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Evaluating the Governance Model of Hardware-Dependent Software Ecosystems – A Case Study of the Axis Ecosystem

Ecosystem governance becomes gradually more relevant for a set of companies or actors characterized by symbiotic relations evolved on the top of a technological platform, i.e. a software ecosystem. In this study, we focus on the governance of a hardware-dependent software ecosystem. More specifically, we evaluate the governance model applied by Axis, a network video and surveillance camera produce

Polarization corrections to single-particle energies studied within the energy-density-functional and quasiparticle random-phase approximation approaches

Background: Models based on using perturbative polarization corrections and mean-field blocking approximation give conflicting results for masses of odd nuclei. Purpose: We systematically investigate the polarization and mean-field models, implemented within self-consistent approaches that use identical interactions and model spaces, to find reasons for the conflicts between them. Methods: For den

Characterization of the substitution pattern of cellulose derivatives using carbohydrate-binding modules

Background: Derivatized celluloses, such as methylcellulose (MC) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), are of pharmaceutical importance and extensively employed in tablet matrices. Each batch of derivatized cellulose is thoroughly characterized before utilized in tablet formulations as batch-to-batch differences can affect drug release. The substitution pattern of the derivatized cellulose pol

Intraspecific Kleptoparasitism in the Common Coot (Fulica atra)

In late fall and early winter > 2,000 Common Coots (Fulica atra) may gather on the small, shallow Lake Krankesjon in southern Sweden, where they dive for submerged plants. Casual observations indicated that intraspecific kleptoparasitism was common throughout these flocks. Kleptoparasitic attacks mostly occurred shortly after a Common Coot surfaced with food and before it had ingested much of it.

Glomerular filtration rate-estimating equations for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease

Renal function is often estimated using one of several glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimating equations. However, there is no consensus which estimating equation performs best in patients with advanced renal failure. We compared the performance of five different estimated GFR (eGFR) equations [Cockcroft-Gault, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Epidemio

Familial Risks for Type 2 Diabetes in Sweden

OBJECTIVE - Our aim was to characterize familial risks for type 2 diabetes by the type and number of affected family members, including half-siblings, adoptees, and spouses, to quantify risks and estimate the contribution of environmental effect. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Families were identified from the Multigeneration Register, and type 2 diabetic patients were obtained from the Hospital Di

Expression of orphanin FQ/nociceptin and its receptor in rat peripheral ganglia and spinal cord.

Expression of the neuropeptide orphanin FQ/nociceptin (OFQ/N) and its receptor, the opioid receptor-like receptor (ORL1), have been found to have a wide distribution in the central nervous system, and in brain areas involved in sensory perception in particular. The effects of OFQ/N on, e.g., sensory transmission are very complex, and a modulatory effect on pain perception has been suggested. We th

Chondromodulin I Is Dispensable during Enchondral Ossification and Eye Development.

Chondromodulin I (chm-I), a type II transmembrane protein, is highly expressed in the avascular zones of cartilage but is downregulated in the hypertrophic region, which is invaded by blood vessels during enchondral ossification. In vitro and in vivo assays with the purified protein have shown chondrocyte-modulating and angiogenesis-inhibiting functions. To investigate chm-I function in vivo, we g

Amino acid residues His183 and Glu264 in Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase direct and facilitate the insertion of metal ion into protoporphyrin IX

Ferrochelatase catalyzes the terminal step in the heme biosynthetic pathway, i.e., the incorporation of Fe(II) into protoporphyrin IX. Various biochemical and biophysical methods have been used to probe the enzyme for metal binding residues and the location of the active site. However, the location of the metal binding site and the path of the metal into the porphyrin are still disputed. Using sit

Fish intake, mercury, long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of stroke in northern Sweden

Results of previous studies on fish intake and stroke risk have been inconclusive. Different stroke types have often not been separated. Our aim was to elucidate whether intake of fish, Hg or the sum of proportions of fatty acids EPA (20: 5n-3) and DHA (22: 6n-3) influence the risk of haemorrhagic or ischaemic stroke. Within a population-based cohort from a community intervention programme, 369 st

Physiological characterization of mBSA antigen induced arthritis in the rat. I. Vascular leakiness and pannus growth

OBJECTIVE: To study the temporal relation between vascular inflammatory activity and synovial hyperplasia during the development of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) antigen induced arthritis (AIA) in the rat, and to correlate these variables to changes in knee diameter. The influence of a single dose of indomethacin and methotrexate (MTX) on these measures was also determined. METHODS: Vascu

Photocurrent Spectra and Fast Kinetic Studies of P3HT/PCBM Mixed with a Dye for Photoconversion in the Near-IR Region

Photoconversion properties are demonstrated for a device based on a small dye molecule, absorbing light in the near-IR region, mixed with two organic charge transport materials and together forming a dye-sensitized organic bulk heterojunction. The organic dye molecule, phthalocyanine (1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octabutoxy-29H,31H-phthalocyanine), mixed with a blend of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and 1

Two 3D supramolecular architectures from zinc hydrogen aconitate 1D polymers

The reaction of Zn(NO3)(2)center dot 3(H2O) with trans-aconitic acid, in presence of chelating Lewis bases, leads to the formation of the 1D polymers [Zn(N-N)(LH)] center dot nH(2)O, where LH3 = trans-aconitic acid, 1 : N-N = 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), n = 1, 2 : N-N = 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), n = 2. 3D supramolecular assemblies are constructed through H-bonding and stacking interactions. (C) 2006

A new terrestrial Cretaceous-Paleogene site in New Zealand-turnover in macroflora confirmed by palynology

A fluvial sequence near Cave Stream (north of Castle Hill Village, central Canterbury), New Zealand, contains organically-preserved plant macrofossils (cuticles). The almost ubiquitous presence of Araucariaceae macrofossils in the lower part of the section and their stratigraphic disappearance roughly coincident with the appearance of the angiosperm leaf Dryandra comptoniaefolia and conifer taxa o

Integrin α2 and Akt in early hematopoiesis

Hematopoiesis is a tightly regulated process in which hematopoietic stem cells reside at the apex of the hierarchy, and produce all kinds of mature blood cells by differentiation to replenish the cell loss in homeostasis and acute injury. In past few decades, much effort has been made to purify hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and lineagecommitted progenitor cells both in mouse and human, enabling