy would benefit from a change from the current electoral system, PR-system, to a First Past the Post system. A country's electoral system is far from the only tool that can develop the democracy. However, it is a rather forgotten tool. This thesis examines the advantages and disadvantages of Sw

Do central banks respond to exchange rates and restrictions to capital flows? Evidence from panel data

This paper examines whether central banks consider exchange rates and restrictions to capital flows when setting the policy rate. Specifically, this paper studies if there is a difference in the reaction between inflation targeting central bank and non-inflation targeting central banks in advanced and emerging economies. The recent financial crisis is also covered, that is, did the crisis change w

A Spatial Relations Study of Virus Infected Cells and the Human Immune Response through the V-Proportionality Measurement

Biotechnological tools have never been stronger than today and the data they provide is absolutely fascinating. As we get a clearer picture of the intricate workings of living systems eective mathematical and statistical tools become a necessity in order to reach a comprehensive understanding of said systems. The purpose of this thesis is to statistically explore cutting edge biomedical data taken

Plattgårdar och avhysta byar - plattgårdssystemets spridning och förändring av landskapet

The aim of this study is to describe how the establishment of large farms (plattgårdar) in the county of Scania changed the landscape in the areas of the former villages, hamlets and small holdings. It is also important to find out if the establishment of the large farms was depending on the enclosure-reforms during the 19th century. Another aim of this study is to describe how the system with lar

Evaluation of Global Wave Climate Based on the JMA/MRI-AGCM Climate Change Projection

In this study global wave climates for present and future climates are simulated with the WAM model, based on wind fields from the JMA/MRI-AGCM3.2 climate projection. The projected wave fields are analysed and compared for the two periods of 1979-2003 and 2075-2099, and climate change induced differences are identified. It is found that the wave climate is strongly dependent on latitude, with the

Optimizing retailer inventory levels

Background & Problem: In previous years, there has been low focus on inventory control. Due to high margins on the products, a high inventory level has been kept to reduce the risk for lost sales. Today, the company is expanding, and therefore need to improve the inventory control to reduce tied-up capital. Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to reduce capital tied-up in inventories. B

Present and prediction of China's OFDI compared with neighboring economies

China’s economic reform has opened fresh flood into global market and its recent performance in overseas investment attracts world attention. Through a comparison in motivation, location choice and market entry mode with other Asian economies, as well as theoretical explanations from institutional perspective, this study intends to discover their similarities and differences, thus how unique China

Optimal Tempererad Asfalt - OTA - en undersökning av asfalt med Sasobit

The concept of OptimalTempered Asphalt, OTA, stands for the best temperature all aspects considered for the bitumen and the manufacturing process as well as the end-product. This is achieved in various ways using additives, choice of manufacturing procedure and changing mixture of asphalt. This bachelor thesis is a study of the effects the additive Sasobit has on bitumen and asphalt from an OTA pe