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IT Dependability Management in Governmental Organisations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur kan svenska myndigheter förbereda sig för att hantera nästa kris när det gäller tillgängligheten av deras mest kritiska informationssystem? Det är den centrala frågan i denna avhandling. Svenska myndigheter och kommuner har en central roll i det svenska krishanteringssystemet. Givetvis är svenska kommunala och statliga verksamheter väldigt beroende av IT-system. SjAs our dependence on IT systems increases, evaluating the dependability of critical IT systems becomes more important. This is especially true for systems that are critical in a crisis situation and whose dependability is an important factor in an organisation's capability to resolve a crisis. Because crisis situations are typically rare events, both the dependability and the criticality of IT sys

Insect density-plant density relationships: a modified view of insect responses to resource concentrations

Habitat area is an important predictor of spatial variation in animal densities. However, the area often correlates with the quantity of resources within habitats, complicating our understanding of the factors shaping animal distributions. We addressed this problem by investigating densities of insect herbivores in habitat patches with a constant area but varying numbers of plants. Using a mathema

Symptoms and aspects on eosinophil activity in allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is a major atopic disease. Even if much is known about the pathophysiology of this condition, and despite the fact that good treatments are available, there is a need for new treatment options, particularly for such aiming at new targets and reduced side effects. Recruitment and activation of eosinophils is a key feature of allergic rhinitis. Eosinophils have different activatio

Housing and Health: Very Old People with Self-Reported Parkinson's Disease versus Controls.

Objectives. To explore whether aspects of housing and health among very old people with self-reported Parkinson's disease (PD) differ from matched controls. Methods. Data from the ENABLE-AGE Survey Study were used to identify people with self-reported PD (n = 20) and three matched controls/individual (n = 60). The matching criteria were age (mean = 82 years), sex, country, and type of housing. The

Food web framework for size-structured populations.

We synthesise traditional unstructured food webs, allometric body size scaling, trait-based modelling, and physiologically structured modelling to provide a novel and ecologically relevant tool for size-structured food webs. The framework allows food web models to include ontogenetic growth and life-history omnivory at the individual level by resolving the population structure of each species as a

Buprenorphine maintenance program with contracted work/education and low tolerance for non-prescribed drug use: a cohort study of outcome for women and men after seven years.

BackgroundA seven-year follow-up of heroin dependent patients treated in a buprenorphine-maintenance program combining contracted work/education and low tolerance for non-prescribed drug use. Gender-specific differences in outcome were analysed. MethodsA consecutively admitted cohort of 135 men and 35 women, with eight years of heroin abuse/dependence on average was admitted to enhanced buprenorph

Laser-induced breakdown flame thermometry

The determination of temperature distribution is an essential task when flames are characterized. We propose a new approach for flame thermometry based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) utilizing the temperature dependency of the breakdown threshold laser pulse energy. Calibration measurements are carried out in heated gas flows and post-combustion gases. Compositional effects on the

Waste Heat Recovery from Multiple Heat Sources in a HD Truck Diesel Engine Using a Rankine Cycle - A Theoretical Evaluation

Few previous publications investigate the possibility of combining multiple waste heat sources in a combustion engine waste heat recovery system. A waste heat recovery system for a HD truck diesel engine is evaluated for utilizing multiple heat sources found in a conventional HD diesel engine. In this type of engine more than 50% of heat energy goes futile. The majority of the heat energy is lost

The Gaia-ESO Survey: the first abundance determination of the pre-main-sequence cluster gamma Velorum

Context. Knowledge of the abundance distribution of star forming regions and young clusters is critical to investigate a variety of issues, from triggered star formation and chemical enrichment by nearby supernova explosions to the ability to form planetary systems. In spite of this, detailed abundance studies are currently available for relatively few regions. Aims. In this context, we present th

A laboratory validation study of comfort and limit temperatures of four sleeping bags defined according to EN 13537 (2002)

