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Moth and Birch

The goal of this thesis is to build a near-real time defoliation detector that could be used, early in the spring, to find out which areas of a birch forest are being affected by an insect outbreak. The importance of a reliable detection at the beginning of the spring lies on the possibility for an early intervention. The data on which the study is based is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Ind

The Elephant in the Courtroom: The Universality of Rights vs the Uniqueness of Human Animals in the Law

The elephant in the courtroom is a metaphor for the overt problem facing the human rights discourse concerning the reluctance to recognize rights beyond the human animal. The growing global development of animal rights law in both the legislature and the judiciary of many jurisdictions, exposes the ethical dilemma of human rights that has been the defining characteristic of codified rights since t

Sexsomni - en dröminvändning? - En analys av den rättsliga hanteringen gällande invändningen att den tilltalade begått våldtäkt i sömnen

Ett nytt sätt att lägga upp försvar i våldtäktsmål har dykt upp i svenska domstolar de senaste åren. Detta försvar rör invändningen om sexsomni, det vill säga att den tilltalade skulle ha utfört den sexuella handlingen i sömnen. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur invändningen hanteras rättsligt. Vidare är det att reflektera över om det finns andra lösningar, då den rättsliga hanteringen iA new defence against rape has appeared in Swedish courts in the last couple of years. This defence is based on the objection of sexsomnia, which means that the accused has performed the sexual act while asleep. This thesis aims to investigate how the objection is handled legally. Furthermore, the purpose is to analyse whether there are other solutions, since the judicial handling of sexsomnia in

Anonyma vittnen - Väger vinsten upp förlusten i rättssäkerhet?

På senare tid har ett flertal Europeiska länder infört möjligheten för vittnen att vittna anonymt. Röster höjs för att även Sverige ska införa anonyma vittnen. Dock finns starka intressen som menar att anonyma vittnen är oförenligt med rätten till en rättvis rättegång. Den här uppsatsen utreder systemet kring anonyma vittnen, motiveringen bakom varför Sverige historiskt har varit emot anonyma vittIn later years, a number of European contries have introduced the possibility for witnesses to appear in court as anonymous witnesses. Voices are now being raised in favour of Sweden doing the same. However, strong interests argue that anonymous witnesses are incompatible with the right to a fair trail. This thesis will investigate the system around anonymous witnesses, the motivation behind Swede

Estimating area of vector polygons on spherical and ellipsoidal earth models with application in estimating regional carbon flows

Estimating area of polygons on the Earth’s surface is required in many fields in earth science. In the field of carbon modelling, one application of estimating polygons’ area is to estimate carbon flows for regions. This thesis aims to develop a methodology to estimate area of a polygon on a spherical/ellipsoidal surface applied to the problem to estimate carbon flows in regions. It is common th

Assessment of Microbial Behavior in Incontinence Products using a Laboratory Scale Model

Lukten av urin kan nog många känna igen men för vissa, de som använder sig av inkontinensskydd, kan det vara kopplat till en oro att det kommer från en själv. Bakterier som vi har naturligt på kroppen kan ha en roll i möjlig luktutveckling när man använder sig av inkontinensskydd. Frågan är då om och i sådana fall hur denna lukt utvecklas från bakterier i inkontinensskydd? För att ta reda på det sUrinary Incontinence is a problem for many people which can give rise to both psychological and social issues. To their aid there are a range of incontinence products available in retail today. A customer concern is however possible malodor formation. Studies have shown that both urine and the bacterial flora can contribute to malodor but the impact of microbial behavior in incontinence products o

Airline alliances - A legal way of restricting competition?

Konkurrensbegränsande avtal är förbjudna under Europeiska Unionens konkurrensrättsliga regleringar. Art. 101 i EUF-fördraget förbjuder alla avtal vars syfte är att begränsa konkurrensen inom den inre marknaden. Flygbolagsindustrin är kännetecknad av en stor mängd samarbetsavtal mellan flygbolag, där särskilda avtal innebär integrerade samarbeten. Det huvudsakliga syftet med dessa avtal är att begrCompetition law within the European Union prohibits any agreements that restrict competition. When an agreement has as its object to eliminate competition such an agreement will be considered as an infringement of Art. 101 TFEU. The airline industry consists of various cooperation agreements between airlines, some of these agreements create highly integrated joint ventures and the main object of a

Estimation of Premorbid Intellectual Function in Patients with Mild Cognitive Symptoms using the NART-SWE

The purpose of this study was to investigate the utility of the National Adult Reading Test - Swedish Version (NART-SWE; Rolstad et al., 2008) in estimating premorbid intelligence for patients with mild cognitive symptoms. Patients with cognitive complaints were recruited from three Memory Clinics in Skåne as a part of the TIDIS project. Initially, a senior neuropsychologist made an estimation of

Emotional Landscapes - En explorativ undersökning av människans samspel med Värnhemstorget i Malmö