In this study, we validated comfort and limit temperatures of four sleeping bags with different levels of insulation defined according to EN 13537. Six male subjects and four female subjects underwent totally 20 two-hour exposures in four sleeping bags at four intended testing temperatures: 11.2, 3.8, 2.1 and -9.0 degrees C. The subjective perceptions and physiological responses of these subjects

Effects of slash retention and wood ash addition on fine root biomass and production and fungal mycelium in a Norway spruce stand in SW Sweden

In the study reported here we examined the short-term effects (1-3 years) of slash retention (SR) and the long-term effects (13-15 years) of wood-ash application (A) on fine roots and mycorrhizae in a 40-year-old Norway spruce forest in southwest Sweden. Soil cores were used to obtain estimates of the biomass (g m(-2)) of roots in three diameter classes (< 0.5, 0.5-1 and 1-2 mm), root length densi

Early clinical outcome of aortic transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation in the Nordic countries

Objective: Transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation has emerged as an option, in addition to reoperative surgical aortic valve replacement, to treat failed biologic heart valve substitutes. However, the clinical experience with this approach is still limited. We report the comprehensive experience of transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation in the Nordic countries from May 2008 to January 2012.

Post-genomic insights into the plant polysaccharide degradation potential of Aspergillus nidulans and comparison to Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae

The plant polysaccharide degradative potential of Aspergillus nidulans was analysed in detail and compared to that of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae using a combination of bioinformatics, physiology and transcriptomics. Manual verification indicated that 28.4% of the A. nidulans ORFs analysed in this study do not contain a secretion signal, of which 40% may be secreted through a non-clas

Recurrent acute otitis media - aetiology, diagnostics and prevention

Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut mediaotit - öroninflammation - är den vanligaste bakteriella infektionen hos barn. Den vanligaste öroninflammationsbakterien är pneumokocken. Öroninflammation är en infektion som varierar stort i svårighetsgrad; medan många öroninflammationer läker utan behandling kan andra ge upphov till livshotande komplikationer. Eftersom självläkningsfrekvensen är ganska hög oAcute otitis media (AOM) is the most common bacterial infection in children. The clinical course varies from spontaneous recovery to life-threatening complications, and this variability mainly depends on the causative pathogen. Bacteria usually invade the middle ear from the nasopharynx, where they are carried frequently, both during sickness and health. The most common bacterium to cause AOM, and

Effective pseudopotential for energy density functionals with higher-order derivatives

We derive a zero-range pseudopotential that includes all possible terms up to sixth order in derivatives. Within the Hartree-Fock approximation, it gives the average energy that corresponds to a quasilocal nuclear energy density functional (EDF) built of derivatives of the one-body density matrix up to sixth order. The direct reference of the EDF to the pseudopotential acts as a constraint that di

Body mass changes in a biparental incubator: the Redshank Tringa totanus

Incubation is a period of high energetic costs and accordingly body mass losses are often detected. Why birds lose body mass during incubation is not well understood; suggestions are that it is either a consequence of energetic constraints or adaptations to an optimal mass trajectory. We studied body mass changes through the incubation period in the Common Redshank Tringa totanus, a biparental inc

Cultured Mast Cells from Patients with Asthma and Controls Respond with Similar Sensitivity to Recombinant Der P2-Induced, IgE-Mediated Activation

The function of cultured mast cells may depend on genetic or environmental influence on the stem cell donor. This study investigates whether asthma or atopy in the donor influenced the growth and sensitivity of mast cells cultured from patients with asthma and healthy controls under identical conditions. Mast cells were cultured from peripheral blood from twelve patients with an objectively confir

Nonprofit Organizations Shaping the Market of Supplies

The role of not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) and their relationships with various partners within humanitarian aid networks have hitherto been researched only to a limited extent. Formation of interdependencies between actors in humanitarian networks and the implications on societal outcomes require more research. In the nonprofit – for profit domain the former organizations are usually seen as