The aim of this thesis is to explore how people interact with their environment. With increasing urbanization, cities are under more pressure to accommodate the needs of their inhabitants. Influenced by the sustainability discourse and the challenges of an increasing urban population, the outcome in many cases is densification. However, urban transformation also involves another discourse, that of

Magasin 405 – en transformation av historisk byggnad vid nyexploatering

The thesis aims to investigate how a transformation, possible extension, and change of use of an historical building can strengthen the connection to the site’s history and contribute a richer variation and new qualities to a development area. This is done by making a design proposal for a current transformation project called Magasin 405. Magasin 405 is a port warehouse in Oceanhamnen at the cent

Sverigedemokraterna och Dansk Folkeparti : samma politiska åsikter?

I svensk vardag är det vanligt att Dansk Folkeparti och Sverigedemokraterna liknas vid varandra till den grad att de ses som en dansk och svensk version av samma parti. Detta trots att partierna har betydande skillnader i sin historia. Deras historia skiljer sig både i sådant som partiernas uppkomst och i sådant som faktiskt deltagande i politiska beslut. Denna skillnad är dock inget som hindrar d

Unattended Home Delivery of Food - Is It Possible to Accomplish with a New Delivery Solution?

Matvaruhandeln på nätet växer och en stor del av matvaruinköpen online levereras med hemleverans. Den hemleveransmodell som idag används i störst utsträckning låter kunderna välja ett tidsfönster för när de vill ha sin leverans. Det innebär att rutterna måste anpassas efter olika tidsfönster, vilket resulterar i ineffektivitet och låg fyllnadsgrad i lastbilarna. Detta, i sin tur, gör att leveranseThe online market for groceries is continuously growing. Many of the online grocery purchases are home delivered, and the model that is currently the most commonly used allows the customer to pick a delivery time slot. This means that the delivery routes must be adapted according to time windows, which results in inefficient routes, a lot of half-empty vehicles, and hence in costly deliveries for

Groupthink in Boardrooms: Harmonious or Hazardous? The impact of groupthink on board directors in the strategic decision making process.

The interest for corporate governance as a research subject has surged over the past decades as a result of a number of publicised corporate scandals. These events highlighted the substantial impact that poor decision making at board level can have on a firm and its stakeholders. In an effort to counter the threat of dysfunctional boards, stricter corporate governance regulations have been enforce

Sharp Edge Cutting through Paperboard

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the micro mechanical damage and the failure of paperboard during sharp edge cutting. Tetra Pak is at the very forefront of the food packaging industry and in order to keep this market position, continuous improvements are of great importance. Increased understanding of paperboard behaviour is a driving factor for these improvements, since it enables more ac

Ambidextrous product development - An investigation into the tension between exploration and exploitation

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what drives the tension between exploration and exploitation in a product development process (PDP) as well as trying to understand if and how it can be managed. Research questions: What drives the tension between exploration and exploitation in a product development process? How can the tension between exploration and exploitation be managed in

Undersökning och framtagning av hårdvara för ONE Demand

This thesis was done in collaboration with, and on behalf of, One Nordic AB. The purpose was to examine the system One Demand, a system used for sampling measurement data, to begin the development of a new version of the system. The new system is comprised of two parts, a central unit and a graphical user interface. The first step was to find a single board computer, on which the computer program

Reducing lead time during installation projects through Continuous Improvement and Early Management

Problem: Tetra Paks strategi är att expandera World Class Manufacturing(WCM) från produktionen till att täcka installationsprojekt för att reducera dess ledtid. Det finns dock en stor utmaning för att utföra detta, då flera avdelningar är inblandade samt osäkerheterna kring att installationerna utförs ute hos kund. Frågan är därför; hur kan Tetra Pak använda Early Management metodologi från WCM föProblem: Tetra Pak’s strategy is to expand World Class Manufacturing (WCM) from manufacturing to installation projects in order to reduce the installation lead time. There is a challenge in the WCM implementation since it requires a cross-functional approach and uncertainties with the installation projects being at customer’s site. The question at hand is; how can Tetra Pak use the Early Managemen

To commit or not commit

Title: To commit or not commit: An examination of employee commitment towards organizational CSR initiatives Course: BUSN39 Business Administration: Global Marketing Authors: Luis Ibbeken & Oliver Åkerman Key Words: Employee´s CSR commitment; employee´s CSR communication; organizational culture; internal CSR; internal communication; training & education; leadership; IKEA; home furnishi

Norm critical pedagogy in the second language classroom

English as a second language (ESL) classrooms in Sweden constitute multicultural and social platforms where different language backgrounds and attitudes meet and where norms intersect, are contested and negotiated, creating possibilities for some, but limitations for others. The Swedish National Agency for Education promotes norm critical pedagogy (NCP) as a means to tackle degrading treatment and